Omeka ID: 2919     

Pg 777

25)Beads gold ring, spacers, older carnelian & lapis apparently thus U.9783 [drawing (artifact:jewelry)]

By them a silver head ornament with tips of string of lapis blue ball beads all over & under them a [?mass?] of very thin silver hopelessly decayed

Another string with lapis lazuli, [?], & gold & silver: - gold was then [?placed?] over copper apparently leaves & flowers thus (?) also double bugle [?] silver [?] rosettes [drawing (artifact: jewelry) labeled U.9787] & little circles of silver with wch may also have belonged to the string (with silver head ornament) U.9786

Omeka Label: Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p206     
BM Page Number: 207     
BM Volume: 10     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 206     
BM PG Number: PG777     
BM Archive Number: 194     
Omeka Tags: drawing, jewelry, PG777, Royal Cemetery, U.9783, U.9785, U.9786, U.9787     
Omeka Type: 22     
Grave # Range: 686-777     

Objects: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
9786B (none) 1928,1010.698 (none) [A-B] Silver wire ornaments Apparently 7, of which 6 are whole or nearly so [drawing] They seem to have been connected with silver headdress 9785, with which they were found, and might have been attached to a narrow silver ribbon found with it, or to the string of very small beads: they were not with the gold rings
9783 (none) (none) B17677 Beads 14 gold ring spacers and a quantity of small lapis beads and carnelian rings: for order see Field Notes. With them are mixed the smaller lapis beads mentioned in the Field Notes as probably belonging to the headdress. [drawing 1:1]
9785 (none) (none) B17005 Silver Head Ornament shaped as a lotus(?) flower with long stem and 7 points (petals?) tipped with lapis balls. Broken a few bits missing. [drawing]
9786A (none) (none) B17000 [A-B] Silver wire ornaments Apparently 7, of which 6 are whole or nearly so [drawing] They seem to have been connected with silver headdress 9785, with which they were found, and might have been attached to a narrow silver ribbon found with it, or to the string of very small beads: they were not with the gold rings
9787 (none) (none) B17588 Gilt Ornaments. Short copper rods, 006 long, originally encased with very thin gold. Some of these had attached to one end of them 2 small gold leaves: others had a gold flower rosette and the gold leaf had come off. Probably part of the head ornament 9785. Others had a rim round the stem near but not at the end: and there were found fragments of hollow gold leaf-like balls which may have gone above these so as rather to resemble a pomegranate. The copper stems were pierced with very small holes 0005 apart so must have served as spacers for beads, or else been sewn onto something. One of the gold flowers was fixed to a double silver bead, and to one also silver rosettes were similarly attached. [additional drawing on back of card] [drawing]
  • 5 Objects

Locations: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
PG/777 A built chamber tomb with a collapsed dome, it had been robbed in antiquity but some artifacts remained along the walls. The collapsed roof of this tomb was first seen in Trial Trench E but the grave was fully excavated after the trial trenches had been opened into a larger area. This led to the discovery of a small trenched area next to the chamber that contained three skeletons, and an approach or dromos that contained another. These Woolley took to be the guards of the tomb in a small 'death pit'. There were two chambers inside the tomb, and the outer held the remains of four more people, possibly servants, while the inner may have held the royal personage. (none)
  • 1 Location