Media Properties



Rosettes Seat_d clasp_d Kaunak-2 birds: 1
holding: Dress_d fem-Both arms up: 1
walking Man-Standing [f circled]: 1
+tripod- Back chair-Two birds stand: 1
(drawing) Bulls ear God-clasped kuanakes From crown to waist-Tight robe below 000 0000 000: 1
! Armed God-2 clubs : 1
v Drap_d Su-il-la: 1
! Armed man-Axe-2 headed club: 1
v Copper: Su-illa: 1
v Head-Su illa: 1
? God w flail or whip- Turban-Lulimu: 1
& 1724 Photo 146-7... Martu Crook 1613: 1
(Crudea Style) Legs & tassel _t Robe Stealite Statuelle.: 1
-illa) Profile Fem-Robe h-rais_d: 1
2 Enkidu-holding posts: 1
2-worship-goddess Pole: 1
4 birds- [drawing] Seat_d-Kaunak-Clasp_d: 1
4 horn_d - mitre : 1
=1531: 1
=Nude clasp_d: 1
?Nude? hold_g [drawing]: 1
Al'Ubaid Nude paint_d woman hands on hips: 1
Al'Ubaid - paint_d Fem: 1
al'Ubaid Fig: 1
Al'Ubaid paint_d Fig. 1: 1
Alabast-statuette Drap_d Fem-clasp_d: 1
Animal : 3
Animal + God standing: 1
Animal - Sheep? Dog? : 1
Animal head: 1
Animal head. Round.: 1
Animal rattle: 2
Animal-H_d-model_d: 1
Animal-rattle.: 1
Animal-Scratchings : 1
Animals - roughly model_d: 1
Animals PG: 1
Arch - Fem - Nude-: 1
Arch - hand model_d Woman - Locks Heavy neckl. : 1
Arch - h_d - model_d Head w. peg For insertion.: 1
Arch - H_d Model_d - fem Wing like - arms: 1
Arch - H_d model_d - Fem - wing like arms Hair locks pinch_d out: 1
Arch - H_d model_d - wing like arm - Flat base - Mam:: 1
Arch - H_d model_d Nude Fem wing like arms - small head Steatopyg-: 1
Arch - nude - pressing breasts: 1
Arch - red - pebble shap_d - Fig - Fem -: 1
Arch - Wing like arms - small heads - Hollow base: 1
Arch Animal- head Good work: 1
Arch Beard-Man-in round : 1
Arch Beard-Man-In round: 1
Arch Fem. H_d model_d [N circled]: 1
Arch head- H_d modell_d 2 h - up - Suilla: 1
Arch H_d Model_d Nude Fem: 1
Arch H_d model_d Man: 1
ARch H_d model_d Nude: 1
Arch H_d model_d woman: 1
Arch H_d mould_d Typanni or dish : 1
Arch man H_d model_d- War god & scimitar : 1
Arch man H_d model_d-war god & similar : 1
Arch Man-H_d model_d holds: 1
Arch Man-H_d-Model_d: 1
Arch- H_d model_d Rudiment-arms: 1
Arch-: H_d model_d - head - long neck for insertion: 1
Arch-H_d model_d-head.: 1
Arch-Man- H_d model_d : 1
Arch-man-Bell shap_d: 1
Arch-Man-H_d model_d Drap_d: 1
Arch. Tympanon-H_d model_d: 1
Arch. Fem - N [N is circled]: 1
Arch. H_d model_d man : 1
Arch. H_d model_d Nude clasp_d: 1
Arch. H_d model_d Ty panel or dish.: 1
Arch. Man- H_d model_d hold : 1
Archaic Nude-H_d Model_d: 1
Archaic clasp_ locks heavy neckl.: 1
Archaic crude - Human: 1
Archaic h_d model_d Fig: 1
Archaic peg - man (? cannot make out word....[plan????]: 1
Archaic-Nude press_g breast. H_d Model_d: 1
Archaic-Woman? head: 1
Arch_ H_d model_d- head : 1
Arch_ H_d model_d- Rudiment- arms : 1
Arch_ Man_ H_d model_d Drap_d : 1
Armed (god?)- 2 scimitar snake like: 1
Armed - god - Bull's ear: 1
Armed god: 28
Armed god (? man): 1
Armed god (Lower part): 1
Armed god ?: 1
Armed god holding bird: : 1
Armed God in shrine-: 1
Armed god, Kassite: 1
Armed god-: 3
Armed god- bull's ears: 2
Armed God- snake: 1
Armed god-Bull's ears: 1
Armed god-Snake scimitar: 1
Armed god.: 1
Armed god. arch or snake on shoulder Ningrizida: 1
Armed god:: 1
Armed god: Kaunakes: 1
Armed god?: 1
Armed god? Bull's ears: 1
Armed man: 2
Armed man- club: 1
