Description (Catalog Card): A number of Silver earrings.1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): PG 777 NE. Chamber.     
Material (Catalog Card): Silver2     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 9966 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
PG/777 A built chamber tomb with a collapsed dome, it had been robbed in antiquity but some artifacts remained along the walls. The collapsed roof of this tomb was first seen in Trial Trench E but the grave was fully excavated after the trial trenches had been opened into a larger area. This led to the discovery of a small trenched area next to the chamber that contained three skeletons, and an approach or dromos that contained another. These Woolley took to be the guards of the tomb in a small 'death pit'. There were two chambers inside the tomb, and the outer held the remains of four more people, possibly servants, while the inner may have held the royal personage. (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 9966 Export: JSON - XML - CSV Woolley's Field Note Cards

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p194 Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p194 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p200 Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p200 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p208 Royal Cemetary Notes 686-777_p208 (none)
  • 3 Media