This description is for any non modern description of an object.

Object Properties



terracotta. moulded man. fig. beard, fringed shawl. small crescent on r.shoulder. head broken. 70 mm high.: 1
'Trial-piece; a fragment from a white marble vase; on each side is a gem-cutter's sketch for making a cylinder seal; on one side a seated figure of a goddess, on the other a similar figure and some cuneiform signs...' UE 9 p. 131: 1
(Dagger) Leaf shape. Tang broken. Type I: 1
1 clay dog.: 1
10 triangular arrowheads. See 98-9-155.1-.10: 10
10+ pieces: thin, curved fragments: 1
2 bracelets, 1 ring, 1 pin. Adhering.: 1
2 crescent pieces: 1
2 full metal rings, 2 fragments of rings: copper coated in silver: 3
2 pegs, cylindrical body, flat head: 1
2 pieces; one tapers off towards end, flat at other end; looks like the two may have been connected: 1
2 pins; Silver, Broken (only 1 mentioned in Field Catalogue, none in pub. cat.): 2
2 ring fragments: 1
2 spears 1-the hilt is flattened, like an adze. Its "point" is round, but broken 2-spear point in 5 fragments, flat [see notes]: 1
2 straight, cyclindrical pieces: 1 black, 1 whitish: 1
2 unbaked clay fig. of demon with lion's head.: 1
2 unbaked clay figurine of serpents.: 2
20+ copper fragments, differing shapes: 1
20+ curved copper sherds, 1 circular peg: 1
20+ curved pieces of copper: 1
2016: curved fragment of corrosion, possibly silver, with a layer of wax on one side. The wax is likely something applied during excavation.: 1
3 arrowheads: one flat and leaf shaped, one triangular prism, one flat and diamond shaped: 1
3 Fragments CBS Register: 3 small silver caps from a throne (?) 6 x 4 cm. charred wood inside.: 1
3 fragments, flaky: 1
3 pieces: 1
3 pieces, no particular shaping: 1
3 rivets. Corroded. Handle of wood or ivory pierced by silver rivets. CBS Register: U.12705. copper. dagger. three rivets. ivory, silver riverts. wooden handle. U.12705c in database: 1
3 sections, all curved, one with a circle on one end: 1
4 Chair Legs CBS Register: 4 large silver caps for the 4 feet of a throne (?) 13 x 7 1/2 cm. charred wood inside.: 1
4 pieces: 1 hook, 3 straight cylindrical fragments: 1
4 rings, varied thicknesses: 1
4 thin, wavy pieces: 1
5 deep gray, rectangular: 1
5 silver 1/2 rings, one darker than others: 1
6 circular copper beads, bag inside contains 2 blue pin heads: 1
6 objects- 1 full ring, 2 crescent shaped ring pieces, 2 short tubes, 1 eye-shaped black weight: 1
6 pieces: 2 curved, 2 straight and thin, 1 triangle, and 1 rectangle: 1
7 Needle Heads (401 D is broken in three) CBS Register: no field number. seven lapis heads of copper needles found on card in storage: c,d, f and another part of whose # in ellegible. e,d,e, from A9 -> D12. no b See 30-12-401.1-.7: 7
7 pieces with different lengths, some curved, 2 are spiraled: 1
7 pieces- 3 are half ovals: 1
7 straight rectangular or cylindrical pieces: 1
a - Needle; Copper, Broken in Two. b - Pinhead; Lapis (does not belong to this needle) CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. lapis head, broken in three. length 150 mm: 1
A dog's head UE VII, 182: 1
A model chair or altar with two serpents.: 1
Adhered. 1 open at ends. Copper.: 1
Adhered. Copper.: 1
AH: No. 13 Church Lane: 1
an object was returned with "ur metal project" materials and a note reading: B17801? B17501? B17601? I could not read the number either, so i went back to the CBS register. B17801 is a miniature alabaster; B17601 is a cylinder seal. B17501 are 5 copper nails with rolled flat end. Only 4 are in storage, this object was added as B17501E. (Jan 2010, KB): 4
Arrow like. Traces of binding. UE IV: copper spear-head; pure copper: 1
Bangles with double hammer ends. CBS Register: copper. bracelets, pair. (with sketch). Diam 68 mm: 1
Beads (strung), small spherical & 6 Pazuzu : 1
Bed: 1
Bent Head; Broken. Type VI-A sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 542: 1
Bent Shaft CBS Register: copper pin sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 177: 1
Beta. Description Clay tablet with fourteen and eighteen and one lines of inscription; allocation of bread; Old Babylonian; incomplete; lower part missing; partially repaired; salt deposit. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Inscription Script: Cuneiform Inscription Comment: allocation of bread (twelve men ea. two pan) etc. from Ku KI.KA.GAR.AN issued by Sin-nashi Dimensions Length: 3.125 inches Width: 1.875 inches Condition Incomplete; lower part missing; partially repaired; salt deposit. : 1
Bitumen.: 1
black cylinder: 1
Black painted band inside rim. Round base. Type CCCLXV: 1
black rectangular fragment: 1
black, smooth ring piece: 1
Blade. Broken: 1
BM 119214 Merlin: 'Description: String of cornelian and rock crystal beads; strung alternately; large faceted bead in the middle. Dimensions, Length: 17.5 inches' : 1
BM 119215 Merlin: 'Description: String of carnelian beads. Dimensions, Length: 19.5 inches': 1
BM 119216 Merlin: 'Description: String of cornelian and gold beads, including four in the shape of pots and one small pebble. Dimensions, Length: 12 inches' : 1
BM 119217 Merlin: 'Description: String of carnelian and gold beads, including four in the shape of pots and one small pebble. Dimensions, Length: 12 inches': 1
BM 119218 Merlin: 'Description: String of lapis lazuli, rock crystal and gold beads with small gold pendant in the middle. Dimensions, Length: 9.25 inches': 1
BM 119219 Merlin: 'Description String of beads, various shapes and materials. Dimensions, Length: 12.5 inches' : 1
BM 119221 Merlin: 'Description: String of beads, various shapes and materials; a few engraved. Dimensions, Length: 19.75 inches' : 1
BM 119224 Merlin: 'Description: String of lapis lazuli, rock crystal and blue frit beads. Dimensions, Length: 14.75 inches' : 1
BM 119225 Merlin: 'Description: String of carnelian beads, various shapes. Dimensions: Length: 9.25 inches': 1
BM 119226 Merlin: 'Description: String of mostly faience beads; some in the form of axe and adze-heads. Dimensions, Length: 19 inches': 1
BM 119227 Merlin: 'Description: Small dark reddish stone pebble, pierced for stringing as a bead. Dimensions, Length: 0.69 inches Width: 0.44 inches': 2
BM 19223 Merlin: 'Description: String of lapis lazuli and rock crystal beads, with small rock crystal pendant. Dimensions, Length: 10.75 inches': 1
BM Description Glazed composition amulet or pendant in the form of a miniature altar with two depressions in the top and hole for suspension; weathered.: 1
BM Description Inlaid eye from a statuette; circle of lapis lazuli set into white limestone 'iris'.: 1
BM Description Miniature, plain, open, light grey stone bowl with flat base; rim chipped.: 1
BM Description Shallow cylindrical copper alloy vessel with ring base formed by riveting a strip round the side to project below flat base.: 1
BM Description: Copper alloy lance head, eight-sided, extreme point missing.: 1
BM Description: Eight miniature copper/bronze tools or weapons; including four spatulas or spears, two axes and two unidentified tools/weapons. Traces of shafts in spears and axes.: 8
BM: Band of sheet gold, decorative mount from a beam which has now disappeared. : 1
BM: Fragment of tridacna shell engraved with patterns on both sides.: 1
BM: Gold fastener, with engraved spiral design on quatrefoil [apparently Woolley's rosette] head, which was found with a spare head-dress placed on a table beside Pu-abi's byre; pierced shank.: 1
Bracelets: 2
Broken CBS Register: copper ring, broken.: 1
Broken sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 14: 1
Broken: 6
broken, can be reassembled CBS Register: clay pot. with sketch.. Type CCCV. : 1
Broken.: 2
Broken. Type II, B. variant: 1
Brown ware, buff slip, with red painted design. Type J. N. sj. 8, but with 2 spouts side by side.: 1
Brown ware. Flat base, sides expanding to shoulder which has same diameter as the rim from which it is separated by a deep groove.: 1
brown/purple fragments, some hollow: 1
Buff ware, black painted geometric design. Tulip shaped. Type CCCXLV. UE IV: clay cup type aU.23, painted.: 1
Buff ware, cream slip. Flattened base, carinated body, constricted neck, overhanging rim (damaged). Type JN. Red painted design of filled and cross-hatched triangles surmounted by horizontal and vertical bands on shoulder; lower part of jar completely painted.: 1
Buff ware, traces of green (from copper?). Conical with flat base.: 1
Buff ware. Rounded body, slightly concave sides, sharp high shoulder, constricted neck, straight rim. Crude checker-board incised decoration. Note: found at PJ. "Found loose in the upper J.N.G. level circ. 4.70" Type ____ (they also left a blank) vol. IV: 209 says found in pit X near top [possibly intur give (from E.D. or sargonid?)]: 1
Bull's. Metal sheet on bitumen core.: 1
Butt end.: 1
CBS records say duck weight. Broken. 30 ma-na / gi-na / dGimil il Sin ka: 1
CBS Register. No field number. silver tube.: 1
CBS Register. Season V. Silver. Axe. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register. Silver. handle. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register. Silver. round bowl: 1
CBS Register: 3 fragments of clay cone of Warad Sin to Ninni. U.1566 is corrected to U.1166 in the register: 1
CBS Register: clay jar. long and narrow. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: 1 coil silver ring.: 1
CBS Register: 1 copper ring: 1
CBS Register: 10054 is crossed out in pencil with a question mark and the number 9 is written inbetween the two 0s. copper jar. with sketch. diam. 225 height 245 mm: 1
CBS Register: 11220 is crossed out in pencil with a question mark. copper pin without head. length 190 mm. 11226 is in the database for field number, and corresponds to the field notes: 1
CBS Register: 2 copper rings: 1
CBS Register: 2 fr. of broken jar clay supports (?) ring form. or jar necks. short inscript. of capacity. 77 1/2 . 189 ga.: 2
CBS Register: 2 silver, 1 copper earing. A.B.C.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. : 2
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. 22 cups roughly hand made. with sketch. from EH. no field number. : 4
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. 22 cups roughly hand made. with sketch. from EH. no field number. : 15
