
Ultra-Low Chronology

Short/Low Chronology: 2800-2500 BCE

Middle Chronology: 2900-2600 BCE

Long/High Chronology: 


Objects: EDI-II Export: JSON - XML - CSV Clay Seals and Sealings

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
11680 31-16-630 (none) (none) Clay Seal Impressions on lamp or tablet. with geometrical design spread eagle, star, sun? (like sign UD) angular man(?) carrying pot, and other things.
14103 37-7-103 (none) (none) Seal impressions. Three more impressions from the same cylinder as 13970 adding a new city ideogram and some other signs and ornaments.. HC.218 UET II: 332).
14841A (none) 1930,1213.41 (none) [A-B] Jar-sealings. Two pieces. Perhaps belonging together scratched with signs. HC.2038.
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