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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
1011 (none) (none) B15185 Terracotta relief. Moulded. Whitish clay. Male figure, bearded, with horned cap and vertically pleated skirt, showing left knee, cloak over shoulders: bull's ears. Left hand against body, right carries object like axe. Broken at knees.
1244 (none) 1924,0920.96 (none) Upper part terracotta relief of a god with horned headdress carrying curved weapon upon right shoulder.
1307 (none) 1924,0920.112 (none) Upper part of clay relief showing a god with horned headdress and curved staff over left shoulder standing between 2 tall symbols on poles, or weapons.
1762 (none) (none) B15650 Terracotta relief. Red clay. Moulded. Bearded figure, full face. On head, high horned cap (chipped), long curls on shoulder, bull's ears: dress presumably sheepskin queerly treated with lobes in relief: right hand holds mace to shoulder left hand apparently an axe of this type. Broken at waist.
3283 (none) 1927,1003.165 (none) Terracotta figurine. Bearded god with prominent breasts: modelling fine. [drawing 1:1]
8556 (none) (none) B17205 Terra cotta relief A god, head full face, body profile left, seated on a ram. Flat rimmed cap, beard elaborately curled: right hand extended open, left holding whip: long open cloak to ankles. Fine example. [drawing 1:1]
(none) 31-16-825 (none) (none) [Unknown]
17160 31-43-442 (none) (none) Terracotta relief of bearded man standing full faced with clasped hands. Wearing a long flounced garment. (A) Complete, but face broken away. [drawing]
16433A 31-43-449 (none) (none) Terracotta relief. Fragment. Plaque, painted red, of a bull-legged demon. He stands left with body in profile and head full face holding a staff with trident head.
17178 31-43-452 (none) (none) Terracotta relief of bearded god, full face the left hand raised and holding a bird (?). The right by the side. (A) Fragment, broken off at hips.
18007 32-40-18 (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Bearded god, full face. Fragment, from breast upwards.
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