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. bowl decorated with black painted lines.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. cup with foot. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. egg shell white bowl. : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. green glaze. oil ampulla. bleached. : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. green glaze. oil ampulla. with sketch. 2014 Description: The object has no green glaze. There are traces of glaze but these are brown in color.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. round jar.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small bottle. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. Jar incised. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. with sketch. 2 examples.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. with sketch. 2 examples. 2014 Description: High shouldered vessel with a flat base a carinated neck. The outside edge of the rim is beveled. The ceramic is orange.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. with sketch. 2 examples. 2014 Description: High shouldered vessel with a flat base a carinated neck. The outside edge of the rim is beveled. The ceramic is orange. The surface is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Straight tumbler. no field number.: 2
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. straight tumbler. with sketch. Record did read U.7052a, but the register says U.7053a: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. tumbler. with sketch: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. vase. neck decorated with bituminous paint. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. vase. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. vase. with sketch. 2014 Description: Ovoid uplifted body with a flared out wide neck and a trimmed conical foot. The ceramic is red/brown.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. with sketch : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. with sketch. 2014 Description: Bi-conical bodied vessel with a sharp shoulder and a short wide neck. The rim is beveled on the outside edge. There is a ring shaped foot. The ceramic paste is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Small trumpet mouthed prehistoric drain pipes, used on a slope as "intake.": 1
CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. terracotta drain head over a deep ring drain. crescent on staff moulded in relief.: 1
CBS Register: 4th Expediton. Brick of Nabonidus. Egigparku E nindingir ra. 2 examples<br />Behrens: Nabonid 15 (Walker Brick Inscriptions Nr. 113) [B16560a (U.2883a)]<br />Behrens: Nabonid 15 (Walker Brick Inscriptions Nr. 113) [B16560b (U.2883b)]: 1
CBS Register: 7933. copper bowl. hemispheric. 71 database says U.7922: 1
CBS Register: 8842 a, b, c, d. silver. three coil rings and one earring. See B17560.1-.4: 4
CBS Register: arrow head. Iron. 5 examples. 110 to 62 mm length.: 1
CBS Register: B17569-B17573, together in PG 825. no field number. one gold cap from the above seal. (B17569): 1
CBS Register: B17569-B17573, together in PG 825. seal cyl. lapis. worshipping a seated goddes. Tree. 18 x 11mm UE II: Cylinder seal, lapis lazuli.: 1
CBS Register: clay cone of Ur-nammu. Digs the canal: Id ur ma, Kurum Nimi ni for Enlil: 1
CBS Register: clay incense burner. with incised pattern on sides. From Ningal temple. Larsa period.: 1
CBS Register: clay jar with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: clay offering table. complete. foot decorated with incised lines and 3 clay figures in the round, crouching bulls. four round holes, two oblong holes. height 352, upper diam 315 mm: 1
CBS Register: clay offering table. complete. foot decorated with incisions. PG 362 two round holes. height 290 upper diam 340mm: 1
CBS Register: clay pot with spout. 210 x 109 mm: 1
CBS Register: cone of Warad Sin to Ningal. Rebuilds her "e-id-galusubgu-kalamma" In situ in Ningal temple near bathroom.: 1
CBS Register: copper (spear head) or dagger. two rivets. length 180 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. 160 x 90mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 127: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. 29 x 110 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. from Digdiggeh cemetery. 3rd dyn. 105 x 63 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. imbedded in wall of Kurigalzu Temple of Ningal. 166 x 39 x 60 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. with sketch. 98 x 57 x 20 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper adze. with sketch. length 140 mm: 1
CBS Register: Copper Alloy bracelets (3). U.373 is crossed out for U. 673: 1
CBS Register: Copper Alloy gutter: 1
CBS Register: Copper Alloy hatchet. No U. number: 1
CBS Register: Copper Alloy hatchet. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: Copper Alloy ingot. 76 x 16 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. No Sample Number: 1
CBS Register: copper anklet. diameter. 80 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 21: 1
CBS Register: copper arrow butt.: 1
CBS Register: copper arrow head. 44 mm long. 6259 is crossed out for 6159: 1
CBS Register: copper arrowhead: 1
CBS Register: copper axe with sketch. grave 585. length 23.3 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper axe, hemispheric. socket broken in two, fragment of wooden handle. reed wrapping. sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 139: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. 140 x 70mm with socket; rounded working edge. with impressions of cloth.: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. 145 x 110 mm. Chopper.: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. length 130 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. length 138 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 150: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. length 142 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 59: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. length 150 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. length 158 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. socket broken. length 130mm: 1
CBS Register: copper axe. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: copper blade (with sketch) length 175mm: 1
CBS Register: copper blade with sketch. 65 x 30 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper blade with sketch. arrow head. 68 x 11 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl with spout. diam. 120 height 60 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl. boat shaped. 220 x 128 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl. hemispheric. 105 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl. hemispheric. 93 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl. hemispheric. diam. 115: 1
CBS Register: copper bowl. round. diam. 132 x 121 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper bracelet found with burnt furniture. c. 9th century BC: 1
CBS Register: copper bracelet, cockle shell and beads: 1
CBS Register: copper bracelet. Larsa level. Diam. 6 cm: 1
CBS Register: copper bracelets, pair. Diam. 40 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper cauldron. with sketch. grave 533. diam. 155. height 120 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. 165 mm long: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. length 109 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. length 132 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. length 148 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 10: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. length 215 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 6: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. length 238 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. with sketch. 158 x 9 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel. with sketch. 270 x 38 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel? length 58 mm. PG 744: 1
CBS Register: copper chisel? length 80 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper collar bolt from team of oxen. with sketch. 60 x 35 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper curved piece. end of a bow? traces of wrapping. length 115 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper dagger: 1
CBS Register: copper dagger and handle. caught in white plaster. length 205 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper dagger blade. two rivets. length 192 mm. width 35 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper dagger, four rivets [either of the 3s in that field number could be a 5] sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur: 1
CBS Register: copper dagger. three rivets. PG 175. length 204 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper dish with spout and handle, lamp and blade soldered by oxyd.: 1
CBS Register: copper fibula. 6967 is crossed out for 6976: 1
CBS Register: copper fork like part inserted in the butt end of the shaft of reed to take the string. length 30 mm Grave 283: 1
CBS Register: copper fork. lenght 67 mm with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: copper harpoon head. mounted on socket. length 147 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper harpoon head. with sketch. length 63 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 56: 1
CBS Register: copper knife (?) with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: copper knife. broken.: 1
CBS Register: copper knife. fragt. On the knife are remains of a woven rush work sheath (same pattern as gold filigree sheath from grave 580 (cf.17544) ) Grave 181: 1
CBS Register: copper knife. Larsa level. 8 cm. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: copper laddle with long handle and a spout. diam 145 mm length 595 mm. PG 839: 1
CBS Register: copper macehead with 4 x 8 projecting nails. traces of wooden handle. height 80 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper nail with curved thin end. PG 723. length 158 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper nail, with large head sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 528: 1
CBS Register: copper nail.: 1
CBS Register: copper nail. 86 mm length: 1
CBS Register: copper needle corroded. length 141 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper needle with lapis head. length 230 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper needle, bodekin. 102 mm length: 1
CBS Register: copper needle, no head. 255 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 22: 1
CBS Register: copper needle, no head. length 165 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper needle, no head. length 190 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 143: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. (two soldered). length 228, 235 mm 30-12-365.1=U.11470B with tang head 30-12-365.2=U.11470a without tang head: 2
