Description (Catalog Card): Large clay cone. On base, 2 column inscription, 2nd column nearly all broken away. 1st col. 14 lines. On shaft, single column 28 lines. Inscription of Rim-Sin of Larsa. Recording his building of a temple? Called E-erim-kud-kud, for his own life and for that of his father Kudur-Mabug. The temple was dedicated to the war-god Nergal, to whom the king prays for success in battle.1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): Well no.1     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay2     
Measurement (Catalog Card): Base diam. .125, Height .15      
Text Genre: Royal/Monumental      
Dates Referenced: Rim-Sin     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley
[3] Barrett. 1976. Near East Section, Ur, Inscribed Objects


Locations: 640 | 1923,1110.8 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media: 640 | 1923,1110.8 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:23 Page:140 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:23 Page:140 (none)
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions Ur Excavations Texts I: Royal Inscriptions 1928 Gadd, C.J., Legrain, L., Smith, S., Burrows, E.R. (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs (none) (none) (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs GN0089 GN0089 (none)
British Museum Photo Negatives British Museum Photo Negatives (none) (none) (none)
  • 6 Media