Omeka ID: 3293     

G 211 (6) A.H. House XVIII

In the grave

U.16.777 (13) In no order 8 shell rings diams. 0025

U.16. 776 (14) Round foot a copper bangle circular d. 011 thickness of metal 0007

U.16.778 (15) A Pair of 3 finger(?) rings d 0018

U.16.774 (16) In the earth by the feet a number of beads, carnelian balls, agate & lapis lazuli barrels

U. 16. 771 (17) A copper tumbler Rim 008 Ht 008 Base 003 Distorted

[Drawing (Artifact: pot) labeled: CCXLIX not RC]

Omeka Label: Ur_Notes_v3_p170     
BM Volume: 3     
BM Page Number: 169     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 170     
Volume: v3     
BM Archive Number: 194     
BM Description: AH-G211-House_18     
Omeka Tags: AH, drawing, G211, House 18, U.16771, U.16774, U.16776, U.16777, U.16778     
Omeka Type: 17     

Objects: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
16774 (none) (none) (none) Beads: carnelian balls; 1 large carnelian lentoid; 1 agate barrel; 2 flattened calcite lentoids.
16776 (none) 1931,1010.285 (none) Copper ring. Circular. Ends slightly overlapping.
16771 31-43-509 (none) (none) Copper tumbler. [drawing]
  • 3 Objects

Locations: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV


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Excavation Context: Ur >> AH Site | AH >> House XVIII


Woolley's Field Note Cards