CBS Register: copper needle. 136 mm length: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. 70 mm length: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. copper head. length 69 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. Larsa level. 185 mm long sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 96, also Ur 538: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. length 150 mm UE II: Cylinder seal, of red baked clay covered with white slip, in poor condition, with inscription of en-utu. It was attached to a copper pin. With it were a few silver and lapis-lazuli beads of mixed types, silver hair rings, etc.: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. length 200 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper needle. length 285 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper oval cup. fragments.: 1
CBS Register: copper pair of earrings.: 1
CBS Register: copper pair of rings. diam. 43 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 18: 1
CBS Register: copper pike's head. conical rolled copper sheet. Rivet length 210 mm. impression of woven stuff preserved on oxyd.: 2
CBS Register: copper pin and carnelian beads. length 72 mm.: 1
CBS Register: copper pin fragt. PG 766: 1
CBS Register: copper pin with copper head. length 125 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin with lapis head: 1
CBS Register: copper pin with lapis head. length 101 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin with lapis head. length 180 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin with rolled flat end. length 70 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin without head. grave 832, length 142 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 135: 1
CBS Register: copper pin, without head. length 118 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 173: 1
CBS Register: copper pin.: 1
CBS Register: copper pin. bent head. hole. length 106 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin. length 140 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper pin. length 80 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 153: 1
CBS Register: copper ring and 2 bones.: 1
CBS Register: copper ring.: 1
CBS Register: copper ring. Larsa level. Diam. 25 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper rings, pair. diam. 35 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper saw, fragment. length 270 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 61: 1
CBS Register: copper spade (?) 117 x 105 mm Mirror? sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 536: 1
CBS Register: copper star. 16 petals. 25 mm diam: 1
CBS Register: copper thin blade. knife? length 144 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper toilet set: 2
CBS Register: copper toilet set.: 2
CBS Register: copper toilet set. (3 needles, or stilettos). length 77 mm Ur #103: 1
CBS Register: copper toilet set. length 65 mm Ur #310: 1
CBS Register: copper toilet set. oxyd.: 1
CBS Register: copper tool (prick) with bitumen handle. length 115 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper tool, turned top. 27 mm length: 1
CBS Register: copper tool. Larsa level. 106 x 20 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper, arrow head. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: copper, dagger blade. length 245 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 535 see notes.: 1
CBS Register: copper, dish.: 1
CBS Register: copper, ingot. Larsa Level. 48 x 25 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 532 See notes: 1
CBS Register: copper, knife with rolled thin end. 115 x 30 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 533: 1
CBS Register: copper, knife with rolled thin end. 185 x 40 mm PG727: 1
CBS Register: copper, knife with rolled thin end. 215 x 45 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper, lamp. length 200 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper, ring.: 1
CBS Register: copper, spit like spearhead square section. lenght 268 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. No Sample Number: 1
CBS Register: copper, square nail.: 1
CBS Register: copper, thin blade, knife. length 140 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 26: 1
CBS Register: copper, triagular arrow head.: 1
CBS Register: copper. blade with rolled thin end. length. 143 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. bowl. oval. handle of silver wire originally attached to 2 silver rings. diam. 125 mm x 143 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. crescent shaped blade and needle. length 102 mm database has a B on the end of the field number: 1
CBS Register: copper. dagger blade, three rivets. length 182 mm. width 36 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 134: 1
CBS Register: copper. dagger three rivets. 173 x 30 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. five leaf shaped arrow heads. 139 mm: 4
CBS Register: copper. four round bowls, one tumbler, soldered by oxyditation and a silver bowl.: 1
CBS Register: copper. four spearheads soldered by oxydation. length 200mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 19: 1
CBS Register: copper. small dagger, three rivets. length 133 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 526: 1
CBS Register: copper. thin blade knife. length 155 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. toilet set (4 on ring) length 70 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. two arrowheards. leaf form. length 162 mm Grave 283: 1
CBS Register: copper. two blades soldered together. length 88 x 58 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper. two small blades soldered together. length 78 mm: 1
CBS Register: copper; toe rings and bones.: 1
CBS Register: curved iron knife blade probably c. 900 bc: 1
CBS Register: cylinder seal. diorite. concave. standing Samas with wings and sword, nude winged Samas and defeated enemy, winged bird god over enemies UE II: Cylinder seal, green and white marble.: 1
CBS Register: Cylinder seal. lapis. two registers. Sumerian banquet. UE II: Cylinder seal, lapis-lazuli.: 1
CBS Register: eggshell pottery bowl. white. non-glazed. diam. 117mm. hemispheric.: 1
CBS Register: faience vase. part bleached white, part original turquoise colour. Found in a drain of Enantum's in temple of Ningal. Height 75 mm.: 1
CBS Register: fragment of clay clone of Warad Sin?: 1
CBS Register: fragment of clay pottery with incised inscription of arch. characters: Gal gal... sal-a. bur-ud...: 1
CBS Register: fragment of cone of Silli adad. the register is unclear: U.1555? U.1355?: 1
CBS Register: glazed pottery, blue faience. with sketch. 72 x 70 mm: 1
CBS Register: glazed pottery. blue faience. round shape. 185 x 103 mm: 1
CBS Register: glazed pottery. heart shaped pilgram's bottle. loop holes modelled in the clay. 120 x 95 x 55 mm. Blue faience. Kassite period. BC 1400: 1
CBS Register: head of a clay foundation cone of NurAdad of Larsa. Rebuilding of E nun-azag of Ningal.: 1
CBS Register: head of a pin. glazed fritte, imitation of lapis.: 1
CBS Register: inscribed clay cone (fragment) IbiSin construction of the great wall. with signs.: 1
CBS Register: inscribed clay cone fragment. Rim Sin to Nergal. with signs.: 1
CBS Register: inscribed clay cone fragment. Sumu-ilu restores E-gi-na-abtum of Ninni at Ur: 1
CBS Register: iron dagger. found in courtyard of NIngal temple. Kurigalzu level.: 1
CBS Register: iron. arrowhead. late cassite or assyrian, from Grave in E corner of courtyard of High House. length 108 mm: 1
CBS Register: iron. arrowhead. late cassite or assyrian, from Grave in E corner of courtyard of High House. length 120 mm: 1
CBS Register: Knife Fragment. On the knife are remains of a woven rush work sheath (same pattern as gold filigree sheath from grave 580)_Grave 181. cf. 17544: 1
CBS Register: miniature clay vase. heart shaped. Height. 36 mm. : 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper arrowhead. barbed. hollow socket. length 100 mm U.12105? was in the database: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay bowl. with sketch. broken. coarse.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay offering table. upper hollow dish is missing. foot incised. (sketches of three patterns). pierced with two round holes and two cave door opening holes [see sketch] height 475 diam 390: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay plate. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay pot. conical tumbler. with sketch. 97 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay pot. hemispheric. with sketch. 105 x 85 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. clay pot. short and large. with sketch. 90 x 75 mm : 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper (Spear head) or dagger. two rivets. length 233 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. Copper Alloy cauldron with handle. with sketch. diam. 190, height 220 mm. U10761? was in the database: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper anklet. crescent shaped. diam. 117 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper arrow or spear head. leaf shaped. tang. one rivet. length 112 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper arrow or spear head. leaft shaped. mounted on socket. length 124 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper arrowhead (with sketch) length 103 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper arrowhead. forked butt end. (with sketch). length 31 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe with sketch. 135 x 100 mm. database had U.8437: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe with sketch. 140 x 70 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe with sketch. 146 x 80 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe, length 120 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 23: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper axe. (with sketch) wooden handle. 140 x 70 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper axe. (with sketch). 154 x 115 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe. length 120 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe. length 85 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper axe. with sketch. 145 mm x 75 mm U.12163? is in the database: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper axe. with sketch. 49 x 28 x 110 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper blade (razor?) and flints.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper blade (with sketch). broken. length 155 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper blade (with sketch). length 115 mm. 2 pieces.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper blade. (with sketch). length 175 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper blades. two soldered by oxyd. