This rock ranges in color from white to green to gray to brown to red. It is usually used in statues, as a building material, and as a component in lime.
This rock ranges in color from white to green to gray to brown to red. It is usually used in statues, as a building material, and as a component in lime.
Objects: Marble Export: JSON - XML - CSV Clay Seals and Sealings
Object | U Number | Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) | Museum Number (BM Registration Number) | Museum Number (UPM B-number) | Description (Catalog Card) |
7583 | (none) | (none) | B16903 | Cylinder seal. Fragment. Marble, White Scene of worship. Heavily draped god seated on throne without a back holding in outstretched left hand a bird? Above double crescent moon? & between seated god and advancing figure a second bird? Second advancing fig. clean shaven, & heavily draped in long flairing skirt, behind him a goose? and behind the goose a goddess? in a flounced kaunakes skirt, both arms upraised? Behind the throne of the seated god Gilgamesh? with tail. | |
10987 | (none) | (none) | B16895 | Cylinder Seal. Shell. Geometrical design. [drawing] | |
7658 | (none) | (none) | B16890 | Cylinder seal. Marble? White. Hero between two rampant bulls? On either side of bulls a rampant lion. Between the lions a post surmounted by a star. | |
7617 | (none) | (none) | B16877 | Cylinder seal. Marble. White. 4 bulls rampant of which 3 have human heads, bearded and horned. On either side a rampant lion. Grotesque figure with himan body, animal's head, (possibly a donkey's head??) conical headdress and pig tail? grasps one lion by the tail. c. 3000BC | |
9026 | (none) | (none) | B16876 | Cylinder seal. Marble: green and white. A winged god wearing conical cap and a straight flowing skirt which is represented by vertical parallel lines, holds left arm slightly upraised while apparently addressing a second naked god. The second god is engaged in felling to the ground an unwinged god who is represented as utterly unbalanced, arms flung downward behind the head, head and feet drooping to the ground, middle of the body uppermost. Beyond: a third winged divinity stands over the back of a crouching man, right foot upon the neck, left foot upon the rump. The winged divinity also lays his right hand upon the head of a naked kneeling suppliant, and his left upon the head of a similar suppliant who kneels upon the left knee only. Bold but rather coarse cutting. Subject not hitherto found upon any cylinder seal from Ur. | |
10364 | (none) | (none) | B16872 | Cylinder Seal Greenish grey marble Hero: on either side a rampant bull and a rampant lion. Attributes: Crescent Moon, and star on two legged pole. | |
7656 | (none) | (none) | B16865 | Cylinder seal. Marble. Mottled grey and black. Slightly concave. Gilgamesh fighting rampant lion; Enkidu fighting rampant bull; lion and bull back to back. c. 2800BC. | |
9976 | (none) | (none) | B16858 | Seal White marble Oval: rounded top, flat base on which figures of animals roughly done with a drill [drawing] 1:1 | |
(none) | (none) | (none) | B16341 | Unknown | |
6872 | (none) | (none) | B16315 | Seal. Stone. Convex on one side, flat on the other. Round incisions on the flat side. Pierced. Before 3000 BC. B. | |
6296 | (none) | (none) | B16291 | Cylinder seal. Brown marble? Inscribed. Pierced. 3 crouching antelopes (one reversed). Before BC 3000. E. | |
1706 | (none) | (none) | B15594 | Cylinder seal. Light brown stone. With traces of archaic design of fishes. | |
11405 | 30-12-39 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder Seal. White shell. Presentation scene: Seated goddess: before her a female worshipper introduced by a goddess. | |
11507 | 30-12-30 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Of green marble (?) Unfinished. The hole is only partly bored. One standing figure has been sketched but not finished, of a second only the trunk is suggested. | |
16180 | 31-43-3 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Pink marble. Two rows of deeply incised circles. | |
16408 | 31-43-2 | (none) | (none) | Stamp seal. Circular, convex above of striped black and white marble, design almost entirely perished; worked mostly with the drill. [drawing 1:1] | |
16677 | 31-43-24 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Grey marble? Presentation scene: 2 standing figures before a seated god. | |
17321 | 31-43-61 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Marble (?). Brown. Sides convex. God standing behind a crescent on a pole and a second deity introducing the votary advances toward the pole. Dwarf like figure. Animal. | |
(none) | 31-43-4 | (none) | (none) | Unknown | |
(none) | 33-35-181 | (none) | (none) | Unknown | |
(none) | 33-35-183 | (none) | (none) | Unknown |
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