Description (Catalog Card): [A-H] Tablet. (A) Fragment of the list of year-dates of the dinasty of Larsa similar to the prism published by Thureaudengin; but some differences. The 6th and 7th years of Abisare are transposed. The 10th and 11th year are different and confirm T-D's conjecture, Lachronol---p.18, note 16. Also, fragments of 1st 2 lines and of end of 1st col. - not identified. (B) Fragment of religious text? (C) Frag. tablet containing impression of seal of servant of a king whose name ended in ? (Obvious bottom right corner) (D) Tablet complete case, with unusual inscription? (E) Fragment of large tablet. The rest small business documents, etc. (F) cf. U.8816F? (G andH) Do one of these belong with U.7705? (A) HC.60 (C) HC.61     
Find Context (Catalog Card): EM     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay1     
U Number: 8810A     
Museum: University of Pennsylvania Museum      
Object Type: Writing and Record Keeping >> Tablet      
Season Number: 05: 1926-1927      
Museum: The National Museum of Iraq      
Culture/Period: Ur III      
Material: Inorganic Remains >> Clay >> Unfired      
Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number): 52-30-76     
Tablet ID Number: P368301     
Notes: Catalog card lists up to H but more exist under 8810. Records assign letters to the rest. Sub-letters are confused across Oracc and other sources.     
[1] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 8810A | 52-30-76 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
EM Site | EM The excavation area abbreviation EM stands for Extra-Mural because this area lies outside of the southwest Temenos Wall. H.R. Hall investigated a portion of the high ground at this site (his Area A) in 1919, finding the remains of domestic structures. Taylor had also cut a trench here in 1853. Woolley first tested the ground early in 1926 (season 4) and then dug more completely in season 5, concentrating on about 60x40 meters of space and excavating to a depth of approximately 5 meters from the surface. He dug through Kassite and other late remains that were particularly fragmentary. He reported two Kassite houses (which he dubbed High House and Hill House) that were complete enough to map, and eventually uncovered twelve houses of the Isin-Larsa/Old Babylonian period. There were many graves beneath the floors and tablets were also relatively common. Most of the tablets have to do with the business of the temple, so the houses here probably belonged to temple workers. Woolley named the streets he found in areas EM and AH. He felt that by naming the streets he could more easily identify any particular house, giving them numbers along the street with odd numbers on one side and even on the other. Many of the street names recur in the English city of Bath, where Woolley owned a house. The northern portion of area EM ('Quality Lane' on Woolley's map) was excavated as area DP in season 4. This was higher ground than much of the rest of EM and is mapped with only partial houses that are not published in any detail. The houses of EM are more completely published, but their various phases of construction and rebuilding are not detailed. The domestic space represented by these houses likely continued eastward into area EH in the Isin-Larsa/Old Babylonian and Kassite periods, then was cut through and partly destroyed by the foundations of the Neo-Babylonian temenos wall. (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 8810A | 52-30-76 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions 1928 Gadd, C.J., Legrain, L., Smith, S., Burrows, E.R. (none)
Ur Excavations Texts III: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty Ur Excavations Texts III: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty 1937 Legrain, L. (none)
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:39 Page:244 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:39 Page:244 (none)
  • 4 Media