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bowl fragts database says U.8597; see notes: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bowl. axe. with sketch. length 142 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bowl. boat shaped. oval. diam. 132 x 210 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bowl. hemispheric. fragt: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bracelet. diam. 60 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper bull's foot cast in the round. support of a small casket?: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper chisel. length 195 mm. U 104? was in the database.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper coil. 29 mm diam.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper cup with a spout (missing) a laddle? diam. 93 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper cup. diam. 85 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper cup. diam. 90 mm. database had U.11121 in field number: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper dagger blade with traces of rush work sheath. cf17506: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper dagger blade. 3 rivets. length 215 mm on card in storage: 2 rivets not 3: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper dagger blade. length. 3 rivets. 193 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper dagger. (with sketch-three rivets). length 202 mm U.11976? is on the database: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper dagger. traces of sheath. three rivets. 150 x 35 mm. database said U.8258: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper earring. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper end of bows (traces of sinews wrapped around.): 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper flat bowl with spout. diam. 184 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper fragment of a spear (and tang): 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper fragt of curved metal band from end of bow.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper fragt of large jar.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper harpoon head. mounted on socket. length 102 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper head of a female figure found below floor of Ningal temple. 3rd Dyn. c. 2300 BC 45 x 40 x30mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper hilt of a dagger. 3 rivets: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper knife (with sketch). length 210 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper knife with rolled thin end. 100 x 37 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper knob. diam. 78 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper knob. Diam. 80 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper nail with curved thin end. length 110 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper nail. 39 mm length: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper nail. bent. lenght 180 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle broken in two. length 185 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle corroded. length 141 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle corroded. length 164 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle corroded. length 168 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle fragments. length 115 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle fragments. length 108 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. needle broken in two. and copper ring attached. length 345 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. copper head. length 98 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. copper head. length 58 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. Head is Frit Bead. length 182 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. lapis head, broken. length 140 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. Lapis head. length 32 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 105 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 122 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 124 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 128 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 132 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 145 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 163 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 164 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 176 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 178 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 180 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 181 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 188 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 195 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 197 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 212 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 215 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 226 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 245 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. length 247 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper needle.Copper head. length 154 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper pair of bangles.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper pin without head. length 198 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper pin, head missing. length 130 mm database has U.11145 as the field number, as do the field notes.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper pin, head missing. length 225 mm Note in bag says "Ur 461" [MMP?]: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper razor. length 85 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper ring and earrings. PG 718: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper ring.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper ring. broken. diam. 54 mm. corroded, broken.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper rings. pair. diam. 40 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper round basin. diam. 220, height 70 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper round basin. with sketch. diam. 200, height 75 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper spike head with sketch. length 277 mm and sketch of cross section: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper spike head with sketch. length 300 mm and sketch of cross section: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper spike head with sketch. length 395 mm and sketch of cross section. See B17395.1-.5: 4
CBS Register: no field number. copper spit-like spear head with square section. length. 212 mm.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper table (?) fragts.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper thin blade, with rolled thin end. knife? length 188 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper thong and lower part of a spike head. length 187 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper toe ring. diam. 35 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper toilet set.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper tube (sheath?) length 198 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper two pronged fork. with sketch. 337 x 106 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper, axe. on card in storage: 2 bowls fused together: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper, dagger blade. 2 (+1) rivets. length 153 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper, dagger blade. 2 rivets. length 198 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper, dagger blade. 3 rivets. length 150 mm on card in storage: rivets missing: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. 3 rings, linked.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. finger ring fragts: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. fish hook (with sketch). 31 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. five finger rings. diam. 17/20 mm: 5
CBS Register: no field number. copper. fragt of axe. traces of wood handle inside socket. 13 fragments. See B17332.1-.13: 12
CBS Register: no field number. copper. fragt of axe. traces of wood handle inside socket. 13 fragments. See B17332.1-.13: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. fragt of axe. traces of wood handle.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Arrowhead, showing fragments of wooden handle.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. End of blade.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Fibula shaped object.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Fragment of handle.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Fragment of pin.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Knife.: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. one of seven pieces: tools, point, needle, blade, three wooden handles. Arrowhead, showing fragment of wooden handle.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. ring. with sketch. 93 x 65 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. six spear heads of same type. tang. length 195 to 150 mm. See B17520.1-.5.: 5
CBS Register: no field number. copper. three spearheads soldered by oxyd. length 245 mm. See B17399.1-.3.: 3
CBS Register: No field number. copper. toilet set (4 stilettos on ring) length 60 mm: 1
CBS Register: No field number. copper. toilet set. fragment. (with sketch): 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. triangular arrow head.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. two rivets. with sketch. length 31 mm. See B17379.1-.2: 1
CBS Register: no field number. copper. two rivets. with sketch. length 31 mm. See B17379.1-.2: 1
CBS Register: no field number. eight silver coil rings.: 7
CBS Register: No field number. Ends overlapping. Copper Alloy ring (with sketch). Copper.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. four spear heads (type of 17395) marked with bull's leg (sketched). length 390/310 mm: 3
CBS Register: no field number. four spike heads of heavy type. 360/390 mm. sketch of cross section.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. fragments of copper, nails, pins, etc see notes: 1
CBS Register: no field number. frat of an ingot.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. iron. arrowhead. late cassite or assyrian, from Grave in E corner of courtyard of High House. length 113 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. marble cone. 24 x 15 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. miniature clay vase with a spout. height. 83 mm. found in EH: 1
