Description (Catalog Card): Bitumen mace head. [drawing]1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): ZT. On the floor of the (BB) courtyard of Archaic I (=Pt [last word unclear] D. Courtyard.)     
Material (Catalog Card): Bitumen2     
Measurement (Catalog Card): H. 75mm, D. 75mm     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 18294 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media: 18294 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
The "Archaic I" Phase of the Ziqqurat Terrace at Ur: A Contextual Re-Assessment. The "Archaic I" Phase of the Ziqqurat Terrace at Ur: A Contextual Re-Assessment. 2003 Benati, Giacomo (none)
Ur Excavations IV; The Early Periods Ur Excavations IV; The Early Periods 1955 Woolley, L. (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:72 Page:88 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:72 Page:88 (none)
  • 3 Media