U Number : 9351A
Museum Number (UPM B-number) : B16794
Description (Catalog Card) : Beads. Gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian.
Three gold suspenders, 2 consisting of a gold ring attached to a single piece of gold foil which is a spacer for 3 necklaces. The third is a gold ring set with a gold flower pattern consisting of 12 petals represented only in outline. Also, 2 cones of spiral gold wire attached to a gold foil spacer for 2 strings. 3 Pear shaped gold beads pierced vertically. A piece of gold wire passes through the hole. At the top it is rolled over twice to form a spacer for 2 strings and at the bottom end twisted round once to prevent it from slipping. 3 lentoid lapis beads fitted with gold attachments similar to the above, except that one of the ha spacers for 3 instead of 2 strings. Also, 4 carnelians with similar gold attachments one a lentoid, 2 flattened ball beads, and 1 flattened double conoid. 5 gold pears (slender type) perforated at apex: 6 large gold double conoids and 10 small.
A gold triangle consisting of 6 rows of minute ball beads, 2 lines of minute gold beads soldered together as above are both spacers, 1 for six the other for seven strings. 2 fluted gold ball beads and 1 fluted pear shaped bead.
8 minute gold ring beads.
26 carnelian lentoids.
5 carnelian bugle beads.
5 carnelian double conoids.
4 or 5 carnelian minute ring & ball beads.
2 lapis leaf shaped beads [drawing] thick in section.
7 lapis large double conoids.
32 lapis small double conoids.
2 ribbed conical lapis beads with a straight piece projecting from the base.
4 pear shaped lapis beads.
About 50 smaller lapis beads, ring beads, ball beads, bugle beads, etc.