Armed man-Mace & axe: 1
Armed- god: 1
Armed- god- Bull's ears: 1
Armed-god: 4
Armed-God Bull's ears: 1
Armed-god!: 1
Armed-god-: 2
Armed: man- holding rope & club: 1
Arm_d man (or clasp_d): 1
Arm_d man-Axe-Left extend_d kilt: 1
Ass: Animal head in round strap across muzzle: 1
Axe: 1
Back - Mud head priest: 1
Back of a chair 2 birds: 1
back of chair 2 birds 2 gazelles tree: 1
Back of chair 2 fem. Assis_t God_ss hold bird on staff Shrine Crescent: 1
back of chair Group-entwined Goat (ram?) +goose? cow?: 1
Back of chair: 1
Back of chair- Group-touching e.o: 1
Back of chair-2 birds: 4
Back of chair-2 nude+birds: 1
Back of chair-Birds: 1
Back of chair: 2 gazelles Tree: 1
Back of chair? One of pair of demons holding [drawing]: 1
Bandy leg_d Bes holding : harp: 1
Bear: 1
Beardless man: 1
Beard_d god-H_d model_d: 1
Beard_d man-Fist on Fist : 1
Beard_d-god's head-: 1
Bed: 13
Bed-(chair)-2 birds: 1
Bed-birds: 1
Bed-duck relief: 1
Bed:: 1
Bes: 1
Bes Amulet : 1
Bes like dwarf: 1
Bes like hermaphrodile bandy legged: 1
Bes like-hermaphrodite Nude [Fem clasp_d initially written then crossed out] Bandy leg_d: 1
bes on boat shap_d dragon: 1
Bes on dragon: 1
Bes-bandyleg_d-Puzuzu mask Rt raised-Girdle of eingulur: 1
Bird: 9
Bird (rattle:): 1
Bird - : 1
Bird rattle : 4
Bitumen -: 1
Blue glazed beard: 1
boar: 2
Boar rattle : 1
Boat: 16
Border of palm [drawing] Seat_d Kaunak-Clasp_d-[drawing] Bird in hand- [drawing]: 1
Brick: 1
Buffalo: 2
Buffalo head: 1
Buffalo?: 1
Bull-Scratching : 1
Calf's head (vase) breasts pierced: 1
Camel (? horse) : 1
Camel rider: 1
Camel? : 2
cf- Zoomorph vase 1521 of Bear: 1
chair: 1
chair back: 1
Chair back-2 birds-tree: 1
Chair back-2 ostriches (?): 1
Chair bottom: Inscribed: 1
Chair- [drawing] trees: 1
Chair-2 birds-tree: 1
Chair-Dogs & [drawing]: 1
Chair=2 birds. fishes: 1
Chariot: 3
Chariot board: Enkidu+pole: 1
Chariot relief bird! Armed God-holds double axe before: 1
Clasp_d: 1
Clasp_d-Bandolier-Bell-Base: 1
Clasp_d-Fem Nude=Kaunak-skirt: 1
clasp_d-Firin_G chiton: 1
Clay bead: 2
Clay Foot - Woollen shoe: 1
Clay mask. Eyes bored. Filled w. paste originally blue- suspens. hole: 1
Clay object: 1
Clay shrine- stars rosetles spears- idd - seat: 1
Clay shrine-slars roselles spears-add-seat: 1
Clay sickles used -: 1
Cloak over rt should Nude-L h extended: 1
Cloth_d-nurse & infant. : 1
Copulating on bed: 1
Copulation - Pipe drink: 1
Couple: 1
Cow: 3
Cow's head - in round : 1
Crescent : 2
Crescents: 1
Decorated bed: 1
Deity on lion: 1
Demon-knee high warrior facing right 2 arms raised w weapons: 1
Dog: 2
Dog & puppy of (Lion & cub:): 1
Dog (?) in box: 1
Dog's head: 1
Donkey: 1
Donkey rider: 1
Donkey? : 1
Drap+d man votary-Left hang_g: 1
Draped Man-Clasp_d-Turban: 1
Drap_d clasp_d man: 1
Drap_d clasp_d Strap_d on sh: 1
Drap_d Fem-H_d model_d: 1
Drap_d Fem-walk_g L: 1
Drap_d Fem. clasp_d: 1
Drap_d Fem. R_t extend. Framed[?] L. holds jar?: 1
Drap_d God on lion: 1
Drap_d male-clasp_d: 1
Drap_d man clasp_d: 2
Drap_d man offers kid: 1
Drap_d man-carry-kid: 1
Drap_d man-offers lamb: 1
Drap_d man-offers. goat: 1
Drap_d nurse & infant : 1
Drap_d woman-profile-Rt-extended: 1
Drap_d- Turb-Man- offers goat Rt suwilla: 1
Drap_d-Fan-Rt(holding[picture of pot]) to breast L_t-hanging : 1
Drap_d-Fem. : 1
Drap_d-Fem. clasp_d: 1
