Omeka ID: 4920     


Room 23

hinge-stone of URENGUR [= Ur-Namma, U 422]. It is possible that the hinge stone, threshold & frame-support belong to an earlier date than the main wall. The threshold + a bit of floor to the W of it [?] level up with the broken floor level that runs over the other door stone (see drawing) + in that case certainly do not belong to the standing main wall, though this must correspond to the lines of the earlier. The fact that the founds of the NE & SW walls are at a higher level than the threshold makes this more certain. But in the lowest course of the SE wall there is not that use of bitumen mortar which one expects with URENGUR [= Ur-Namma] Safe to say: the eastern (uninscribed) socket is earlier than the URENGUR socket + the masonry connected with it, + is later than the mudbrick wall. The URENGUR socket is probably earlier than the existing brick walls. The impost [continues on page ??]

[entire paragraph struck through]

Omeka Label: Ur_Notes_v4_p181     
BM Volume: 4     
BM Page Number: 180     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 181     
Volume: v4     
BM Archive Number: 194     
BM Description: TTB-Room_23     
Omeka Tags: TTB     
Omeka Type: 27     

Locations: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
TTB TTB is shorthand for Trial Trench B, one of two trenches excavated in Woolley's first season at Ur in 1922. This one was about 4 meters wide by about 60 meters long and ended up almost entirely within the e-nun-mah, a building that went through many forms over the centuries. The trench was expanded to reveal the building and extra abbreviations were added to it to indicate portions, roughly in directional notation from the main trench. The trench cut the building close to the west corner and TTB.W became the abbreviation for this area beyond the trench itself. TTB.SS and TTB.ES covered the larger area to the south and east. The abbreviation ES was then used in later seasons to refer to the majority of the building and a small portion of the area to the south of it. The enunmah itself was a complicated structure that seems to have changed function from storeroom (originally called the ganunmah) to temple through its long history. Woolley began assigning room numbers within the abbreviation TTB, but these excavation room numbers do not correlate precisely with the published room numbers. (none)
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