Context Title: NNCF1     
Context Name (Excavation): North of Nebuchadnezzar's Corner Fort     
Context Description: This area lies beyond (north/northwest of) Nebuchadnezzar's corner fort (NCF) at the west corner of the temenos wall. In seasons 10 and 11 the area was somewhat systematically excavated, initially creating a shallow trench from the northwest terrace and temenos wall almost to the city wall some 100 meters away. According to the 1932 reports, it was "enlarged into a regular excavation covering the area of a number of houses," and this expansion was continued in season 11. Excavations were taken through Persian (mostly surface) level down only a small depth to relatively well preserved house remains of the late Kassite and Neo-Babylonian periods. Many of the houses had graves under their floors. Woolley did not map or record the houses or graves, saying in his Antiquaries Journal report for 1932 (p.390): "They produced no objects of importance, but the graves did yield a certain number of glazed vases, beads and seals." Publication does not do justice to the extent of this excavation area. Only XNCF, a smaller excavation of domestic space along the NW temenos is published in UE8 and that in only a few paragraphs.     
[1] .

Objects: NNCF Export: JSON - XML - CSV Clay Seals and Sealings

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
18111B 32-40-332 (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian rings: amethyst double conoids, agate date-shaped and flat oval; blue paste date shaped; agate cylindrical; oval domical agate, large shell cylinder with roughly engraved winged gryphon? And minute carnelian balls, also [B] cylinder seal, glazed frit; a scorpion and a winged gryphon. Also fragments of a [C] copper fibula, bow type.
181244AO 32-40-386 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124A 32-40-346 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AA 32-40-372 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AB 32-40-373 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AC 32-40-374 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AD 32-40-375 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AE 32-40-376 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AF 32-40-377 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AG 32-40-378 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AH 32-40-379 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AI 32-40-380 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AJ 32-40-381 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AK 32-40-382 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AL 32-40-383 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AM 32-40-384 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AN 32-40-385 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AP 32-40-387 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AQ 32-40-388 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AR 32-40-389 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AS 32-40-390 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AT 32-40-391 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AU 32-40-392 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AV 32-40-393 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
18124AW 32-40-394 (none) (none) [A-DK] Seal impressions. A large collection, giving impressions (baked) of Greek, Persian and Babylonian gems. Green coins, etc. (See separate notes)
  • Page 1 of 3
  • 25 of 74 Objects

Media: NNCF Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations IX; The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods Ur Excavations IX; The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods 1962 Woolley, L. and Mallowan, Max (none)
Ur Excavations VIII; The Kassite Period and the period of the Assyrian Kings Ur Excavations VIII; The Kassite Period and the period of the Assyrian Kings 1965 Woolley, Leonard (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur_Notes_v2_p028 Ur_Notes_v2_p028 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur_Notes_v2_p029 Ur_Notes_v2_p029 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur_Notes_v2_p046 Ur_Notes_v2_p046 (none)
  • 5 Media

Child Locations

House 4 - NNCFG/1 - Northeast - Room C6 - Southwest