Drap_d-Fring_d-turban-man [written in black ink - "holding. [drawing] palm crook & bird]: 1
Drap_d-man, offers kid: 1
Drap_d-nurse & child: 1
Drap_d...ove e-o: 1
Dresses, holding nude baby in left arm & holding [?] right hand. in her right [?]: 1
Dresss_-Fem-Clasp_d: 1
Dress_d - Clasp Feathers: 1
Dress_d - clasp_d God_ss ? rich headdress stars & [drawing?]: 1
Dress_d - Clasp_d Rosettes : 1
Dress_d Assis_t God_ss v 2h. up su-il-la : 1
Dress_d Clasped - Feather crown: 1
Dress_d Fem (seal_d h_d extend!): 1
Dress_d Fem-belt+bandoliers: 1
Dress_d Fem-clasp_d: 1
Dress_d fem-conical mitre: 1
Dress_d Fem-press-breasts: 1
Dress_d Fem-Rt h-raised: 1
Dress_d Fem-shaped cross: 1
Dress_d Fem. : 1
Dress_d Holds cup: 1
Dress_d man clasp_d: 1
Dress_d man-Kuanak-clasp_d clasp_d Horned bonnett: 1
Dress_d man-offer kid: 1
Dress_d man. turban offer kid: 1
Dress_d nurse: 1
Dress_d on animal: 1
Dress_d woman-Rt hanging: 1
Dress_d-clasp_d- no emblem : 1
Dress_d-Fem-Clasp_d(Gud.): 1
Dress_d-Fem. & child-: 1
Dress_d-holds bottle-Rt-Extended : 1
Duck: 3
Emblem Bird on cane [E circled] Nude man pofile-loin cloth: 1
Enkidu: 1
Enkidu & staff: 1
Enkidu holding post: 1
Enkidu holds [drawing]-Rampant lion & monkey: 1
Enkidu holds [it appears paper note written on is damaged where the next word would be?]: 1
Enkidu-pole-colour_d- Pa sag chapel: 1
Faience Mask: 1
Fake b: 1
Fem: 2
Fem - Turret head-dress 2 - bottles: 1
Fem clasp_d - drap_d: 1
Fem clasp_d Kaunakes: 1
Fem clasp_d-Kaunakes: 1
Fem head: 3
Fem Head-H_d mould_d: 1
Fem holds 2 lances-2 cres_t: 1
Fem Kaunak-clasp-Ginglets: 1
Fem kaunak-clasp_d-stands on base: 1
Fem-Curls: 1
Fem-hand up: 1
Fem-Heavy wig : 1
Fem-robe belt holds...: 1
Fem-robe-belt-holds(pot) with both hands. : 1
Fem-robed-press breast stands on...Border: 1
Fem-robed-press breast stands on...Border...: 1
Fem. : 1
Fem. Arch. H_d model_d: 1
Fem. head: 1
Fem. head - Hellenistic : 1
Fem. head- : 1
Fem. profile-Kaunakes belt raised on shoulder: 1
Fem. seat_d Kaunak holds vase. : 1
Fem: v Suilla-Facing-hands up r&l. kaunakes: 1
Fem: in the round: 1
Fertility. Marital. Group - Nude Godess pulling beard of the god who touches her pubes off balance: 1
Fighter- trampling foes: 1
Fine glazed - (glass) bottle : 1
Flail m [man]: 1
Flail man Lulimu: 1
Flail man & monkey: 1
Flail man & monkeys: 1
Flounced-Fem-Clasp_d Standing : 1
Flute Monkey: 1
Fring_d man claasp_d(kid?): 1
Fring_d man-clasp_d: 1
Fring_d man-clasp_d?: 1
Fring_d-Walking-Man?: 1
Frit Frog: 1
Frit Monkey : 1
Frit tortoise : 1
Frog : 3
Frog - Sqat - Incised feet - Hollow_d eyes: 1
Gilg!-& staff: 1
Gilg+overflow_g vase: 1
Glazed - Monkey : 1
Glazed Horse rider : 1
Glazed- Rosette : 1
Glaz_d - Frog: 1
Glaz_d - ram : 1
Glaz_d - Snake mace : 1
Glaz_d bead: 1
Glaz_d comb : 2
Glaz_d Dog : 1
Glaz_d fishes : 1
Glaz_d Frit : 2
Glaz_d frit vase : 1
Glaz_d Frogs : 1
Glaz_d Man drap_d : 1
Glaz_d Monkey : 1
Glaz_d Nude-clasp_d: 1
Glaz_d-Fem head: 1
Glaz_d-Man clasp_d: 1
Glaz_d-man-w cap : 1
Glaz_d-Nude: 1
Goat: 1
Goat - H_d model_d: 1
God (?) low horn_d mitre: 1
God drap_d-on goat: 1
God holds [drawing] in left: 1
God's head: 2
God+ horn_d mitre: 1
God- Horn_d- head- dr. : 1
God--: 1
God-on animal: 1
God: clasp_d: 1
God? pleated- Holds emblems: 1
Godd+ss Seat_d profile-Kaunakes: 1
Goddess armed-club & axe: 1
Goddess serated dress_d nurse & child: 1
