| 7582 | (none) | 1928,1009.464 | (none) | Terracotta plaque. Cast from mould of a deity in an arched shrine. [Drawing 1:1] Sides of the shrine are formed of two columns, the shafts covered with rows of minute dots in relief, the capitals squared and decorated with a rosette. The arched supported by them is rather flat, the sides of the soffit straight below but curved in the centre: the straight sides make an angle of 135 degrees, the central curve corresponds to a segmental swelling in the face the crown of the arch. On this face of the arch are two rows of lines, resembling brickwork; on the segmental swelling these are radial, on the straight sides at right angles to the soffit. Above the arch is a flat calathus-shaped drama with 2 smaller rings above. The figure it shown full face. The impression from the mould is bad especially in the middle of the figure which projects considerably; here are all detail is missing. It is difficult to say whether the figure is intended to be seated or standing. The face, full and oval, has no beard and is presumably that of a female; the hair is lost against the crown of the arch. The drapery is shown by a series of crescent-shaped curves, rather sharply pointed over the breast and fuller and rounder below; it starts high on the neck and comes low down, covering the feet if the figure is meant to be seated, reaching halfway down the calf as if it is standing; below the last curve vertical rows of small dots (like those on the columns) cover the whole field; these might be the skirt of an undergarment (if the figure is standing) or might represent the floor under a seated figure. From the defaced middle part of the body there rise, in high relief against the drapery, two pointed objects; these look at first sight like the ends of a short stole; but they are more probably attributes held in the two hands - but neither hands nor arms are visible on the relief. On either side of the figure, between it and the columns, is a vertical band of circular rosettes, with a similar rosette on each shoulder; a narrow band in relief, running along their inner edge, connects theese and seems to pass behind the head (as though the two small sections of it between the last rosettes and the ears might alternatively be earrings or the ends of culs): the effect is that of a garland festooned below the arch. A row of dots in high relief, running right across the plaque below the column bases, forms the ground of the relief. [drawing 1:1] |