Description (Catalog Card): Terracotta figurine. Seated goddess in Kaunakes skirt, and holding a vase from which water pours on either side, against the breast. Long flowing hair falling down breast and done up in a knot over either ear. High horned headdress on either side of head a crescent moon. Behind throne a peacock, tail of which shows behind right hand side of the goddess and head behind left hand side. E. [drawing 1:2] 4     
Measurement (Catalog Card): [L.120mm, W. 64mm based on 1:2 drawing]     
U Number: 7076B1     
Object Type: Figural Objects >> Figurines >> Anthropomorphic      
Museum: University of Pennsylvania Museum      
Season Number: 04: 1925-1926      
Description (Modern): Relief plaque     
Museum Number (UPM B-number): B16267     
Measurement (X): 120     
Measurement (Y): 68     
Measurement (Z): 54     
[1] U.7070-U.7145 were duplicated with the duplicates assigned to tablets from Season 4 found in areas KP, EH, and possibly HT (Jacobsen AJA 57:128). The duplicates have been given the subletter A in this database while the original object from the catalog card retains the number without subletter (unless the original catalog card held multiple objects, in which case those are given appropriate subletters and the tablet takes the next in the sequence).
[2] Iconography tagged by Penn Museum research team.
[3] Technique tagged by Penn Museum research team.
[4] Woolley's description

Locations: 7076B Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
Unknown Woolley did not list a location. (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 7076B Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
British Museum Photo Negatives British Museum Photo Negatives (none) (none) (none)
Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria 1930 Elizabeth Douglas Van Buren (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs (none) (none) (none)
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:34 Page:221 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:34 Page:221 (none)
  • 6 Media