Description (Catalog Card): Bronze (?) statue of King Dungi. Full face. King represented in the guise of a servant of the god carrying a basket held erect on his head with his two hands at the side of it. King is clean-shaven without headdress and bald. Traces of a garment of fine texture covering still remain. Broken waist round the front and sides of the body is an inscription in 6 columns running down to the egg shaped base. No legs or feet. Slim waist rounded breast perfectly symmetrical like the rest of the figure. Back hollowed and carefully modeled between arms and waist, Upper arms flattened, forearms rounded. Fringes disproportionately long. Forehead high, big eyes, thick nose with pronounced ridge, eyes, ears, mouth and chin sharply defined. Shrine of dDim-tab-ba cf. U.6301, U.6303. Text: Dim-tab-ba Temple (2) [drawing]1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): Found with inscribed foundation tablet leaning against the side of a rectangular erection of baked and mudbrick, top of which was about 1 meter below surface soil EH.     
Material (Catalog Card): Bronze2     
Measurement (Catalog Card): L. 235mm, L. of head 38mm, W. of chest 38mm, W. of waist 28mm, Th. Of sides 18mm, L. of upper arm 30mm, L of forearm 30mm.     
Text Genre: Royal/Monumental      
Dates Referenced: Shulgi     
U Number: 6158     
Museum: The National Museum of Iraq      
Object Type: Figural Objects >> Figurines >> Anthropomorphic      
Season Number: 04: 1925-1926      
Culture/Period: Ur III      
Description (Modern): Object is not sealed.     
Material: Inorganic Remains >> Metal >> Copper Alloy      
Museum Number (IM Number): IM 1376     
Museum Number (IM Number): IM 1376     
Tablet ID Number: P468081     
Measurement (Diameter): 110     
Measurement (Height): 703     
Measurement (Width): 143     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley
[3] Barrett. 1976. Near East Section, Ur, Inscribed Objects


Locations: 6158 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
EH Site | EH Area EH is located within the Neo-Babylonian temenos wall south of the giparu. There are many other area designations given to parts of this space (such as DP and LR), but EH overall refers to the interior extent of the SW temenos wall from the south corner almost to the Nebuchadnezzar gate and extending east to the line of Pit F. Walls in the area were scattered and difficult to follow, so Woolley established a grid covering at least 55x100 meters in 5x5 squares. The grid is not well documented but publication shows that Woolley began numbers to the east, increasing to the west, and letters to the south, increasing to the north; square 1,A therefore sits in the SE corner -- 11,T in the NW. The abbreviation EH stands for E-Hur-sag but the building of that name does not lie within this excavation zone. Woolley did not believe that the building to the east of this area (partially dug by H.R. Hall in 1919) was the e-hur-sag, the palace of Shulgi, despite bricks with the inscription of the building being found there. Instead he called that building Hall's Temple (HT) and sought the palace in many other places inside the temenos. He eventually conceded that HT was indeed the e-hur-sag and published EH without reference to the abbreviation's original meaning. The area Woolley called EH was the area Hall called the 'tomb mound' because it was relatively high ground in which he found a number of graves. Woolley showed that these were the remains of graves beneath the floors of houses dating from the Isin-Larsa to Kassite periods. EH in this time was likely an extension of the domestic area EM. In the Ur III period there appear to have been larger public buildings here, but their remains were spotty at best. Tablets from this area and area EM show that the residents of the domestic quarter in the Isin-Larsa/Old Babylonian period were likely temple workers. (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 6158 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations VI; The Ur III Period Ur Excavations VI; The Ur III Period 1974 Woolley, Leonard (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs (none) (none) (none)
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:31 Page:157 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:31 Page:157 (none)
  • 4 Media