Natural aggregates of one or more minerals and sometimes non-crystalline substances.

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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
16268B (none) 1931,1010.116 (none) [A-F] Set of weights: steatite, fire-blackened. To be weighed. [A] (1) Ovoid; [B] (2) long ovoid, broken and repaired; [C] (3) lentoid, broken and repaired; [D] (4) lentoid; [E] (5) narrow lentoid; [F] (6) fragment, 3 inscribed strokes on side. [drawing]
16333 (none) 1931,1010.120 (none) Mace head. Grey and white mottled marble. Squate pear-shaped.
16331E (none) 1931,1010.121 (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16331F (none) 1931,1010.124 (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16181 (none) 1931,1010.13 (none) Button seal. Steatite. Incised cross on flat side. Convex side also had triple cross incisions and incised circles. Over part of the seal is a white surface that has the appearance of a glaze. Seal has been perforated transversely through the convex side. The white surface is visible also the inside of the perforated hole. [drawing]
16739S (none) 1931,1010.142 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16739M (none) 1931,1010.143 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16739R (none) 1931,1010.144 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16739D (none) 1931,1010.146 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. [drawing] (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. Flint. [drawing 1:1]
16194 (none) 1931,1010.147 (none) Flint blade. Leaf shaped with finely serrated edge: slight rib down center. UET V: 159 FOR 16194C) [drawing 1:1]
16739E (none) 1931,1010.148 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
17119 (none) 1931,1010.149 (none) Pin of black chert (?) [drawing 1:1]
16739J (none) 1931,1010.152 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16239T (none) 1931,1010.155 (none) Weight Long ovoid. Diorite, grey. To be weighed. Type II
16739T (none) 1931,1010.155 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16229Y (none) 1931,1010.157 (none) Weight 42.88 GRS. Ovoid. Haematite. Black. 5 sheqels (nominal weight 42.08 grs.) Type I.
16932B (none) 1931,1010.158 (none) Weight. Steatite, blackish - grey bugle [Crossed out] cylindrical. Weight 0.448 grs. 3 little sheqels(?) (nominally 0.420). Type III
16429T (none) 1931,1010.160 (none) Weight. Bugle [crossed out] Cylindrical. Haematite. Red-Brown. Weight = 1.28 Grs = 1/2 Minette (nominally = 1.4025) Type III
16239N (none) 1931,1010.161 (none) Weight 1.92 grs. Long ovoid. Steatite, grey. 13 little sheqels (nominal weight 1.82 grs.) cf. 16239O. Type III.
16739N (none) 1931,1010.161 (none) Flint tools and weapons. Miniature. All Slightly convex. (A) Serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (B) [drawing 1:1] (C) Finely serrated edges. [drawing 1:1] (D) Same type as A. (E) Same type as A. (F) Same type as A. (G) Same type as A. Frag. (H) Same type as C. (I) Same type as C. (J) Same type as C. (K) Same type as C. (L) Same type as A. (M) Arrowhead [drawing] (N) Frag. Arrowhead [drawing] (O) Triangular tool. (P) Borer. [drawing] (Q) Arrowhead. Same type as M. (R) Triangular tool. [drawing] (S) Borer. [drawing] (T) Black flint. [drawing 1:1] (U) Arrowhead - flint. [drawing 1:1] (V) Same as A. Dark flint. (W) Adze shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16429S (none) 1931,1010.163 (none) Weight. Haematite. Bugle [crossed out] cylindrical. Weight= 0.64 prob=5 "little sheqels" (nominally=0.70) Type III
16229T (none) 1931,1010.164 (none) Duck-weight 6.4 GRS. Unbaked clay. Brownish-buff. Type VI. [drawing]
16020 (none) 1931,1010.17 (none) Steatite Cylinder-seal. Namhani son of Ur-baga. HC.30/I.6. UET 8/2 (hand copied by Legrain) [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
16429L (none) 1931,1010.171 (none) Weight Black diorite. Long ovoid. Weight 17.488 grs. 2 sheqels (nominally 16.832 grs.) Type ?
16239W (none) 1931,1010.175 (none) Weight 0.64 grs. Steatite. Ovoid. Black. Type I.

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Igneous - Metamorphic - Sedimentary