Goddess Woman? Kaunakes: 1
Godd_s drap_d-clasp_d-3 feather (Furrel?): 1
Godd_ss kaunak-holds out l. h_d: 1
Godd_ss-clasp. Stand-in shrine-rosettes- 2 Assistants hold bat[?} & bunting: 1
Godd_ss: kaunak- bird in rt in left: 1
Gods: Kaunak - Clasp_d - Turret [additional 2 markings?]: 1
God_s Stand-Clasp-Kaunak: 1
God_ss (?) horn_d mitre: 1
God_ss + Flowing vase- 2 geese Kaunak * [Circled: *]: 1
God_ss drap_d-seat_d on ram: 1
God_ss seated-clasp_d-kanauk h_d model-: 1
God_ss Seat_d Clasp_d-Kaunak 2 Birds-Rosettes [drawing]: 1
Granny spout - Br Mu: 1
Group: 17
Group (only rt fig) Litnus Gods-walking-Feather crown: 1
Group entwined: 1
Group entwined- Kaunak: 1
Group Entwined- Kaunakes: 1
Group entwined-ooo 000: 1
Group- entwined : 1
Group- Entwined Kaunak: 1
Group- Entwin_d Kaunakes: 1
Group- Holds whip: 1
Group- Kaunaks- Facing: 1
Group- Lulimu: 1
Group- Lulimu & wife: 1
Group- Lulimu + wife: 1
Group- Marching left: 1
Group- Seated: 1
Group-2 advancing hold mace & litnus: 1
Group-2 bottles hands up: 1
Group-2 feathe_d-litnus advancing: 1
Group-2 men w litnus: 1
Group-2 Seat_d-Kaunak hold [drawing indicated]: 1
Group-3 seated: God(staffs) God_s-bucket Kaunakes Nude clasp_d drought(?) between : 1
Group-Entwined: 2
Group-Litnus-Feathers: 1
Group:: 1
Groups-Mother holds-[picture of cup]-& daughter. : 1
Guardian of door posts: 1
Guardians & door posts: 1
Hand model_d Dress_d Fem fig - Fring_d Navel & pudenda incis-d: 1
Hand model_d Animal Incis_d signs: 1
Harpist-Glaz_d: 1
Head in relief-Sarginid: 1
Head of same: 1
Head of same (Tambour): 1
Head- H_d model_d: 1
Hollour Bell shaped Fem. Statuette: 1
Horn_d Godd_ss barley of tree: 1
Horn_d- mitre- God ?: 1
Horn_d-God-no side curls : 1
Horse : 15
Horse & rider: 2
Horse (rider: 1
Horse - rider : 1
Horse or camel: 1
Horse rider: 4
Horse rider. Man- H_d model_d: 1
Horse, rider : 1
Hum Fig: 1
Humped bull: 1
Hump_d bull: 1
Hump_d bull - paint_d: 1
H_d extended Nude-Ishtar on lion: 1
H_d made-man offer-kid: 1
H_d model breasts [photo covers rest of category]: 1
H_d model_d Woman? Man. Suilla 2h up pressing breasts: 1
H_d model_d - Animal : 1
H_d model_d ?: 1
H_d model_d arch - Nude Fem Heavy neckl. : 1
H_d model_d Arch male?: 1
H_d model_d Arch-Man: 1
H_d model_d Fem - Drap_d ?: 1
H_d model_d Hump_d bison: 1
H_d model_d Tympanon-Horizontal: 1
H_d model_d- Arch mak:: 1
H_d model_d- crude-: 1
H_d model_d-crack-: 1
H_d model_d?: 1
H_d mold_d Arch.: 1
H_d-model_d- Woman under blanket:: 1
Ibex: 1
Ibex.: 1
Idem : 1
Incense burner: 5
Inscrib_d Sheep=Name agrig_d Nannar : 1
Jar neck-capacity inscrib : 1
Jointed arm: 1
kaunak skirt: 1
Kaunak-God_ss-Rt Extend_d: 1
Kaunak-Rt-hd-hang_g: 1
Lid & Snakes: 1
Lid+Snakes: 1
Lime st head. priest: 1
Lion: 6
Lion & driver: 1
Lion attacks horse rider: 1
Lion head in round: 1
Lion passant: 1
Lion"s nozzle Round: 1
Lion: full face: 1
Lions muzzle Round: 1
Loom weight: 1
Luhimu in jund: 1
Lulimu w whip: 1
Lulimu: 1
Lulimu & wife- Standing on one base: 1
Lulimu (on ram?): 1
Lulimu on ram: 1
Lulimu- in ound : 1
mace head - in clay: 1
Male Fig- : 1
Male Fig-: 1
Man : 1
Man & ram: 1
Man - (Rider?): 1
Man - Archaic -: 1
Man - clasp : 1
Man - Kauant - Hold: 1
Man - robe - bell - R_t hang_g Left to breast Kid : 1
Man - Robe - Belt- Holds jar : 1
Man drap_d-offer_g-kid: 1
Man driving lion: 1
