Omeka ID: 2907     

NE Chamber Pg 777

(2) - (5) Copper vessels all badly smashed

6, 7, Copper spear butts, hollow socketed U.9963 (2 more found later)

8) Copper pins, bent, with ball head U.9964

9) by - remains o a skull, some lapis double conoid beads & U.9965

10) a broken silver ear-ring - a second was found fairly close to it but higher up U.9966

No 2 was apparently [drawing (artifact: metal vessel) labeled I] a broad rimmed pot, copper, ht circ 010, rim c 030 ; No 3 was similar, 040 diam

No 4 was [drawing (artifact: metal vessel) labeled XXIII] the pail type, large but all broken up

No 5 was too much broken up to be repaired at all

Human teeth & the remains apparently of a second skull with which were more lapis beads & a silver pin much decayed & a quantity of [?shapeless?] also were found by & water the copper pot 4

Omeka Label: Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p194     
BM Page Number: 195     
BM Volume: 10     
Media Title: Woolley's Field Note Cards     
Page Number: 194     
BM PG Number: PG777     
BM Archive Number: 194     
Omeka Tags: drawing, PG777, Royal Cemetery, U.9963, U.9964, U.9965, U.9966     
Omeka Type: 22     
Grave # Range: 686-777     

Objects: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
9963A (none) 1928,1010.331 (none) [A-D] Copper spear butts (?) 4 The lower part is solid and seems to be cast: the upper part was made hollow and open down one side: the wooden shaft was inserted, the open sides brought together over it, so as to overlap and then secured by copper nails driven through the wood. [drawing]
9963B (none) (none) B17333 [A-D] Copper spear butts (?) (4) The lower part is solid and seems to be cast: the upper part was made hollow and open down one side: the wooden shaft was inserted, the open sides brought together over it, so as to overlap and then secured by copper nails driven through the wood. [drawing]
9963C (none) (none) B17335 [A-D] Copper spear butts (?) (4) The lower part is solid and seems to be cast: the upper part was made hollow and open down one side: the wooden shaft was inserted, the open sides brought together over it, so as to overlap and then secured by copper nails driven through the wood. [drawing]
9963D (none) (none) (none) [A-D] Copper spear butts (?) (4) The lower part is solid and seems to be cast: the upper part was made hollow and open down one side: the wooden shaft was inserted, the open sides brought together over it, so as to overlap and then secured by copper nails driven through the wood. [drawing]
9964 (none) (none) B16996 Copper pin. Bent shaft, lapis head. Type VI.
9965 (none) (none) (none) Beads. Lapis. Double conoids.
9966 (none) (none) (none) A number of Silver earrings.
  • 7 Objects

Locations: Woolley's Field Note Cards | Woolley's Field Note Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
PG/777 A built chamber tomb with a collapsed dome, it had been robbed in antiquity but some artifacts remained along the walls. The collapsed roof of this tomb was first seen in Trial Trench E but the grave was fully excavated after the trial trenches had been opened into a larger area. This led to the discovery of a small trenched area next to the chamber that contained three skeletons, and an approach or dromos that contained another. These Woolley took to be the guards of the tomb in a small 'death pit'. There were two chambers inside the tomb, and the outer held the remains of four more people, possibly servants, while the inner may have held the royal personage. (none)
  • 1 Location