This rock ranges in color from white to green to gray to brown to red. It is usually used in statues, as a building material, and as a component in lime.
This rock ranges in color from white to green to gray to brown to red. It is usually used in statues, as a building material, and as a component in lime.
Objects: Marble Export: JSON - XML - CSV
Object | U Number | Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) | Museum Number (BM Registration Number) | Museum Number (UPM B-number) | Description (Catalog Card) |
604 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Stone gaming piece(?) White marble. Chipped at base. [drawing 1:1] | |
605 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Stone gaming piece(?) White marble. [drawing 1:1] | |
6134 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Pink marble. Upper band, nine men, below animals and sacred tree. Bulls. Lion. Eagle. About BC 3000, B | |
6189 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Pink marble. Bel-Marduk holding two rampant bulls - crescent and star. Time of Assyrian influence about BC 800. B. | |
6272 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Square marble block. Grey. E. | |
6279 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Mace head. Black marble? Fragmentary. E. | |
6296 | (none) | (none) | B16291 | Cylinder seal. Brown marble? Inscribed. Pierced. 3 crouching antelopes (one reversed). Before BC 3000. E. | |
6297 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Marble. Fragmentary. Traces of an inscription. Presentation to a seated goddess. About BC 2800. B. | |
6311 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Marble vase. Fragment of Gudea. (To the goddess) NIN-MAR-KI, his (lady) for the life of (GU)-DE-A, patesi of lagash-----(---has presented). Cf. the door-socket of Dungi to dNin-mar in her shrine at Girsu (=Lagash). Recovered probably at Tell-id (?) - SAKI. p.190 e.). -- H.C. B. | |
6411 | (none) | 1927,0527.150 | (none) | Pendant. Brown marble. Helmet shaped. Design in relief of a fish? At flat end. [drawing 1:1] | |
6430 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Mace head. White marble. Pear shaped. B. [drawing] | |
6473 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Pendant in shape of duck? Pink marble. Incision running diagonally across body below tail to mark wing? Pierced for suspension. ? Imitation lion's claw? B. [drawing 1:1] | |
6488 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Marble palette? Mottled. Flate one side, curved on the other, rounded at corners. Hole pierced in each corner. E. | |
6650 | (none) | 1927,0527.149 | (none) | Frog bead. Marble? E. [drawing 1:1] | |
6852 | (none) | 1927,0527.186 | (none) | Cylinder seal. Pink marble. Conical at either end. Inscribed. Scene of worship. Worshipper being introduced to seated god by minion god. E. | |
6872 | (none) | (none) | B16315 | Seal. Stone. Convex on one side, flat on the other. Round incisions on the flat side. Pierced. Before 3000 BC. B. | |
7517 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Mace head. Black marble. [drawing cut out, only label 1:1 still visible] Found with U7518 glass cylinder seal. Found with U7516 and clay written inscription. | |
7523 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Marble. grey. Inscribed but faint. Two deities with hands upraised and between them armed warrior and sceptre with serpent's head. [drawing of scene] | |
7529 | (none) | 1928,0109.15 | (none) | Cylinder seal. White marble. Two heroes attacking rampant lion. One grasps lion by tail. Palm tree rising from pot? Linear figures. | |
7543 | (none) | 1928,1009.429 | (none) | Pestle. Greyish marble. Cylindrical with hemispherical top and bottom. Bottom slightly wider than top. [drawing 1:1] | |
7546 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Duck weight Marble. Grey. Type VI. | |
7547 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Duck weight Marble. Blue grey. Type VI. | |
7548 | (none) | 1928,1009.53 | (none) | Cylinder seal. Marble. White. Incised lines decoration and 4 minute circles [drawing of design] | |
7557 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Duck weight Marble. Black. Head removed, outline of its base remains. Type VI. | |
7560 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Reclining bull. Mottled marble. Head missing. Bull rests on outside of hollowed cylinder and may be part of a decorative handle. [drawing 1:1] |
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Greenstone - Quartzite - Schist - Slate
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Inorganic Remains > Stones and Minerals > Stone > Metamorphic > Marble