Omeka ID: 3231     

G154 [=LG/38] House D XVII AH Room 2

Inside the shell lamp? a number of objects

(1) An unfinished cylinder seal L 003 g d 0022 preliminary cutting for a few figs. Shell of same quality as the conche

(2) A miniature adze spear with turned over tang bronze thus [drawing (artifact: tool or weapon)]

All of copper (3). (4). (5). similar to (2) U.16.699

(6) A miniature axe [drawing (artifact: tool or weapon)] with frag of bone(?) handle inside turned over tang

(7) similar to (6)

(8) corroded together 3 copper implements one type thus [drawing (artifact: tool)] form of the other 2 doubtful (9) a barbed ? blade distorted thus [drawing (artifact: tool)]

Omeka Label: Ur_Notes_v3_p111     
BM Volume: 3     
BM Page Number: 110     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 111     
Volume: v3     
BM Archive Number: 194     
BM Description: AH-G154-LG38-House_D-House_17-Room_2     
Omeka Tags: AH, drawing, G154, House 17, tool, U.16699     
Omeka Type: 17     

Objects: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
16699G (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-H] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699A (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699B (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699C (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699D (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699E (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699F (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699H (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
  • 8 Objects

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Excavation Context: Ur >> AH Site | AH >> House XVII


Woolley's Field Note Cards