Man on elephant: 1
Man profile holds bird on staff w both hands: 1
Man profile-Fring_d Rt hang mg: 1
Man profile-holding prop +tree-(Reed): 1
Man votary offer lamb: 1
Man votary- [drawing of crescent] mark: 1
Man w-crook or axe: 1
Man w. (crook or club whip: 1
Man walking - Shoes: 1
Man walks profile-Bird & [drawing]: 1
Man's head : 1
Man, offers-kid-: 1
Man-: 1
Man- H_d model_d : 1
Man- offering:: 1
Man-Arch-H_d-Model_d: 1
Man-carries bird in clasp_d h.: 1
Man-carries kid: 1
Man-drap_d: 1
Man-drap_d-clasp_d: 2
Man-drap_d-hold_g kid: 1
Man-Fring_d: 1
Man-Fring_d-: 1
Man-Fring_d-Bell-Stola: 1
Man-fring_d-offers goat: 1
Man-holds sheath- : 1
Man-holds sheath.: 1
Man-H_d Model_d: 1
Man-left holds axe armed Rt:: 1
Man-long robe--Turban?: 1
Man-offer_g-kid-Drap_d: 1
Man-profile H_d-raised. : 1
Man-profile-Rt Extend- Fring_d stand_g below?: 1
Man-Radiat_g-hair: 1
Man-robe-belt-base Fist one above other holds [triangle]: 1
Man-robe-belt-clasp_d: 1
Man-rt.h. raised: 1
Man-R_t h. raised-: 1
Man-staff & bird: 1
Man-voatary: 1
Man-Votary: 1
Man-votary-l. h.-up : 1
Man-w crook over sh: 1
Man. : 2
Man. Shawl on shoulder : 1
Man. walk?-Loin cloth-Arm hang: 1
Man...other upper body nude Upper body nude. : 1
Man:: 1
Man? Hum fig-outstretch_d h. : 1
Man_ Arch_ H_d model_d : 1
Man_ shawl_ on shoulder: 1
Martu + Worship God_s [Circled: V] : 1
Mask: 22
Mask of man: 1
Mask Puzuzu: 2
Mask: : 1
Mask:: 1
Mastiff-Dog's collar: 1
Min Votary-mark: 1
model of saw: 1
Monkey man: 5
Monkey man & flail: 2
Monkey-man: 1
Mother & child: 1
Mother & child-: 1
Mother & daught-kaunak hold: 1
Mother & daughter : 1
Mother & daughter-seat_d: 2
Mother goose: 6
Mother Goose rosettes: 1
Mother goose [Circled: U] Seat_d goddess: 1
Mother goose [Circled: Z]: 1
Mother goose- Bau, Gula- seated on her bird emblem. Holds in left a small jar or: 1
Mould Bes or Set: 1
Mould God- walking right: 1
Mould Nude clasp_d - Heavy neckl: 1
Mould Nude man hold_g clubs: 1
Mould Robed God w whip on a beast: 1
Mould - Stone ?: 1
Mould God:-Kaunakes-Holds-mace: 1
Mould Group Kaunak : 1
Mould Nude Fem. : 1
Mould of dragon : 1
Mould- Bes-: 1
Mould-: 1
Mould-Flounc_d skirt: 1
Mould-Head-Flat headdress : 1
Mould-Nude clasp_d?: 1
Mould-Nude Fem. : 1
Mould-Puzuzu: 1
Mould-Puzuzu Inscription: 1
Mould:adze:: 1
Moulds: Nude Fem Drap_d Man : 1
Mould_ Seat_d Fem hold_g vase: 1
Mud Fig - Archaic .: 1
Mud Papsukal w copper baldric &weapons: 1
Nail: 2
Nebo type: cross_d hands- Trimmed beard-hair parted, waved, tied w. 2 band, drawn over [backside] ears, hanging in formal curls over the shoulders Long robe. Fet, arms, fingers, folds painted black &brown over white lime. : 1
Neckl-Belt [Whetstone? with drawing indicated]] Warnu-Cross baldric L. extend_d-R. holds club: 1
Nude: 18
Nude - Arch - H_d model_d: 1
Nude - Arch - H_d model_d {circled-N}: 1
Nude - Carry water bottle: 1
Nude - clasp_d: 1
Nude - clasp_d (like tympan.): 1
Nude - clasp_d - heavy neckl: 1
Nude - fem: 1
Nude - Hands meeting: 1
Nude - head. 9 locks: 1
Nude - holds infant to breast : 1
Nude - paint_d Fem -: 1
Nude - press_g: 1
Nude - Rt hang, down - L to br heavy Neckl: 1
Nude : Clasp_d: 1
Nude armed man: 1
Nude armed man (Whip:): 1
Nude Arms stretch_d-Egypt : 1
Nude belt armed man: 1
Nude carry : 1
Nude clap_d: 1
Nude clasp Heavy neckl. : 1
