Description (Catalog Card): Seal impression. Geometrical design. two pieces joined (one found several days later) This is rather a Tablet than a jar-sealing. Also antoher tablet with same impression.1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): SIS 4 (Burnt stratum: clay burnt white. NW of post CD)     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay2     
U Number: 13880A     
Object Type: Seals, Stamps, and Sealings >> Seal Impression      
Season Number: 08: 1929-1930      
Description (Modern): Matthews (1993) p. 67 no. 44 'U13880a, BM. U13880b, UM 31.16.615. U18399, UM 33.35.300. (UE 3:461. Moorey 461. All SIS4. H 3.5, L 8.2. Complete impression surviving. Symbols: spouted pot, edinnu, ? U13880a. Sealing 8.8 x 7.0 x 1.3. Two rollings. Thin, ?at tongue of clay with level surfaces. Functional type: test strip.'     
Material: Inorganic Remains >> Clay >> Unfired      
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 13880A Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
SIS 4 (none) (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 13880A Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Unpublished Early Dynastic sealings from Ur in the British Museum. Unpublished Early Dynastic sealings from Ur in the British Museum. 1979 Moorey, P. R. S. (none)
Cities, Seals, and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur Cities, Seals, and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur 1993 Matthews, R. J. (none)
Ur Excavations III: Archaic Seal-Impressions Ur Excavations III: Archaic Seal-Impressions 1936 Legrain, Leon, and Woolley, Leonard (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:57 Page:71 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:57 Page:71 (none)
  • 4 Media