16) with these beads, 3 silver cockle shells U. U7910 8000
17) copper pin, ball head, l. 0195, complete. U.8014
18) copper pin with lapis gold & carnelian head, shaft broken. U.8016
19) lapis cylinder seal, large. U.8006
20) shell statuette of seated bull U8007 U.8033
21) v. large ribbed lapis bead w gold caps. U.8004
22) string of v. big carnelian bugles, 4 side by side
or 3 & one gold on - outside, perhaps separated
by v. big lapis balls U.8011, 8012
23) string of small carnelian & agate bugles w gold
between U.8018
24) gold bead w a bird seated on it &.8005
25) v. small shell & lapis beads. U8008, 8009
26) gold chain w beads o lapis on it U.8002
27) string of small carenlian & gold ball beads. U8018
28) small copper pin w lapis head, l.009 U.8015
29) large silver plaque U.8007
30) 2 squares, black & white, inlaid with 5 dots U.8020
31) fragments of a cuttlefish bone U 8021