Transcription: Moulded plaque, placed on a chair when still. Moist. Dressed, clasped, seated: votive figure placed on a chair w. a high back- broken off- only the feet of the seat are left. The little fig was placed- and forced- on the chair when still moist - The feet are not reaching to the ground. Hair parted, waved, tied w a band with locks escaping on either side over earrings, and hanging on     
Field Number: 1216     
Transcribed Context: Dq.     
Transcribed Catalogue Number: 27     
Transcribed Museum Number: 15636     
Field Photo Number: 189     
Transcribed Measurements: 55x28mm     
Legrain Card Includes Photo: No     
Legrain Card Includes Drawing: No     

Objects: Leon Legrain Note Card Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
1216 (none) (none) B15636 Small terracotta moulded relief, the lower end bent forward. Female figure possibly goddess, with elaborate headdress, wearing long flounced robe, hands clasped at waist. [drawing]
  • 1 Object