This category includes objects with two pointed ends that are bent.  

Objects: Holdfasts and Staples Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
(none) (none) 1927,0527.110 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1927,0527.90 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1928,1010.144 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1933,1013.46 (none) (none)
12109 (none) (none) (none) Copper Cramp. Body of cramp shaped like a V with hoop shaped top and at right angles to it and welded onto it a second hoop. [drawing not to scale]
12707L (none) (none) (none) Group: [A] (1) Stone vase, white calcite. For type see field ntoes. [Type] LXXVI. [B] (2) Stone bowl, white calcite. Broken badly. Type XIX. [C] (3) Copper lamp normal type cut as a shell. L. 140mm. L. of spout 100mm with ring at end for suspension. [D] (4) Beads. Carnelian rings probably a bracelet with thin silver wire bracelets elliptical, broken and decayed. [E] (5) Silver wire finger ring. [F] (6) Frontlet of beads. 1 lapis bugle and 2 carnelian bugles [G] (7) Cylinder seal. Shell. Much decayed. [H] (8) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli originally suspended on a silver wire. Subject. [I] (9) Copper strainer. Corroded with it. Normal type. [J] (10) A copper tumbler. Straight sided [Type] LVII. [K] (11) Copper axe type XXI. [L] (12) Copper holdfasts. Croquet hook type. [drawing] [M] (13) Copper pin. Type V B. Lapis ball head corroded with: [N] 14) Copper dagger type II B.
16243A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Copper staples. Two. Found with remains of wooden beams or poles running through them. [drawing]
16243B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Copper staples. Two. Found with remains of wooden beams or poles running through them. [drawing]
3140 (none) 1927,1003.100 (none) Copper staple. With eye presumably for suspension [drawing 1:1]
3241 (none) (none) (none) Bronze staple. Ends broken off. [drawing 1:1]
3303 (none) 1927,1003.99 (none) Copper staple or rivet. With eye at top; use doubtless similar to that of a ring bolt. [drawing 1:1]
3305 (none) 1927,1003.113 (none) Silver cup. Straight-sided cup of silver alloyed with copper and ornamented. Type sketch 1:1. in Cat. In text: kassite period(16) [drawing 1:1]
3344 (none) (none) (none) Copper staple. Somewhat blistered but strong. [drawing 1:1]
6639C (none) 1927,0527.77 (none) Group of silver staves with wooden core inside A-Y.
6639D (none) 1927,0527.78 (none) Group of silver staves with wooden core inside A-Y.
6639F (none) 1927,0527.79 (none) Group of silver staves with wooden core inside A-Y.
6643 (none) (none) (none) Hasp. Bronze? Fragment. E.
6657A (none) 1927,0527.116 (none) Copper? Handles? Arched. Rounded tops and nail head bases. E. [drawing 1:2]
6657B (none) (none) B16434 Copper? Handles? Arched. Rounded tops and nail head bases. E. Philadelphia? [drawing 1:2]
6968A (none) (none) B16218 (A) Copper statuette the basket carrier. Dungi's time. Text: Dim-tab-ta Temple(2) [drawing] (B) Uninscribed diorite tablet. Dungi's time. Text: Dim-tab-ta Temple(2) [drawing]
8460 (none) 1928,1009.335 (none) Copper staple Shaped like a crotchy [croquet] hoop with end of legs slightly turned up.
8477A (none) (none) B17392 [A-D] 4 copper staples. Made from a single piece of copper bent to form an arch, ends overlap at bottom [drawing] c. 1:1
8477B (none) (none) (none) [A-D] 4 copper staples. Made from a single piece of copper bent to form an arch, ends overlap at bottom [drawing] c. 1:1
8477C (none) (none) (none) [A-D] 4 copper staples. Made from a single piece of copper bent to form an arch, ends overlap at bottom [drawing] c. 1:1
8477D (none) (none) (none) [A-D] 4 copper staples. Made from a single piece of copper bent to form an arch, ends overlap at bottom [drawing] c. 1:1
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