Natural aggregates of one or more minerals and sometimes non-crystalline substances.

Objects: Stone Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
18252.2 (none) 1933,1013.165 (none) [.1-.2] Beads. A mixed lot of carnelian balls, cylinder and facetted date shaped: steatite cylinders, crystal rings, yellow glaze strip, green glaze tubular, yellow glaze hub type, green glaze scaraboid, poopy seed pendant (carnelian) glass paste balls etc.
18338 (none) 1933,1013.93 (none) Wig of dark steatite, for a small male figure the wig is complete. The hair is parted down the middle, then confined by three broad braided tresses wound roudn the head: a fringe comes over the forehead: the back hair falls in a plaited mass over the shoulders.
2805 (none) (none) (none) White obsidian nail. Head broken. [drawing 1:1]
912 (none) (none) (none) White marble bowl. Fragment of Roughly cut, and surface a good deal decayed.
8047 (none) (none) B17163 White limestone pot. With almost vertical carinated sides. Type LXX 8.
10973 (none) (none) (none) White limestone Bowl. Broken.
9140A (none) (none) B17097 Whetstones. Two A:B large & heavy of grey stone. one [A] pierced at the top for suspension.
11801 (none) 1929,1017.391 (none) Whetstone. Greenish stone.
3181 (none) 1927,1003.73 (none) Whetstone. Brown pebble, worn smooth, ends rounded.
10078 (none) (none) (none) Whetstone (?) Sausage-shaped: made of a coralline limestone (?) Dark bluish grey with white annumitic markings
10422 (none) 1928,1010.417 (none) Whetstone of white stone nearly rectangular
18699F (none) (none) (none) Weights. (A) Stela-shaped. Limestone. Type XXI. [drawing] (B) Duck weight, pinkish pebble. Type VI. [drawing] (C) Duck weight, quartzite. On the side, inscription. [drawing] (D) Duck weight, quartzite (?). [drawing] (E) Duck weight, grey pebble. Inscription (D) [reference to drawing labeled D on catalog card] on the back. (F) Lentoid, fine grained limestone with inscription F [reference to drawing labeled F on catalog card]. (G) Lentoid, black diorite. (H) Lentoid, grey pebble. Type II [unclear what object this type refers to].
18699A (none) (none) (none) Weights. (A) Stela-shaped. Limestone. Type XXI. [drawing] (B) Duck weight, pinkish pebble. Type VI. (C) Duck weight, quartzite. On the side, inscription. [drawing] (D) Duck weight, quartzite (?). (E) Duck weight, grey pebble. Inscription (D) [reference to drawing labeled D on catalog card] on the back. (F) Lentoid, fine grained limestone with inscription F [reference to drawing labeled F on catalog card] Type II. (G) Lentoid, black diorite. (H) Lentoid, grey pebble. Type II [unclear what object this type refers to].
18699C (none) (none) (none) Weights. (A) Stela-shaped. Limestone. Type XXI. [drawing] (B) Duck weight, pinkish pebble. Type VI. (C) Duck weight, quartzite. On the side, inscription. [drawing] (D) Duck weight, quartzite (?). (E) Duck weight, grey pebble. Inscription (D) [reference to drawing labeled D on catalog card] on the back. (F) Lentoid, fine grained limestone with inscription F [reference to drawing labeled F on catalog card] Type II. (G) Lentoid, black diorite. (H) Lentoid, grey pebble. Type II [unclear what object this type refers to].
18699D (none) (none) (none) Weights. (A) Stela-shaped. Limestone. Type XXI. [drawing] (B) Duck weight, pinkish pebble. Type VI. (C) Duck weight, quartzite. On the side, inscription. [drawing] (D) Duck weight, quartzite (?). (E) Duck weight, grey pebble. Inscription (D) [reference to drawing labeled D on catalog card] on the back. (F) Lentoid, fine grained limestone with inscription F [reference to drawing labeled F on catalog card] Type II. (G) Lentoid, black diorite. (H) Lentoid, grey pebble. Type II [unclear what object this type refers to].
18699G (none) (none) (none) Weights. (A) Stela-shaped. Limestone. Type XXI. [drawing] (B) Duck weight, pinkish pebble. Type VI. (C) Duck weight, quartzite. On the side, inscription. [drawing] (D) Duck weight, quartzite (?). (E) Duck weight, grey pebble. Inscription (D) [reference to drawing labeled D on catalog card] on the back. (F) Lentoid, fine grained limestone with inscription F [reference to drawing labeled F on catalog card] Type II. (G) Lentoid, black diorite. (H) Lentoid, grey pebble. Type II [unclear what object this type refers to].
6011 (none) 1927,0527.54 (none) Weight? Black diorite egg-shaped with sharply pointed end. Type I? [drawing 1:1]
16604 (none) (none) (none) Weight? Limestone, oviod. Perforated top. Type I. [drawing]
16429G (none) 1932,1008.56 (none) Weight. Steatite. grey. lentoid. Weight = 9.152 grs. Type II.
16932B (none) 1931,1010.158 (none) Weight. Steatite, blackish - grey bugle [Crossed out] cylindrical. Weight 0.448 grs. 3 little sheqels(?) (nominally 0.420). Type III
16429P (none) 1931,1010.182 (none) Weight. Slightly flattened lentoid. Black marble with white veins. thus: [Drawing] Incised marks on 1 side. Weight 5.952 grs. = 1 double minette (nominally 5.611). Type II.
6123 (none) 1927,0527.64 (none) Weight. Reddish stone. Pyramid shaped. Hole at top for stringing. Type IV.
16239V 31-43-263 (none) (none) Weight. Ovoid. Diorite(?), pale grey. Inscribed. + (= MAS = one-half) Half a Mina(?) To be weighed. Type II.
16421D 31-43-262 (none) (none) Weight. ovoid. basic diorite(?) grey. To be weighed. Type I.
17684 (none) 1932,1008.75 (none) Weight. Haemitite. Type III. [drawing 1:1]

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Igneous - Metamorphic - Sedimentary