CBS Register: no field number. nail (?) bent end. length 98 mm: 1
CBS Register: no field number. one fritte head of copper needle: 1
CBS Register: no field number. pair of bracelets. crescent shaped. diam. 75 mm: 2
CBS Register: no field number. pottery. plate. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: no field number. pottery. vase with a neck half broken, incised sign [sketched] with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: no field number. pottery. vase, small neck, large body. With sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. pottery. vase. small neck, large body. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. pottery. vase. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver boat shaped bowl.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver coil ring: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver earrings. pair. Corroded together.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. Silver earrings. pair. corroded together.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver fragt of a chain. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver wire, twisted.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver. coil toe rings. Eleven.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. silver. coil toe rings. Pair.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. three lapis heads of copper pins (with sketch). conoid.: 1
CBS Register: no field number. two lapis heads of copper pins (with sketch). ball.: 1
CBS Register: No field numbers. 166 crossed out for 170 examples, some broken, of clay plates [with sketch]-all forms and sizes.: 1
CBS Register: No field numbers. 166 crossed out for 170 examples, some broken, of clay plates [with sketch]-all forms and sizes. 2014 Description: Conical bowl with a flat base. There is a raised ridge/band around the exterior. The ceramic is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: one copper tumbler.: 1
CBS Register: part of a grave group from a Child's Grave, PG 662. Objects B16951 - B16955. two small silver (?) earrings: 1
CBS Register: part of a grave group from a Child's Grave, PG 662. Objects B16951 - B16955. Pair of copper bangles, A, B: 1
CBS Register: part of a grave group from PG 389: Missing copper axe, 2 bowls, a clay pot. Objects B16956 - B16961. two silver bangles and beads.: 1
CBS Register: part of a Tomb Group: Tomb 789, b. Objects B16989-B16990. silver comb, with 3 inlay flowers. (metal decayed): 1
CBS Register: Part of Grave 478, and a copper bracelet U.9013. Objects B17041 - B17044. a copper (?) earring.: 1
CBS Register: Part of group from PG 681. Objects B17021 - B17028. No field number. silver ring. Registrar Office Object Card: U.9726?: 1
CBS Register: Part of group from PG 681. Objects B17021 - B17028. silver earrings.: 2
CBS Register: Pottery. 2 examples, C, D, vase. with foot. 2014 Description: Tall conical bodied vessel with a carinated neck that tapers toward the bottom and flares out into a conical foot. There is a sharp delineation between the shoulder and the neck. The ceramic is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. 2 examples, C, D, vase. with foot. 2014 Description: Tall conical bodied vessel with a carinated neck that tapers toward the bottom and flares out into a conical foot. There is a sharp delineation between the shoulder and the neck. The ceramic is pale orange.: 1
CBS Register: pottery. bowl. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. Jar. : 5
CBS Register: Pottery. Jar. broken. with sketch. 3 examples. No field number. : 3
CBS Register: pottery. plate. with sketch. : 1
CBS Register: pottery. round vase. incised, 6 ducks or swans and a tree. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: pottery. small calix. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. small clay vase. bottom decorated. with sketch. Note: U6632 from KP - field cat. says "kurigal - zu? in 2 NO rm. entrence in chamber against NW butress wall.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. small clay vase. four spouts round the neck. with sketch. "Ur 6219 (?)" is crossed out for Ur 6819: 1
CBS Register: pottery. small vase. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: pottery. small vase. with sketch. rim broken.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. vase with foot : 1
CBS Register: Pottery. Vase with foot. tulip form.: 4
CBS Register: Pottery. Vase with foot. tulip form. 2 examples: 2
CBS Register: pottery. vase. with sketch. on note: "from Diggiggeh [Type CXIX] (field cat.)" 2014 Description: Bi-conical bodied vessel with a flat base and a short neck with a beveled inside edge at the rim. The ceramic is orange.: 1
CBS Register: Pottery. Vases. 3 examples. : 2
CBS Register: Season V. "8231 or (8234)" with the former crossed out and the latter underlined. Copper spear head with square section.: 1
CBS Register: Season V. 31 shell rings.: 1
CBS Register: Season V. copper, small dagger? with three rivets. length 150 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 62: 1
CBS Register: Season V. silver spiral bracelet. From grave 55 (and beads, silver shell, eye of lapis and shell. CF 17716): 2
CBS Register: Season VI. archaic jar, with a spout like a handle. Shoulder and spout are incised and decorated. breast in the round? PG 778. 250 x 150 mm: 1
CBS Register: Season VI. copper bowl. hemispheric. diam. 128 mm: 1
CBS Register: Season VI. copper dish. with sketch. 183 mm. height 105 mm. reed matting printed in mud: 1
CBS Register: Season VI. copper pike's head. conical rolled copper sheet. Rivet (with sketch) length 240 mm: 1
CBS Register: shallow silver bowl with lotus leaf decoration. found with many objects in a heavy deposit of burnt wood. Furniture of temple, BC800: 1
CBS Register: silver bowl.: 1
CBS Register: Silver bracelet. diameter 57 mm: 1
CBS Register: Silver chain. No U. number: 1
CBS Register: silver coil rings.: 1
CBS Register: silver double wire from a silver bowl: 1
CBS Register: silver earring: 1
CBS Register: silver earrings. pair. PG 632: 1
CBS Register: silver pin with lapis head: 1
CBS Register: silver. round bowl. much decayed.: 1
CBS Register: Silver. Small goblet. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: silver. two bowls, soldered by oxidation. crushed and decayed.: 1
CBS Register: stem of a clay foundation cone of Nur-Adad of Larsa. Rebuilding Enun azag of Ningal.: 1
CBS Register: Terracotta chariot toy. front part, curved pole, yoke on neck of two animals on a base with holes for wheels. UE VII: Model chariot, the wheels arbitrarily assembled.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta plaque; bearded god holding up two curved clubs.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. broken spout. with sketch: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. with sketch Note reads: "LARSA? of Delougaz pl. 166 pl. 121/of joins of neck + shoulder/B.766.320, except base" 2014 Description: Ovoid bodied vessel with a small flat base and a carinated neck. The ceramic paste is orange. The surface is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. with sketch R.C. 16(?) cf B256.200 Agade - Larsa B256.200 Agade - UrIII: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. with sketch : 4
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. with sketch 2014 Description: columnar bodied vessel that tapers slightly at the top and then flares at the rim. There is a small flat base. The ceramic is buff colored.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. brown. with sketch 2014 Description: Ovoid bodied vessel flat base and a tapered neck with e rolled rim. There are two incised bands on the shoulder. The ceramic is pale orange.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta vase. greenish mark. with sketch Note: "Type LXXIII" (field cot.) Kassite -persia vol. VIII type 76: 1
CBS Register: terracotta. broken charcoal holder.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta. green glazed support for pointed vase. No U. number: 1
CBS Register: terracotta. green glazed vase. broken.: 1
CBS Register: terracotta. strainer: 1
CBS Register: terracotta. vase. green glaze. U7?? is crossed out and replaced by U.798: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from a rich grave of the Sargonid period. PG 673. With objects B16926 - B16936. A pair of silver bracelets.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from a rich grave of the Sargonid period. PG 673. With objects B16926 - B16936. a silver finger ring.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from a rich grave of the Sargonid period. PG 673. With objects B16926 - B16936. A silver pin.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from a rich grave of the Sargonid period. PG 673. With objects B16926 - B16936. Four silver finger rings. (2 broken): 1
CBS Register: Tomb Group from PG 622 is B16912 through B16918. copper hold fast, which secured the matting wrapped around the corpse.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb Group from PG 622 is B16912 through B16918. copper adze.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb Group from PG 622 is B16912 through B16918. copper pin.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb Group from PG 622 is B16912 through B16918. silver earrings.: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from PG 652: Missing, copper axe; bone pin. With objects B16946 - B16949. copper pin. note on tag reads: Ur 155: 1
CBS Register: Tomb group from PG 906. With objects B16937 - B16940. copper bowl.: 1
CBS Register: two coil silver rings.: 1
CBS Register: two copper arrow butts (with sketch) PG 723 length 55 mm. the 8 in 9918 could be written over as a 1?: 1
CBS Register: two copper pins with lapis heads. See B17578.1-.2: 2
CBS Register: U... cone shaped seal. chalcedony. broken. copper wire. UE X: X-shaped design, with eight dots below and a straight shaft above the central point. two more dots mark the ends of the upper branches. chalcedony conical seal. The stem is partly broken but still shows remains of a copper suspension wire. no field number.: 1
CBS Register: U... copper seal or amulet. bell shaped.: 1
CBS Register: U.11482. copper knife (with sketch) length 140 mm U.11482a was in the database: 1
CBS Register: U.11484. copper fragts. reed impression. U.11464e in database U.11484b in UE II: 1
CBS Register: U.12...(?) Copper axe. 150 x 80 mm: 1
CBS Register: U.12220. copper needle.copper head. broken in two. length 247 mm. Type IV B. U.12218 is on the tag in the box Field records show that U.12218 is the correct number.: 1
CBS Register: U.12350, copper needle (a and b) broken in 2. length 154 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 105. Copper, broken in two.: 1
