Description (Catalog Card): Black stone, of irregular shape, broken, probably part of a gate socket. On a smoothed surface is a 8 line inscription of Bur-Sin, king of Ur, recording his building of a ge-par for the goddess Nin-gal.1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): Brought in from desert. Found at a spot about 1/2 mile south of the outermost mounds.     
Material (Catalog Card): Stone2     
Measurement (Catalog Card): 270mm by 160mm by 120mm     
Text Genre: Royal/Monumental      
Dates Referenced: Amar-Suen     
U Number: 1727     
Object Type: Architectural Elements >> Door/Gate Sockets >> Socket      
Season Number: 02: 1923-1924      
Museum: The National Museum of Iraq      
Object Type: Architectural Elements >> Door/Gate Sockets      
Culture/Period: Ur III      
Description (Modern): Fragment of inscription     
Description (Modern): Object is not sealed.     
Material: Inorganic Remains >> Stones and Minerals      
Museum Number (IM Number): IM 1149     
Tablet ID Number: P226191     
Measurement (Diameter): 2703     
Measurement (Height): 1603     
Measurement (Width): 1203     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley
[3] Barrett. 1976. Near East Section, Ur, Inscribed Objects


Locations: 1727 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
Ur Hinterland This term describes the area around Ur. It includes the sites surrounding Ur from where objects were brought in by the workers. (none)
  • 1 Location

Media: 1727 Export: JSON - XML - CSV Woolley's Catalog Cards

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:27 Page:173 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:27 Page:173 (none)
  • 1 Media


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Ur Hinterland


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