Natural aggregates of one or more minerals and sometimes non-crystalline substances.
Natural aggregates of one or more minerals and sometimes non-crystalline substances.
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Object | U Number | Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) | Museum Number (BM Registration Number) | Museum Number (UPM B-number) | Description (Catalog Card) |
12774J.11 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Objects. (A) Bead, long, clay imitation of bead cut from shell core. (B) Clay bugle bead. (C) Shell bugle bead. (D) Clay spindle whorl. (E) Copper needle (broken). (F) Clay nail. (G) Fragment of clay sickle. (H) Penannular ring of shell. [I not assigned in group] (J) [J.1-.11] Chips, flint and obsidian, including one flint piercer. (K) [K.1-.2] Fragments of clay animal figurines. (L) Animal tooth. (M) Miniature pot of reddish clay, broken. (N) Pottery fragments. [N.1-.4] 4 small bits black design on white, characteristic TO [Tel Obaid]; [N.5-.6] 2 pieces, black band on drab, coarse ware; [N.7-.10] 4 pieces red bands on drab [N.11] 1 piece plain red wash(?); [N.12-.13] 2 pieces, design in red on light ground; [N.14-.15] 2 pieces, design in red and black on light ground : rows of triangles and bands; [N.16-.18] 3 pieces with transverse bands of erased slip decoration, light red on deeper red body. (O) [O.1] Cylindrical vase of light drab clay and [O.2] fragment of a second similar. (P) Clay jar sealing (?) with scratched design. (Q) Clay jar sealing with impression of seal cylinder : subject, bulls and square shrines. (R) Clay cup, reddish ware, wheelmade, normal type, broken and mended. (S) Clay jar sealing, fragment, with design of rows of animals. | |
19575.3 | (none) | 1935,0112.79 | (none) | [.1-.7] Beads. Carnelian and chalcedony [drawing], carnelian tubes and balls, lapis and marble balls, shell date-shaped : a very large collection : 1 gold | |
19575.4 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [.1-.7] Beads. Carnelian and chalcedony [drawing], carnelian tubes and balls, lapis and marble balls, shell date-shaped : a very large collection : 1 gold | |
19575.5 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [.1-.7] Beads. Carnelian and chalcedony [drawing], carnelian tubes and balls, lapis and marble balls, shell date-shaped : a very large collection : 1 gold | |
19575.6 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [.1-.7] Beads. Carnelian and chalcedony [drawing], carnelian tubes and balls, lapis and marble balls, shell date-shaped : a very large collection : 1 gold | |
19575.7 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [.1-.7] Beads. Carnelian and chalcedony [drawing], carnelian tubes and balls, lapis and marble balls, shell date-shaped : a very large collection : 1 gold | |
16795.2 | (none) | 1931,1010.260 | (none) | [.1-.2] Beads: glass paste: balls, lentoids, pear-shaped beads, 1 variegated glass bugle bead-combed decoration. Also carnelian, agate and steatite; and some worked yellow glazed beads. | |
11928A.2 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A.1-.3] Limestone Offering Dish [B-F] 5 Copper Daggers & [G-H] 2 Whetstones. All type V with central rib-shape of gold dagger-blades. | |
11928A.3 | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A.1-.3] Limestone Offering Dish [B-F] 5 Copper Daggers & [G-H] 2 Whetstones. All type V with central rib-shape of gold dagger-blades. | |
(none) | (none) | 1928,1010.776 | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | 1928,1010.777 | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | 1928,1010.778 | (none) | (none) | |
18252.2 | (none) | 1933,1013.165 | (none) | [.1-.2] Beads. A mixed lot of carnelian balls, cylinder and facetted date shaped: steatite cylinders, crystal rings, yellow glaze strip, green glaze tubular, yellow glaze hub type, green glaze scaraboid, poopy seed pendant (carnelian) glass paste balls etc. | |
12051B | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A] Copper Bowl. Hemispherical. Inside it a [B] shallow cup of white limestone with nicked rim. [Type] XLIII. | |
12101 | (none) | 1929,1017.476 | (none) | Flint Saw. [drawing 1:1] | |
18144B | (none) | (none) | (none) | Beads. A mixed lot. Carnelian, agate, jasper, marble hematite lapis and agate. Mixed shapes: one double tubular; date stamped, tubular, rings etc. Also, a spindle whorl of grey steatite. | |
8509H | (none) | (none) | (none) | Set of buttons? [A-I] 9 black stone roundels, 8 of them inlaid with white dots, six round the edge and one central one: the 9th roundel plain. [J-O] And 6 bone squares, plain, one engraved. See field notes.[drawing] [P] And with them a bone rod with engraved lines. | |
17936A | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-K] Celts. Flint. Straight sided or tang slightly convex. [drawing 1:1] | |
(none) | (none) | 1930,1213.479 | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | 1932,1008.29 | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | 1935,0112.28 | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | 1931,1010.273 | (none) | (none) | |
8914 | (none) | (none) | B16748 | (none) | |
6965 | (none) | (none) | (none) | (none) | |
(none) | (none) | (none) | (none) | [Card Missing] |