Description (Catalog Card): Seal impression. Inscription. (sign) HC.240. [drawing]1     
Find Context (Catalog Card): SIS 4     
Material (Catalog Card): Clay2     
U Number: 14892     
Museum: The National Museum of Iraq      
Object Type: Seals, Stamps, and Sealings >> Seal Impression      
Season Number: 08: 1929-1930      
Culture/Period: Early Dynastic / Sumerian >> EDI-II      
Description (Modern): UE 3 no. 424: 'Pictographic inscription. Four abodes are represented by the unu sign with a spouted jar between each of them. The emblems on the top, star, eagle, &c., are too indistinct to allow a proper attribution to Ur, Uruk, or Larsa. The two posts with cross-bars between four stars are somewhat different from the usual pictograph of Adab, and may have a general meaning. Eight-pointed star on the butt-end of the cylinder. U. 13912. SIS 4. Pl. 54. (P. CBS. 31.16.675.) U. 14892. SIS 4.' Matthews (1993) p. 65 no. 30 'U14892. IM 120960. Not previously published (this seal impression is not the same as UE 3:424, contra Legrain). SIS4. H >2.2, L >3.3. Two rollings. Symbols in at least one register: ?, U4 ? Sealing 4.3 x 4.7 x 2.4. Smooth peg, di. 2.4, with faint grain from ?wood/bone. Three rows of grainy thong (?leather), di. 0.5. Functional type: door peg.'     
Description (Modern): Object is sealed.     
Material: Inorganic Remains >> Clay >> Unfired      
Museum Number (IM Number): IM 120960     
Museum Number (IM Number): IM 120960 (1977)     
Tablet ID Number: P005923     
[1] Woolley's description
[2] Material as described by Woolley


Locations: 14892 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Location Context Title Context Description Description (Modern)
SIS 4 (none) (none)
SIS 4-6 (none) (none)
  • 2 Locations

Media: 14892 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Cities, Seals, and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur Cities, Seals, and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur 1993 Matthews, R. J. (none)
Ur Excavations III: Archaic Seal-Impressions Ur Excavations III: Archaic Seal-Impressions 1936 Legrain, Leon, and Woolley, Leonard (none)
Ur Excavations Texts II: Archaic Texts Ur Excavations Texts II: Archaic Texts 1935 Burrows, E. (none)
Ur Excavations Texts III: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty Ur Excavations Texts III: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty 1937 Legrain, L. (none)
Woolley's Catalog Cards Woolley's Catalog Cards Card -- BM ID:194 Box:60 Page:242 Card -- BM ID:194 Box:60 Page:242 (none)
  • 5 Media