Transcription: [61 circled upper top of note] Moulded plaque 2 feet support at back. Seated. goddess. clasped. 7 tiers kaunakes robe-sleeves- Horned mitre-Locks on shoulders. Braids Lunate earrings-Bracelets     
Field Number: 7539     
Transcribed Context: Dq.     
Transcribed Museum Number: 17206     
Field Photo Number: 813     
Transcribed Measurements: 95x40mm     
Legrain Card Includes Photo: Yes     
Legrain Card Includes Drawing: No     

Objects: Leon Legrain Note Card Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7539 (none) (none) B17206 Terracotta figurine. Enthroned goddess wearing flounced kaunakes dress, high horned headdress, hair hangs below shoulders and ends in a curl. Both hands clasped over waist. High horned headdress rising in tiers. Throne has a straight back to it.. Behind the seat at an angle of 45 degrees to it are two fragmentary legs protruding well behind the plaque os that the plaque could have originally stood vertically, supported by its props on the table. On either side of the headdress horns and from either side of the top cow's ears. [drawing 1:3]
  • 1 Object