CBS Register: U.1584 [no A] copper boat.: 1
CBS Register: U.1584 [no B] copper boat.: 1
CBS Register: U.1755 has a 5 crossed out in pencil for U.1735. pottery, small cup. with sketch.: 1
CBS Register: U.7078 is scratched out in pencil. lead label. 54 x 34 mm: 1
CBS Register: U.9746 has the 6 crossed out in pencil and replaced by a 5 with a question mark. copper dagger. 3 rivets. length 192 mm. width 30 mm.: 1
CBS Register: VI Season. fragment of the silver comb. PG 789 G: 1
CBS Register: VI Season. silver pin with lapis head. PG 789G 180 mm: 1
CBS Register: white glazed clay plate. diam. 210 mm. Persian ?: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper blade with rolled thin end. traces of wooden handle length 145 mm width 45 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper bolt (?) sketched. butt end of spear (?) length 28 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper compass or pliers? length 67 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper fragment of dagger. middle groove. length 185 mm Ur #145: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper knife with rolled thing end. length 145 mm width 47 mm Ur #159: 1
CBS Regsiter: copper needle. length 122 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: no field number. copper dagger blade and fragts of handle. length 255 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: no field number. copper harpoon. with sketch. length 110 mm: 1
CBS Regsiter: Season Vi. copper pin. length 140mm note on tag reads Ur 165: 1
Circular: 1
circular flat tops with thin metal wires sticking out: 1
Circular in cross section; ends open: 1
Circular plaque - rosette: 1
circular, dark-brown, circular indent in the center: 1
Clay figurine. Standing bearded man W/ Turban; Broken Below Waist. Moulded.: 1
Clay foundation cone inscribed with the record of the building of Enki temple by Rim-Sin, B.C. 1990.: 1
Clay model of a boat.: 1
Clay, hand modelled horse's head.: 1
Clay. Flat.: 2
Clay. Inscribed. Badly damaged. Tip missing.: 1
Clay. Inscribed. Base missing.: 1
Clay. Inscribed. Base.: 2
Clay. Inscribed. Top missing.: 1
Clay: Not inscribed.: 1
Clear obsidian. Head damaged: 2
Coil CBS Register: silver coil ring. diam. 26 mm: 1
Coil CBS Register: silver coil rings. three: 1
coil: 1
Coiled CBS Register: silver coil rings: 1
Coiled. CBS Register: no field number. copper ring. coil. diam. 42 mm: 1
Coiled. CBS Register: one silver coil ring. the field number did have B and D written after it, but the D is crossed out in pencil.: 1
Coiled. Finger rings.: 1
Coiled; coiled.: 1
Comb/Ring/Etc Fragments CBS Register: no field number. silver fragments of comb and ring. PG 851. Database: U.11147: 1
Complete Comb: 1
Complete Phalange: 1
Complete ring with 3 coils, corroded.: 1
Complete. Stamp inscribed. Walker No E2 no. 297<br />Behrens: Amarsuen 2 (Walker Brick Inscriptions Nr. 23) : 1
Complete. Stamp inscribed. Walker No E3 no. 301<br />CBS Register: Clay brick. Square. Inscription of Ur Engur. U.2624<br />Behrens: Urnammu 9 (Walker Brick Inscription Nr. 18): 1
Conical Head. Type IV. B: 1
Conical rolled copper sheet. Rivet. CBS Register: no field number. copper pike's head. conical rolled copper sheet. Rivet length 270 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. No Sample Number: 1
Copper alloy forked notch; possible from the butt of a spear; mineralised preserved wood on shaft.: 1
Copper Alloy statuette of seated upright dog.: 1
Copper Alloy with Red Copper Cap: 1
Copper Alloy, with carnelian bead. CBS Register: silver pin, with carnelian head. length 223 mm found on card in storage: pin identified as this piece has a lapis head. possibly incorrect identification: 1
Copper Alloy.: 3
Copper Alloy. Ends open.: 1
Copper Alloy. Ends overlapping.: 1
Copper Alloy. Ends overlapping. Bent triangularly.: 1
Copper Alloy. Ends overlapping. Thick in cross section.: 1
Copper Alloy. Leaf shape with long stem. 20 individual arrowheads, labeled A through T: 20
Copper Alloy. Leafshape.: 1
Copper Alloy. Rectangular in cross section, flattened head.: 1
Copper Alloy. Triangular in cross section. Labeled A through C: 3
Copper Alloy. With rosette bezel.: 1
Copper and gold finger rings.: 1
Copper axe showing traces of wood hafting.: 1
Copper Axe. Curved flange to socket.: 1
Copper finger-ring with circular bezel, engraved.: 1
Copper foundation figurine. Basket carrier. Inscription engraved on skirt. From the Enki temple built by Rim-Sin in 1822 - 1763 B.C. at Ur.: 1
Copper gilt: 1
Copper object- weight? - conical in shape.: 1
copper pieces; contains a packet of copper dust; a circle cracked in half and two partial tubes: 1
Copper pin with knob head with Superimposed smaller knob sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 137: 1
copper razor blade, with wooden handle Photo 553 CBS Register: copper razor with remains of wooden handle. below head of man in Grave G. 10 bc1900: 1
Copper ring.: 2
Copper with socket. Type XIX: 1
Copper, adhered: 1
Copper, Bent, Lapis Head. Type VI B.: 1
Copper, boat shaped. CBS Register: U.12661(?). copper bowl, boat shaped.: 1
Copper, corroded, broken. Bowl with slight depressed spout.: 1
Copper, covered with alternate rings of white limestone (?) and black stone?: 1
Copper, hemispheric, with bones.: 1
copper, hemispheric. CBS Register: copper, bowl. Hemispheric.: 1
Copper, with limestone cylinder seal corroded to it.: 1
Copper.: 24
Copper. -509 is case only.: 1
Copper. 1 rivet.: 1
Copper. 2 linked rings.: 1
Copper. 2 rivets.: 1
Copper. 3 rivets.: 3
Copper. Adhering. 1 with ends open. 1 overlapping.: 1
Copper. Adhering. Ends open.: 2
Copper. Back ridge.: 1
Copper. Bent.: 1
Copper. Broken in two.: 1
Copper. Broken.: 2
Copper. Circular Coil Head.: 3
Copper. Coiled. thrree rings.: 1
Copper. Crescent-shaped.: 3
Copper. Drilled (by MASCA?). See 35-1-417.1-.2: 2
Copper. Ends open, 1 broken.: 4
Copper. Ends open.: 2
Copper. Ends Open. Thick: 1
Copper. Ends overlaping: 1
Copper. Ends overlapping 2 and 3 thicknesses. Coiled.: 1
Copper. Ends Overlapping.: 17
Copper. Ends overlapping. Ends of 32-40-189 - 186 were adhered to each other, making continuous spiral.: 1
Copper. Ends overlapping. Flattened.: 1
Copper. Ends overlapping. See 32-40-186.: 1
Copper. Ends slightly overlapping.: 6
Copper. Ends slihtly overlapping.: 1
Copper. Ends touching. [KB: this object was labeled as RING, but is large enough to be a torque-sized necklace]: 1
Copper. Ends touching.: 1
Copper. Flat is cross section. Ends slightly overlapping. Joined (interlocked).: 2
Copper. Flat, Circular Coil Head.: 1
Copper. Flat, Crook Head. Type 4.: 1
Copper. Flat: Circular Coil Head.: 1
Copper. Hemispherical.: 1
Copper. Hemispherical; broken. Bowl.: 1
Copper. Human Figure on head?: 1
Copper. In wooden handle.: 1
Copper. Inscribed.: 1
Copper. Lanceolate.: 1
Copper. Lapis Bead Head; One hole.: 1
Copper. Open ends: 1
Copper. Open ends.: 5
Copper. Open ends. Broken: 1
Copper. Open ends. Broken.: 1
Copper. Perforated.: 1
Copper. Quadrangular blade: 1
Copper. Ridges around head, One Hole. Type 3.: 1
Copper. Round Stem, Top Bead Missing, One Hole.: 3
Copper. Round Stem; Top Bead Missing; One hole.: 2
Copper. Round Stem; Top bead missing. One hole.: 1
Copper. Round Stem; Top Bead Missing; One Hole.: 2
Copper. Round.: 3
Copper. Solid. Thick: 1
Copper. Square in cross section. Flat head, damaged.: 1
Copper. Square in cross section. Flat head.: 1
Copper. Square in cross section. Head rounded.: 1
Copper. Square in cross section. Large flat head.: 2
Copper. Square in Cross Section; Knobbed Head.: 1
Copper. Square Stem, Top Bead Missing, One Hole.: 3
Copper. Square Stem; bead missing; One hole.: 1
Copper. Square Stem; Top Bead Missing; One Hole.: 2
Copper. Tang broken. Triangular in section. 4, labeled A through D: 4
Copper. Tip broken.: 1
Copper. Tip broken; Perforated.: 1
Copper. Triangular in section.: 4
Copper. Type 7-b. 2 rivets. sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 85, and Ur 147: 1
Copper. With long tang.: 1
Copper. With oval bezel on which is an engraved, but corroded design.: 1
Copper. Wooden handle.: 2
Copper. 6 rivets. Broken in 2. Dagger blade. Type III. CBS Register: U.12101. copper dagger (with sketch) 6 rivets. length 170 mm U.12191 is in the database: 1
Copper. About 100. including fragments. CBS Register: No field number. copper nails.: 1
Copper. Broken in three. Dagger blade. Type II F. cf. 30-12-303 sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 122 CBS Register: U.11860. copper dagger. broken. length 148 mm U.11866 in the database: 1
Copper. Broken in two. Type IV A. CBS Register: U.11269. copper chisel. broken. length 250 mm U.12269 in the database and in the Ur field notes.: 1
Copper. Curled, head, tapering point. CBS Register: No field number. copper stapple nail. with sketch. length 125 mm. U.12212 was in the database: 1
Copper. Forked end. Type III. CBS Register: copper. arrow. forked butt end. length 63 mm: 1
Copper. Four suspension holes. Slightly concave. See 31-43-237.1-.2: 2
Copper. Hemispherical with very slight disc base; groove below rim. CBS Register: copper, cup.: 1
Copper. Hemispherical.: 2
Copper. Soldered by oxydation. Piece of one blade broken off. CBS Register: U.11980. copper blades soldered (with sketch) length 188 and 160 mm U.11986 in database See 30-12-320.1-.2: 1
Copper. Triangular in section. two.: 1
Copper. Type I. CBS Register: copper adze. (with sketch). 122 x 50 mm: 1
Copper. Type I. CBS Register: copper adze. 135 x 80 mm: 1
Copper. Type XVII, variant. CBS Register: No field number. copper knife (sketch) length 220 mm: 1
Copper. Type XVII. sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 120 CBS Register: No field number. copper chisel. (with sketch). length 190 mm U.12005 in database: 1
Copper. Unusual type with engraved ornament. 5.10 metres depth. In two pieces.: 1
Copper. With socket. Type VII. B (F.Cat. says pair) Ur #79: 1
Copper. with socket. Wood in socket. Socket broken.: 1
Copper. Wooden shaft.: 1
Cosmetic Kit: 1
Cosmetic Shell. Glycymenis. David Reese identified the shell as a Laevicardium.: 1
Cosmetic Shell; Blue Pigment: 1
Covered with fine reed matting see notes.: 1
cracked, green, hole in handle: 1
Crescent shaped. Fragile U.17945a refers to the 24 crescents; U.17945c refers to the 1 stave; U.17945d refers to the one boat.: 1
Crescent.: 1
Crouched dog: 1
crumbling, cylinder that tapers iff at 2 ends, broken in 2: 1
Crushed Flat. Hemisherical CBS Register: silver. one hemispherical bowls (Field Catalogue says PG 1182, but is published as PG 1232; 1954 catalogue of Ur material says PG 1232): 1
Curved Handle: 1
curved piece of light brown stone: 1
curved rectangle with a crack in the center, rectanualr tail with 3 pegs: 1