Nude clasp- 5 locks Heavy neckl: 1
Nude clasp- Heavy neckl: 1
Nude clasped : 2
Nude clasp_d: 71
Nude clasp_d (Heavy neckl.): 1
Nude clasp_d - 9 - locks: 1
Nude clasp_d - Hair down back: 1
Nude clasp_d - Heavy neckl Cirlandes on both sides: 1
Nude clasp_d - Heavy neckl & belt: 1
Nude clasp_d - Heavy neckl. Lodes: 1
Nude clasp_d - Heavy necklace: 1
Nude clasp_d - Paint: 1
Nude clasp_d 5 curls heavy neckl. : 1
Nude clasp_d Cassite: 1
Nude clasp_d Heavy lock. : 1
Nude clasp_d Heavy neckl-: 1
Nude clasp_d Long locks : 1
Nude clasp_d- 5 curls 5 neckl: 1
Nude clasp_d- Archaic: 1
Nude clasp_d-2 heads : 1
Nude clasp_d-8 ringlets: 1
Nude clasp_d-Archaic: 1
Nude clasp_d-Crude: 1
Nude clasp_d-Heavy locks E: 1
Nude Clasp_d-Holds Vase: 1
Nude clasp_d-Kassite: 1
Nude clasp_d-Lines of dots: 1
Nude clasp_d-Neckl. : 1
Nude clasp_d-Paint_d w&bl. unbaked-mud Figurine Model_d-in the round-: 1
Nude clasp_d-Rosettes: 1
Nude clasp_d-slender: 3
Nude Fem : 15
Nude Fem (loin cloth): 1
Nude Fem-H_d-raised: 1
Nude Fem-l. arm rais_d: 1
Nude Fem. : 6
Nude Fem. Clasp_d-Curls 9: 1
Nude fem. press_g breasts: 1
Nude fem. Standig-2 hands up between-serpents: 1
Nude Fem.....?: 1
Nude Fem: H_d model_d: 1
Nude Gilg-+Flow_g vase: 1
Nude Gilg-holding vase: 1
Nude Gilg-w-vase: 1
Nude goddss [symbol] head: 1
Nude Godess on lion. : 1
Nude holding br_t: 1
Nude holds [drawing] - Rt hanging: 1
Nude Man - Holds bird & [drawing]: 1
Nude man belt holds bird & litnus: 1
Nude Man clasp_d: 1
Nude man profile-Axe & in l. hand-carries animal by tail:turtle-dates?: 1
Nude man profile-Axe: 1
Nude man walking: 1
Nude man, belt walks l_t R_t hang-Left to breast: 1
Nude man, holding [drawn symbol/also something crossed out]: 1
Nude man-Bird & Club: 1
Nude man-Bird & [drawing] in h_d: 1
Nude man-carry Fishes & turtle: 1
Nude man. holds cup: 1
Nude nurse : 3
Nude nurse & child : 4
Nude nurse & infant : 3
Nude nurse, child presentation: 1
Nude offr - Tumblr - Basket : 1
Nude on lion-H_d extend: 1
Nude press breasts Band-Ear rings Neckl: 1
Nude pressing br_ts: 1
Nude press_g breastsF: 1
Nude rider on horse holds scimitar: 1
Nude Woman: 1
Nude Woman holds water bottle: 1
Nude+skirt-clasp_d: 1
Nude, standing clasped, bejewelled: 1
Nude, worshiper carrying palms (? handles with markings?) - Double rope belt: 1
Nude-: 2
Nude- clasp_d: 1
Nude- Clasp_d - Heavy neckl-: 1
Nude-armed man-Pellets: 1
Nude-Bangles at ankles : 1
Nude-banjo-player: 1
Nude-Both arms at side Bucket?: 1
Nude-clasped: 1
Nude-clasp_d: 14
Nude-clasp_d-Jar: 1
Nude-clasp_d-Locks: 1
Nude-clasp_ed+3 similar heads : 1
Nude-curls: 1
Nude-Fem : 4
Nude-Goddess: Kauna Kes thrown back-arms extend holding clubs:scales. Standing on lion?: 1
Nude-Heavy locks-E Back thumb: 1
Nude-holding jar? : 1
Nude-holding-trees?: 1
Nude-hold_g-breasts-Coarse : 1
Nude-H_d model_d: 1
Nude-incis_d: 1
Nude-Left arm raised: 1
Nude-left h-raised: 1
Nude-Left raised: 1
Nude-Left up : 1
Nude-left-raised: 1
Nude-L_t arm raised : 1
Nude-nurse+infant: 1
Nude-pressd breast : 1
Nude-pressing breast-Turret 2 Birds Ropes: 1
Nude-pressing br_ts: 1
Nude-press_g breast: 1
Nude-press_g-breasts: 1
Nude-Raises left arm. : 1
Nude-Rt fist on left hand holds?: 1
Nude-R_t. raise_d: 1
Nude-Slender {Circled} P: 1
Nude-supports breasts : 1
Nude.: 1
Nude. Arch-H_d model_d: 1
Nude...: 1
Nude: Fem-Curls: 1
