Description (Catalog Card): Large clay cone. On base, 2 column inscription, 2nd column nearly all broken away. 1st col. 14 lines. On shaft, single column 28 lines. Inscription of Rim-Sin of Larsa. Recording his building of a temple? Called E-erim-kud-kud, for his own life and for that of his father Kudur-Mabug. The temple was dedicated to the war-god Nergal, to whom the king prays for success in battle.1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): Well no.1     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay2     
Measurement (Catalog Card): Base diam. .125, Height .15      
Text Genre: Royal/Monumental      
Dates Referenced: Rim-Sin     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley
[3] Barrett. 1976. Near East Section, Ur, Inscribed Objects


Locations: 640 | 1923,1110.8 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media: 640 | 1923,1110.8 Export: JSON - XML - CSV Field Photographs

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Field Photographs Field Photographs GN0089 GN0089 (none)
  • 1 Media