Natural aggregates of one or more minerals and sometimes non-crystalline substances.

Objects: Stone Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7597 (none) 1928,1009.52 (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Inscribed but obliterated. On left and right 2 naked attendants: between standing figure of (Nannar?) clothed in flounced kaunakes skirt and holding outstretched hand to a small naked figure. Attributes: crescent moon.
7590 (none) (none) B16762 Boar? Miniature. Steatite. Black. End missing. Head naturalistic, body peg shaped, flattened base with incisions in form of a + and x. Body divided into 3 distinctive sections, middle section having rounded base. 2 round cavities for eyes. 3 similar cavities on one side of body, 2 on the other and 3 on base. [drawing 1:1]
7589 (none) 1927,0109.29 (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Scene of worship. Standing god with left arm upraised, above a star? below a snake? Hero in short dress falling only to knees advances to meet major god. Behind the advancing figure a second figure carrying in the right hand a bird and in the left a fish.
7586 (none) (none) (none) Duck weight Diorite. Blue grey. Bottom chipped. Type VI.
7583 (none) (none) B16903 Cylinder seal. Fragment. Marble, White Scene of worship. Heavily draped god seated on throne without a back holding in outstretched left hand a bird? Above double crescent moon? & between seated god and advancing figure a second bird? Second advancing fig. clean shaven, & heavily draped in long flairing skirt, behind him a goose? and behind the goose a goddess? in a flounced kaunakes skirt, both arms upraised? Behind the throne of the seated god Gilgamesh? with tail.
7568 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Worshipper before seated Nannar.
7561 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. 4 figures, roughly carved. Marduk? and lightening. Gazelle below 2 posts.
7560 (none) (none) (none) Reclining bull. Mottled marble. Head missing. Bull rests on outside of hollowed cylinder and may be part of a decorative handle. [drawing 1:1]
7557 (none) (none) (none) Duck weight Marble. Black. Head removed, outline of its base remains. Type VI.
7556 (none) (none) B16886, B16886 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Inscribed: practically illegible? Scene of worship: Minor deity introducing worshipper to Nannar before whom stands the crescent moon on a staff.
7554 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. Inscribed Unpierced. Unfinished. Ur Ama(?) ^dBa-u; dumu Arad-^dNannar(? written SES.) Outline of 1 figure only.
7548 (none) 1928,1009.53 (none) Cylinder seal. Marble. White. Incised lines decoration and 4 minute circles [drawing of design]
7547 (none) (none) (none) Duck weight Marble. Blue grey. Type VI.
7546 (none) (none) (none) Duck weight Marble. Grey. Type VI.
7543 (none) 1928,1009.429 (none) Pestle. Greyish marble. Cylindrical with hemispherical top and bottom. Bottom slightly wider than top. [drawing 1:1]
7534 (none) (none) (none) Duck weight Diorite. Blue. Duck's head broken off. Type VI.
7530 (none) (none) (none) Weight Limestone. Grey. Lentoid, flat on one sides. III marks on cylindrical portion. Type II.
7529 (none) 1928,0109.15 (none) Cylinder seal. White marble. Two heroes attacking rampant lion. One grasps lion by tail. Palm tree rising from pot? Linear figures.
7525 (none) (none) B16901 Cylinder seal. Steatite. Black. 3 figures obliterated. Presentation scene before seated god bearing staff in left hand. IIIrd Dyn. of Ur. [drawing of scene]
7523 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Marble. grey. Inscribed but faint. Two deities with hands upraised and between them armed warrior and sceptre with serpent's head. [drawing of scene]
7517 (none) (none) (none) Mace head. Black marble. [drawing cut out, only label 1:1 still visible] Found with U7518 glass cylinder seal. Found with U7516 and clay written inscription.
7516 (none) (none) (none) Mace head. Granite. [drawing cut out, only label 1:1 still visible] Found with U7518 glass cylinder seal. Found with U7517 and clay written impression
7508 (none) (none) B17101 Weight. Lentoid. Granite. Seven incised marks on the surface IIII III Type II
7500 (none) 1928,1009.431 (none) Stone vase. Fragment. Blue steatite. Carved in low relief. On left, portion of man's left arm and waist and on right, a beast with head bent downwards, one horn complete one fragmentary. Above, fragment of a scorpion? Possibly a portion of fragmentary vase of similar material in low relief U.231 found in 1925 dedicated by Rimush of Agade c.2650 BC. [drawing 1:1] BM could not trace this object in May 1935. (proper to Vol. VII)
749 (none) (none) (none) Small fragment of obsidian, with parts of signs from 2 lines. Illegible.

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Igneous - Metamorphic - Sedimentary