Media Properties



(174)=190: 1
(174=) 190: 1
(176-&)192: 1
(ph. 189.?): 1
100: 10
1060 of. Enlarg_t: 1
1060: 3
1306: 6
1307: 5
1308: 6
1309: 5
1310: 5
1311: 2
1311 [1310 original [0 crossed out]: 1
1312: 4
1497 + Enlarg_t: 2
1498 + Enlarg_t: 2
1499 Enlarg_t: 1
1500 Enlarg_t: 1
1500 PH. Enlarg_t: 1
1501: 1
1502 [not on ph.]: 1
1502: 5
1545: 2
1546: 4
1547: 5
1548: 6
1549 : 6
1550: 6
1551: 4
1552: 8
1553: 3
1554: 1
1555: 2
173 189: 1
173: 1
174: 3
176 (or 192): 1
176 9192 : 1
176&192: 1
176. 192 176 (or. 192): 1
1797: 3
1798: 1
1831: 1
1835 1836 + Enlarg_d : 1
1837: 1
1838: 1
185: 1
1850: 4
1851: 4
1852: 10
1853: 6
1854: 7
1854(?): 1
1855: 6
1856: 7
1857 {....:Ph. 196-197} complete. : 1
1857: 4
1858: 5
1859: 5
1860: 6
1861: 11
1862: 7
1862, 1864: 1
1862;1864: 1
1863: 7
1864: 3
1864.: 1
1864.[notation crossed out]: 1
1865: 6
1886: 2
189 : 1
189 191: 1
189 cf.1204. Ph.191.: 1
189: 14
189 & 196 197: 1
1892: 5
1893: 6
1894: 8
1895: 7
1896: 7
1897: 6
1898 : 3
1898: 10
190 196 197 Br Mu. Photo. 7 37. : 1
190: 16
191 146-7: 1
191: 15
191.196.: 1
192: 22
192?: 1
195: 5
196 197 191: 1
196-7.: 1
197: 3
2036: 2
2046: 6
2047: 8
2048: 6
2049: 8
2050 1861: 1
2050: 7
2051: 5
2052: 5
2053 A.B.C.D.: 1
2053: 5
2054: 8
2055 A. B. : 1
2055: 6
2056: 11
2057 : 2
2057: 7
2088: 6
2126: 4
2127: 8
2128: 2
2129: 1
2224: 1
2228: 4
2229 : 1
2229: 4
2230: 5
2231: 4
2232: 3
2233: 4
2234: 8
2236: 7
2237: 3
2237.: 1
2237?: 1
2238: 4
2238.: 1
2239: 1
2276: 5
2277: 3
2278: 3
2279: 3
2280: 3
2281: 2
2282: 2
2283: 2
2284: 3
2285: 4
2286: 3
2287: 3
38: 8
391: 8
421: 16
422: 7
574: 1
575: 2
576: 1
577: 3
69: 11
69;110: 1
70 [421]crossed out]: 1
70: 10
703: 3
704: 10
707: 13
708 : 10
709: 10
813: 12
832 + Enlarg_t: 1
832: 1
843: 1
90-80-35: 1
? Ph. (173=) 189 n_o not of photo only 1336 (= 1325): 1
error 1552. = U. 15753 : 1
of Enlarg_t: 1
Ph. 1521: 1
Ph. 1547: 1
ph. 189. ? not on photo: 1
Ph. 2088: 1
Ph. 2126: 1
Ph. 2238: 1
Ph. 2280: 1
Ph. 38: 1
Ph. 703: 1
V.Ur.8. 813: 1
[1311 originally indicated then crossed out ] or 1310: 1
[173 &] initially indicated then crossed out] 189.: 1
[1798 initially indicated with? then crossed out]: 1
[1894 initially indicated then crossed out]: 1
[18?initially indicated then crossed out replaced by] 38: 1
[191.196 initially indicated then crossed out and replaced by] 813: 1
[738 initially indicated then crossed out]: 1
[Crossed out] 190: 1
[Ph. indicated but no #]: 1
[Upper part 16258]: 1
{Ph. indicated but no #?]: 1