curved with thicker parts on the ends: 1
cyclinder, tapers down at the end, hole in the tapered end: 1
Cylinder Seal: 3
Cylinder seal (Lamia's list no.118): 1
cylinder with a circular end: 1
Dagger: 1
dark brown with white splotches: 1
Dark Gray Ware. Rounded base, sides contracting to sharp offset shoulder; inset constricted neck; broad flat overhanging rim. Type JN 28. Note: uruk grey ware - cf. vol. IV, pl.25 #19985: 1
Deep grey ware. Flat base, rounded sides, groove on top of rim; two opposed depressions on side of rim. U 15504 ? (13804?).: 1
dental kit, 2 rectangular bent objects, one with a trainagle top: 1
dental kit, 3 straight pieces, 1 spiraled coil: 1
dental kit; rectangular section with a circle on one end: 1
Derived from conch shell: 1
Described as Bird's head in hard limeston,e perhaps for a shell lamp... UE 4 p. 216: 1
Described as Clay Tables in UE VII, 252: 2
Described in Merlin as Box containing cornelian beads and two green faience beads.: 1
Described in Merlin as: 'Three strings of about 123, 56 and 59 beads; very varied materials including stone, shell, glass, faience and Egyptian blue; varied shapes including a miniature duck weight shape in cornelian and a much decayed faience cylinder seal impression.': 1
Described on Merlin as 'Sixty-nine tubular or barrel shaped shell beads; one barrel-shaped white stone bead; five fragments of glass beads; flat hexagonal shell bead; two triple shell spacer-beads; lump of bronze': 1
Described only as Lion's head on BM card: 1
Description Box containing 18 fragments of copper alloy spear-heads etc.: 1
Description Box containing miscellaneous cornelian, lapis lazuli, faience and yellow stone (?) beads. Dimensions Length: 0.44 inches (numbered bead) Width: 0.38 inches Condition Fair: 1
Description Clay tablet with seventeen and eighteen and two and two lines of inscription; letter; Old Babylonian; nearly complete; reverse damaged. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Inscription Script: cuneiform Inscription Comment: letter from Ea-nasir and Ilushu-illasu to Shumun-libshi and Sipparum-pater encouraging the addressers not to fear the arrival of two other men, advice is given to take both of them to the Shamash temple and make them take an oath. Dimensions Length: 3.5625 inches Width: 2 inches Condition Fair; nearly complete; cracked or repaired; salt deposit: 1
Description Copper alloy dagger, blade short and broad, one remaining rivet in the handle. Dimensions Length: 17.78 centimetres Width: 3.49 centimetres Weight: 311 grammes: 1
Description Cosmetic-vessel; large cockle shell for eye-paint.: 1
Description Cosmetic-vessel; very large cockle shell containing green pigment (atacamite, azurite, apatite): 1
Description Dark greyish-green chlorite Lamashtu amulet with crudely engraved figures on one side, and two lines of lined cuneiform inscription on the reverse above the engraved profile of a seated dog facing right; polished surfaces and small laterally perforated suspension lug at the top. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Inscription Comment: two lines. Dimensions Height: 4.3 centimetres Width: 3.4 centimetres Thickness: 0.5 centimetres Diameter: 0.2 centimetres (perforation) Condition Fair Curator's comments A separate Lamashtu amulet is given under the number U.17223A in 'Ur Excavations' vol. VIII, p.106, pl.28 and reported to be in Philadelphia (cf. KARI I, nos 85-87).: 1
Description Flat and round, dark grey stone duck weight; head only summarily indicated; repaired. Dimensions Length: 6 inches Width: 5 inches: 1
Description Four-sided black stone weight. Dimensions Length: 1.19 inches Width: 0.25 inches: 1
Description Fragment of clay brick; orange clay with paler (yellow) inscribed surface, chaff-tempered; stamped on face with an 11 line cuneiform inscription naming Adad-apla-iddina. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Inscription Script: Cuneiform Inscription Position: face Inscription Transliteration: (1) {d}i: 1
Description Group of 10 copper alloy pins or spear-heads with hollow sockets, all rusted together. Dimensions Length: 20.95 centimetres Width: 3.17 centimetres Weight: 158 grammes Condition rusted together: 1
Description Ivory spindle-whorl or bead. Dimensions Height: 1.3 centimetres Diameter: 1.7 centimetres: 1
Description Lapis lazuli bead with chamfered edges. Dimensions Length: 1.75 inches Width: 0.38 inches: 1
Description Large double 'boat' shaped gold ear-ring. Dimensions Diameter: 2.38 inches (approx.) : 1
Description Large double 'boat' shaped gold ear-ring. Dimensions Diameter: 2.5 inches : 1
Description Large spiral copper alloy ring. Dimensions Diameter: 3.81 centimetres: 1
Description Necklace of egg-shaped gold and lapis lazuli beads. Dimensions Length: 22.5 inches : 1
Description Necklace of small egg-shaped lapis lazuli beads. Dimensions Length: 6.5 inches (doubled): 1
Description Pyramidal, white stone stamp-seal; hole pierced through near top; rosette design of eight drill-holes on base. Dimensions Length: 16.14 millimetres Width: 15.9 millimetres Height: 8.44 millimetres Weight: 3 grammes Subject flower (all objects): 1
Description Small calcite pot with broad, flat rim; in-cut neck and round body; rim damaged. Dimensions Height: 2.5 inches Condition Fair; rim damaged.: 1
Description Small necklace of egg-shaped lapis lazuli beads. Dimensions Length: 5 inches (doubled): 1
Description String of carnelian beads of mixed shapes and sizes. Dimensions Length: 3.5 inches (approx.) Condition Fair: 1
Description Ten small cylindrical lapis lazuli beads strung together.: 1
Description Two copper alloy spear-heads, one larger, one smaller, rusted together. Dimensions Length: 20 centimetres Width: 4.12 centimetres Weight: 179 grammes Condition rusted together: 2
Description Wax package containing remains of head-dress with a silver hair-comb decorated with inlaid rosettes. Inlay identified as lapis lazuli, gold leaf, shell and pink limestone. : 1
Double and Triple coil. CBS Register: no field number. copper toe ring. diam. 30 mm: 1
Double Ring of Plain Wire CBS Register: Tomb Group from PG 622 is B16912 through B16918. 1 silver ring.: 1
Dungi, now Shulgi CBS Register: copper statue of the basket carrier. from the foundation box of Dimtabba shrine by Dungi. Inscribed. UE VI: Statue, copper, of Dungi as Kanephoros: 1
Egyptian. Flying uraeus with tiara. UE X: hieroglyphic signs (?) frit scarab.: 1
Elongated knob head. Broken in 3 pieces.: 1
entire record is crossed out in the book: CBS Register: V Season. handle (or pommel) discs of black and white limestone and head. with sketch. cf.16970. And note: add this to 16970 card.: 1
Field catalogue: "pin thickened to head and then cut off flat. Dagger with 3 rivet holes in tang. Dagger L.195 mm.; Max. W. 40 mm. Pin L. 160 mm." To be cleaned.: 1
Figure of a ram carved in gypsum. Back left rough. A support for a throne. 1st dyn?: 1
Figurine: 1
Figurine (plaque?) fragment, nude female: 1
Figurine / pendant, upper part, bearded man: 1
Figurine of female suckling child. Example in field photo depicts a seated woman, sitting cross-legged.: 2
Figurine, animal: 1
Figurine, goat: 1
Figurine, head: 1
Figurine, human: 1
Figurine, incomplete pig, incised lines on body: 1
Figurine, lion's head: 1
Figurine, pig: 1
Figurine, upper part, (human?): 1
Figurine. Very crude.: 1
Figurines (5): 1
Finger bone, copper ring: 1
Finger Rings: 2
Five plus count CBS Register: no field number. silver toe rings, finger rings, earrings, and beads found on card in storage: silver rings only: 1
Flat: 1
Flat bar. 1 end pointed. 1 broken.: 1
Flat bar. Ends rounded.: 1
flat black/orange blade, top missing: 1
flat circle with a metal stub coming out from the middle: 1
flat piece, dark brown/black: 1
flat triangular fragment: 1
Flat, broken. Winged sphinx passant.: 1
flattened rectangular, tapers off at one end: 1
Footed cup. CBS Register: copper, footed cup. with sketch.: 1
Found with gold B 16775. Decayed. CBS Register: no field number. silver pin found with the gold ribbon B16775 (U.8612). decayed. Database says U.8617? but register has no number 1954 inventory of Royal Cemetery material has this note: U.8619? Silver pin found with B16775, but no entry of U number on card nor CBS number in field catalogue. Ur Inventory correctly identifies it as U.8617: 1
Foundation Figure CBS Register: copper figure of the basket carrer. inscribed from below corner of palace (?) built by ur Nammu and Dungi. [Shulgi is written in pencil above built by]: 1
Four round bowls and one tumbler, copper & silver. Soldered by oxyd.: 3
frag: 3
Fragment of Copper; Circular; Solid.: 1
fragment of silver with wax on one side. The wax is likely something that was applied during excavation.: 1
Fragment of the stem of a clay cone; large Larsa type; about two-thirds of the text preserved (Warad-Sin?).: 1
Fragment. Coarse brown ware. Black paint.: 1
Fragment. Dopper.: 1
Fragment. Rivet and traces of binding.: 1
Fragmentary.: 2
Fragments of five separate hair rings. One fragment has a white substance attached to it, in various places along with what looks like iron corrosion.: 1
Fragments of solid copper.: 1
Glazed frit.: 1
Glazed frit. Found at depth of 28 ft. from surface not later than 3200 B.C. in a pit PFT. Early Jemdet Nasr perido. Is the oldest glazed vase in Mesopotamia. UE IV: bowl of blue-glazed frit: 1
Gold, carnelian balls and double conoids with gold and carnelian drops and gold spacers. Restrung (17655). Ur Gallery. : 1
Gold, Carnelian, Lapis: 1
gray curved metal cylinder: 1
Greenish grey ware. Egg shell type. Hemispherical.: 1
Grey buff ware, cream slip. Globular body, narrow neck, outturned rim. Brown painted decoration over entire jar of cross-hatched and plain birds, feathers, herringbone, and parallel lines. Reconstructed.: 1
Grey ware, burnished. Type CCCIII. : 1
Greyish buff ware. Type CXXIX. Flat base sharply contracting to stem; long body expanding to inset neck with concave sides. U number on shoulder.: 1
Group of objects (14). Includes, painted pottery. Flint and obsidian chips. Part of a clay sickle. Clay copy of a shell bead. Clay nail. Copper needle. Fragment of clay animal figure. Seal impressions on clay. : 9
half circle piece of a ring: 1
Half of a "divine couple": 1
Half of a ring.: 1
half oval ring fragments: 1
Head missing. CBS Register: copper, pair of harpoon head, arrow or spear head. length 134 mm Ur #531: 1
Head Rolled Up: 1
Heart shapped. CBS Register: . clay pot. with sketch. heart shaped.: 1
Hemisheric. Broken. CBS Register: copper, bowl. hemispheric. broken.: 1
Hemispherical: 1
Hemispherical.: 1
Horse: 1
II Dynasty. Copper, Bitumen core: 1
In 5 pieces CBS Register: copper toilet set. PG 766: 1