Nude: _: 1
Nude?: 1
Nude_ Hand-model_d: 1
Nude_clasp: 1
Nurse: 2
Nurse & child - Nude ;: 1
Nurse & child - Squat : 1
Nurse - H_d Model_d: 1
Nurse - squat: 2
offer table: 3
Offrant with-goat-Fring_d: 1
One (man w whip) of a group: 1
Owl: 1
Paint - Fem: 1
Painted Bison [note not in usual blue pencil?]: 1
Painted Clay Figurine: 1
Paint_d - Fem Fig: 1
Paint_d - Head - Red: 1
Paint_d - Mud head: 1
Paint_d - Nurse & child: 1
Paint_d animal: 1
Paint_d Animal Sheep: 1
Paint_d Bird: 1
Paint_d fem - 2 frag_ts: 1
Paint_d Fem fig.: 1
Paint_d Fig Al'Ubaid: 1
Paint_d pot - Gazelles: 1
Paint_d red - Bull's head: 1
Paint_d relief. Horses?: 1
Paint_d tiger: 1
Peacock Godd_ss - Vase flowing: 1
Pierced pendant - Susp. hole - Moulded like 1280 : 1
Pig : 11
Pig (? ram) rattle : 1
Pig - Arch- painted [painted pig]not blue pencil]: 1
pig - boar : 1
Pig or sheep : 1
Pig rattle : 1
Pig?: 1
Plaque w bitumen! Arm-hanging Horn_d [drawing] God-H_d mould_d-: 1
Pornograph: 1
Praxitele? Nude-left h-...ed R. to breast : 1
Preflood - paint_d - Fem: 1
Preflood paint_d Nude: 1
Pregnant woman: 1
Pressing breast seat_d(Kneel_g)-Kaunakes: 1
Puzuzu: 8
Puzuzu 3/4 relief: 1
Puzuzu 3/4 relief [drawing indicated]: 1
Puzuzu Mask: 1
Puzuzu mask High relief: 1
Ram: 1
Ram sherd: 1
Ram's head: 2
Ram's head - H_d model_D : 1
Ram's head - Round : 1
Rattle: 6
Rattle wheel : 4
Rattles: 1
Rattles pig: 1
Rider: 6
Rider :: 1
Rosette : 1
Rosettes Turret crown? Woman: 1
Seated clasp_d-2 birds: 1
Seated Kaunak - Clasp_d: 1
Seated-clasp_d-2 birds rosette: 1
Seated-clasp_d-Dogs Rosettes kaunak.: 1
seated-clasp_d-Kaunak: 1
Seated-Flounced-nurse & child.: 1
Seated-God_ss-kaunakes 2 attend_t hold crescent: 1
Seated-Kauk-Left Extend: 1
Seated-Kaunak-God_ss: 1
Seat_d Birds Trees or lambs: 1
Seat_d - Clasp_d - Kaunak - Turrett: 1
Seat_d - clasp_d Kaunak - Feathers: 1
Seat_d Clasp_d-Kaunak [drawing]: 1
seat_d Fem: 1
Seat_d Fem-clasp_d-Kaunakes: 1
Seat_d Fem-Clasp_d-Long cloak: 1
Seat_d god - clasp_d: 1
Seat_d God(?) Kaunak L. extend: 1
Seat_d goddess: 4
Seat_d goddess kaunakes L. extended- Feet on lion: 1
Seat_d Godd_s - 2 geese - 2 star 2 flow_g vases: 1
Seat_d Godd_ss drap_d [v circled] Feet on lion or bull: 1
Seat_d God_s-Kaunakes: 1
Seat_d god_ss: 2
Seat_d God_ss bird in hand Enkidu: 1
Seat_d god_ss Clasp Kaunak: 1
Seat_d god_ss Clasp_d- Kaunak: 1
Seat_d God_ss clasp_d-Kaunak Flat head derss : 1
Seat_d God_ss Kaunak-Lt extended: 1
Seat_d Kaunak- Monkey: 1
Seat_d Kaunak--Stand.: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-Clasp_d: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-Clasp_d-2 birds: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-H_d extended: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-Left Extend: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-Left Extend_d: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-Mitre-Stand: 1
Seat_d Kaunak-rays on should: 1
Seat_d kaunak. Clasp_d-lion? or dog & monkey 5 rosettes & [drawing]: 1
Seat_d Kaunakes-H_d extend: 1
Seat_d kaunk-clasped [drawing] Birds-: 1
Seat_d man. Left extend_d, cup. : 1
seat_d nurse: 1
Seat_d nurse & child Dress_d: 1
Seat_d Nurse+infant-Kaunak : 1
Seat_d on bull-holds bird Bull-man: 1
Seat_d Woman w harp: 1
seat_d-(Kaunakes-clasp_d?): 1
Seat_d-clasp_d Fem Kaunak : 1
Seat_d-Clasp_d Kaunak birds [drawing]: 1
