This category includes objects that are used to hold burning incense.  They can also be known as censers.  They are made from any material, and can be stationary or hung.  


Objects: Incense Burners Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
(none) 33-35-10 (none) (none) unknown
(none) 31-43-457 (none) (none) unknown
(none) (none) 1932,1008.283 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1928,1009.472 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1933,1013.239 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1933,0113.239 (none) (none)
1174 (none) 1924,0920.150 (none) Clay model stool. red clay Having on all four sides roughly incised saltire in rectangle. [drawing 1:1] Height M. 0.028 length of sides M. 0.032
15815 (none) 1930,1213.343 (none) Incense (?) box. Baked clay. Square. Four legs. Hatched decoration. One leg missing.
17612 (none) (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. Roughly patterned on all sides. [drawing] h. 005 w. 005, inc. legs
17734 32-40-4 (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing] 008 x 008 x 006
17735 (none) (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing] 0065 x 0065 x 0065
17879 (none) (none) (none) Copper object. Egg-shaped and pierced with triangular holes at each end a knob for attachment, the two pierced inverse directions inside is a lump of metal of uncertain shape. [drawing 1:1]
17946 32-40-50 (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing]
17947 (none) (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17955 (none) 1932,1008.282 (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17956 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of incense burner. [drawing 1:1]
17957 (none) (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17960 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17961 32-40-49 (none) (none) Fragment of incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17962 (none) 1932,1008.281 (none) Fragment of incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17963 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of incense burner. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17974 (none) 1932,1008.284 (none) Fragment of incense table. Clay. [drawing 1:1]
17986 32-40-48 (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. [drawing]
18273 33-35-8 (none) (none) Incense burner. Clay. With incised checker pattern on sides. ht. 0085 sq. 008
238 (none) (none) B15227 Clay stand. 2 fragments of (fitting together), rectangular, decorated with inverted dot-filled triangles. [drawing] [Annotated] Phil.
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