Seat_d-Clasp_d-2 birds: 1
Seat_d-clasp_d-Kaunak: 1
Seat_d-godess-Kaunakes: 1
Seat_d-God_ss kaunak-Rt Extend: 1
Seat_d-Kauank-2 birds: 1
Seat_d-Kaunak: 1
Seat_d-Kaunak-clasp_d: 1
Seat_d-Kaunak-Moon-Rosettes: 1
seat_d-Kaunak-nurs_g-child: 1
Seat_d-Kaunakes: 3
seat_d-Kaunakes-clasp_d(?): 1
seat_d-woman & child: 1
seat_d=Kaunak-Rt Extend: 1
Set_d God. embrac_g nude god_ss - (on his knees?): 1
Shaven-Man & staff: 1
Sheep Pig rattle (Cat?) : 1
Sheep : 3
Sheep (otter?): 1
Shield.: 1
Shrine & statue drap_d Vertical Folds: 1
Shrine door: 1
Shrine-2 [drawing] keepers birds & fish: 1
Shu illz?: 1
Sickle paint_d Arch: 1
sketch drawing: 1
Skirt_d fig: 1
Sling bolt: 1
Sling bolts: 1
Smoother tool: 1
Snake: 2
Spatula: Al'Ubaid: 1
Sphinx:: 1
Spout_d Vase - Granny: 1
Squat nude nurse: 1
squat nurse & baby: 1
squat nurse & child: 4
Squatting monkey : 1
Stand: 1
Stand Man draped holds : 1
Stand-Kaunakes Godd_ss 1 hand up-Bottle: 1
Stone head: 1
Stool: 8
Sumer-head-(W): 1
Table + relief: 1
Table [Circled: R]: 1
Tambour: 2
Tambourine: 5
Tiger - To paint_d: 1
TO - Fem - fig: 1
TO - Fem - Flat face: 1
TO - Paint_d - Fem: 1
TO - paint_d Fem & child: 1
Tool: 1
Tortoise : 1
trampling foes armed god [?] - Profile Left extend_g: 1
Turret - 2 bottles [note photo over top line of category/can't make out?]: 1
Turret - 2 bottles - Rosettes Kaunakes : 1
Turret - Kaunakes -: 1
Turret - Rosettes - 2 bottles Kaunak: 1
Turret - Rosettes - 2 bottles: 3
Two gods on animals: 1
Tymp. Nurse.: 1
Tympan moulded from- Arch down: 1
Tympan: 9
Tympan - like - Heavy neck: 1
Tympanon: 6
Univ-Mu-Large TC plaq God_d w flowing vase Kaunakes: 1
Unusual-Drap_d-hold_g [drawing] seated? on ram?: 1
v Su-il: 1
v Su-il-la: 3
v Su-illa: 2
v Su-illa Godd_ss: 1
v Suilla: 4
v Suilla-Kaunakes [drawing] [drawing]: 1
War god: 1
War God Chariot Sphinx?: 1
War god chariot: 1
Warrior Man- kilt- Advancing- Rt hang over foe: 1
Warrior nude. Man walking t. R_t extended L holds weapon: 1
Warrior trampling: 1
Warrior trampling on foe: 1
Warrior w club & axe: 1
Warrior w shield & scimitar: 1
Warrior- left extend_d holds axe Kilt: 1
Warrior- scimit. & shield: 1
Warrior- trampling foe shield & scimitar: 1
Warrior- trampling foe: 1
Warrior- trampling foes: 1
Warrior-(Kassite): 1
Warrior-holding weapon? : 1
Wheel: 15
Wheel rattle: 3
Wheels: 1
White frit bead : 1
Woman - under baldakin: 1
Woman God_s stand-Kaunak-clasp_d: 1
Woman on bed: Grotesq: 1
Woman seat_d drap_d Fist one above other: 1
Woman w--harp: 1
Woman-(arch)-H_d model_d: 1
womans head-Kalathos: 1
Worship-assis_t goddess Profil Linen: 1
Worship. Profile dress_d-Man-Turban Rt. rais_d suille-Left at waist.: 1
Wrestlers: 2
youth (& dog): 1
Zebu: 1
[Category covered by photo]: 2
[category covered by picture]: 3
[Covered by picture]: 1
[Crossed out: Pregnant woman Squat nurse?]: 1
[Man. Worshiper. written in black ink] Rt. hand-hanging: 1
[Monkey man indicated in black ink unlike blue pencil] Man drap+d profile [drawing indicated] & rope: 1
[Note - Category is not handwritten but typed] SEAT OR ALTAR WITH TWO SERPENTS.: 1
[painted sow]not in blue pencil]: 1
[Woman initially indicated then crossed out replaced by] pair of horns God_s stand-kaunak ? (Holds bird?): 1
[Woman initially written then crossed out] Carrries over head body of lamb? or kid sheep: 1