In sheath. Copper oxide. Preserved pattern on sheath.: 1
Includes decorated pottery; clay animal; seal impressions on clay jar stoppers; clay copies of shell bugle beads; bone tubular bead; copper needle, ect.: 6
Includes decorated pottery; clay animal; seal impressions on clay jar stoppers; clay copies of shell bugle beads; bone tubular bead; copper needle, etc.; part of group of objects: 1
Includes painted pottery; obsidian chips and obsidian vase; 3 clay copies of shell bugle beads; seal impressions on clay jar sealings; animal figure; handles; sickle. : 1
inscribed CBS Register: stem of a clay foundation cone of Ur-Nammu. Digging of the "canal of Ur.": 1
Inscribed with cuneiform, indicating a personal name. UE IV: terracotta figurine, hand modelled of a sheep (?); ears and legs broken. on one flank an inscription "Nam-(?) Overseer of Nannar." CBS Register: Season VI. clay model of a sheep. inscribed with the name of NAM- Overseer of Nannar. Found loose in cemetery. 2.60m depth.: 1
Inscribed, clay. (Of UrdEngur, girmta, dDumuzida, dumu Ur ge, us-kalagga, lugal, Unukkiga ka-ge u Ama-sal-me-kab, ama-ni, dNin ses-e-gar-ra, nin-a-ni, e sese-gar-ra, e kiaggani e-ti (l)-ne-rakika, muna-du.): 1
Inscribed, clay: of Arad Sin?: 1
Inscribed. Tip fragment.: 2
Inscribed. Tip missing.: 1
Inscribed: clay. Of Entemena patesi of Lagash to dNinni-ra, lugale ia.: 1
Iron: 1
Iron.: 1
Iron. Large; handle doubled on.: 1
Iron. Leafshape.: 1
J.N. 77 type CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Vase. with sketch.: 1
Jadeite. two copper?/Copper Alloy? caps in bitumen. Ur-mah dim. Solar heroes. UE X: a contest of solar heroes. One is defeated and looses his crown, even when armed with a club or axe. Both wear the same horned mitre, hair doubled up, beard, and loin-cloth. A human context, where the bare-headed hero has caught his enemy with the pointed cap by the beard and pulls his head back ready to cut his throat. Between them a woman fallen to her knees, raises a threatening dagger towards the villain, who apparently held her bound by a rope. Seal of Ur-mah, dim: the architect. Below the inscription is a doe passant with head turned back. Green steatite cylinder with copper caps.: 1
KP CBS Register: no field number. limestone cup. height: 55 x 103 diam. : 1
Lapis Head: 1
Lapis Head; Corroded; Pin discarded in cleaning. Head saved. D.C. CBS Register: no field number. one copper needle with lapis head. corroded.: 1
large cone-shaped peg inside a metal loop: 1
Large, copper. Broken.: 1
Lead cup on mouth of clay jar.: 1
Lead. Badly misshapen. Flat base, expanding sides.: 1
Lead. Concave base, expanding sides. Damaged.: 1
Lead. Distorted.: 1
Lead. Flat base, expanding sides. Damaged.: 1
Lead. Cleaned. Flat base, expanding sides.: 1
Lead. Misshapen. Concave base, expanding sides. JNG.337 written on object.: 1
Lead? Adhering. Ends open.: 1
Lead? Ends coiled.: 1
Lead? Ends coiled. 2 thicknesses.: 1
Lead? Ends coiled. 3 thicknesses.: 1
Lead? Ends open.: 1
Lead? Ends open. Adhered.: 1
Lead? Ends overlapping.: 1
Leaf form: 1
Leaf shape: 1
Leaf shape. Tang broken. Type XV (of tools): 1
Leaf shaped. 2 corroded together; one with butt. CBS Register: no field number. copper blades. leaf shaped (with sketch). length 104 mm: 1
Legrain: Nude votary standing up with clasped hands. A line of rosettes forms frame on both sides and above. Dq. 100 x 40 mm.: 1
Legrain: Nude votary standing up with clasped hands. Her hair is tied with a band and drawn back behind the ears. She wears earrings, throe necklaces, two of which have a middle larger bead, double bracelets and a three-stringed girdle. U.1780 (0BS. 15662), Dq., 85 x 35 mm.: 1
Legrain: Round table, with a flat top decorated with a stamped relief. A goose with flapping wings approaches a shrine gate. Reeds grow on the other side. Hatchings above and below the gate may represent inlay and a line of ground round the central boss. Only one leg is left.: 1
LgLunate: 1
limestone fragment relief cut in hollow like seal. worshipping a seated Goddess.: 1
Limestone.: 1
Lion headed figure: 1
LLXXV EX.DT CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Straight tumbler. Type CC XXV: 1
long, rectangular, tapered at one end: 1
lumpy copper pieces, one triangular, one "L" shaped, 4 total: 1
lumpy rectangle, 3 cracks across: 1
Mace head. Pink marble. Incised with lines and leaves.: 1
male figure wearing a fringed tunic and a shawl; on his right shoulder is a crescent. Snowman technique: 1
Mask, demon face: 1
Matthews (1993) p. 62 no. 3 'U13634, BM 1930.12.13.453. U13868, BM. U13975, BM. U14101, UM 31.16.415. U14102. BM 1930.12.13.460. UE 3:413, 415, 459 (all same seal impression). UET 2:332. All SIS4, where known. H 4.8, L >7.1. Symbols in two registers. Upper register: edinnu, ?filler motifs . Lower register, signs arranged in boxes: E2, ?, DU3 or NI ?NUN (?Adab), U4 AB (Larsa), ?BIR3 AB (?) U14102. Sealing 5.2 x 3.6 x 3.1. Two rollings. Smooth peg impression, di. 1.4. Faint string impression, sg di. 0.4. Base has plastered wall impressions. Functional type: door peg.' Merlin: 'Description Fragment of a clay sealing impressed with archaic writing signs on concave exterior surface; abraded; chipped; white deposit. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Dimensions Length: 2 inches Width: 1.5 inches': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 65 no. 25: 'U13955. BM 1930.12.13.431. UE 3:419. SIS4. H >3.1, L >5.9. Two rollings. Symbols: ?URI3, ?form of leg cross, ?edinnu. Sealing 5.6 x 4.8 x 3.6. Reverse face has two rows of string impressions, sd di. 0.2, sg di. 0.35, TP 0.55, SSD: Z. Base has of clear impressions of split-reed matting. Functional type: reed matting package.' UE 3 p. 39 no. 419: 'Fragment of pictographic inscription. A new form of the cross sign (cf. No. 404). The edinnu (?). Nude man (?). U. 13955. SIS 4. Pl. 54.' Merlin: 'Description Fragment of a domed clay sealing with impressed linear designs on interior surface including possibly some signs; edges chipped Dimensions Length: 2.75 inches Width: 1.875 inches': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 67 no. 39 'U14775, BM 1930.12.13.424. U14825, BM 1920.12.13.434. U14882, BM. U18413a, UM 33.35.415. U18413b, UM 33.35.408. UE 3:281. Moorey 593. All SIS4. H 2.8, L 5.65. Complete impression surviving. One register of motifs: lizard, ?AN, ?scorpion, six-pointed UB, man. U14775. Sealing 8.1 x 5.9 x 3.4. Four rollings and one stamp impression. Smooth peg, ?ared at head and base, di. 4.0. Distoned string or cord. di. 0.3. Level base. Functional type: door peg' Matthews (1993) p. 67 no. 39a 'U14775, U14825, U14882, U18413a, U18413b. Di. 1.8, circ. 5.7. Poorly executed eight-pointed rosette.' UE 3 p. 29 no. 281 'A nude man, his hands held up, fighting huge lizards. Net, scorpion, leaves, star flowers, and perhaps a panelled construction. Eight-petalled rosette on the butt-end of the cylinder, d. 15 mm. U. 14775, U. 14825. SIS 4. Pl. 47. (P. CBS. 31.16.671.) U. 18402, U. 18413. Pit W. SIS 4-5.' Merlin: 'Description Fragment of a circular clay sealing with impressions on exterior surface of deeply incised seal including stars and possibly a human figure; chipped; white deposit. Dimensions Length: 3.25 inches Width: 1.5 inches' : 1
Matthews (1993) p. 68 no. 48: '13881. BM 1930.12.13.418. UE 3:209. SIS4. H >3.1, L 3.1. Four rollings. Symbols bordered by beaded lines: edinnu. U4 quadruped, bird, ?AN. Sealing 7.0 x 4.2 x 2.3. Reverse has curve, di. 9.0, and impressions of ?ne sacking secured with string, sd di. 0.2, sg di. 0.25, TP 0.6, SSD: Z. Functional type: pot with covering.' UE 3 p. 26 no. 209: 'Two (or three) registers. Spread eagle between crouching calves. Leaf, jar, or sign of the rising sun. Net pattern of stars in squares. Wavy lines and stakes within a circular enclosure, perhaps a picture of the fertile plain (edinnu) irrigated by canals. U. 13881. SIS 4. Burnt stratum. Pl. 45.' Merlin db: 'Description Fragment of clay sealing with impression of animals and geometric patterns on outside surface. Dimensions Length: 2.75 inches Width: 1.75 inches': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 68 no. 53 '12548a, BM 1935.1.13636 (138217). U12548b, BM 1935.1.13637 (138218). 1112556, BM 1935.1.13641 (138222), Not previously published. PG1332 and area. H >3.0, L >5.6. Freely arranged symbols: edinnu, UB, ?leg cross. U12548a. Sealing 3.4 x 2.6 x 2.4. One rolling. Reverse has string, sd di. 0.3, sg di. 0.55. TP 1.2, SSD: Z. Base has split- reed matting impressions. Functional type: reed matting package.' Merlin: 'Description Unbaked clay sealing with seal-impression depicting geometric pattern; incomplete?; cracked; white deposit; friable. Dimensions Length: 3.5 centimetres (circa.) Width: 3 centimetres (circa.)': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 68 no. 53 '12548a, BM 1935.1.13636 (138217). U12548b, BM 1935.1.13637 (138218). 1112556, BM 1935.1.13641 (138222), Not previously published. PG1332 and area. H >3.0, L >5.6. Freely arranged symbols: edinnu, UB, ?leg cross. U12556. Sealing 4.5 x 4.0 x 2.7. Two roll- ings. Smooth peg, di. 1.6. Base broken. Functional type: door peg.' Merlin: 'Description Unbaked clay sealing with seal-impression; incomplete?; worn; abraded; white deposit; friable?. Dimensions Length: 4.6 centimetres (circa.) Width: 3.6 centimetres (circa.)': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 69 no. 68 'U14553. BM 1930.12.13.452. Not previously published. SIS4. H >2.6, L >6.4. Two rollings. Symbols: edimmu, ?leg cross, ? Sealing 5.7 x 4.7 x 3.0. Reverse is badly crumpled and distorted. Functional type: ?' Merlin: 'Description Part of a clay jar sealing with the impression of a cylinder seal with indistinct geometric design; fired; chipped edges; abraded. Dimensions Length: 2.5 inches Width: 1.75 inches': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 69-70 no. 70 'U14841, BM 1930.12.13.410. UE 3:102. UET 2:313. SIS4 or perhaps SIS8. Not a cylinder rolling but incised symbols: NUN (Eridu), ? Sealing 10.5 x 5.5 x 5.2. Smooth peg with ?ared head and base, di. 3.0. Several rows of string, sg di. 0.35. Very smooth base. Functional type: door peg.' Merlin: 'Description Clay sealing; perhaps from a door bolt, on which linear designs have been drawn in lieu of cylinder seal impressions. Dimensions Length: 4 inches Width: 2.5 inches Thickness: 1.75 inches': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 70-71 no. 85 'U 14125. BM 1930.12.13.456. UE 3:435. SIS4. H >1.9, L >4.3. One rolling and one stamp impression. Unclear motifs. Sealing 5.0 x 3.8 x 1.6. Smooth peg, di. 3.0. Unclear string and level base. Functional type: door peg' Matthews (1993) p. 70-71 no. 85a 'UI4125. Di. 2.6, circ. 8.2. Linear motif, perhaps edinnu.' UE 3 p. 41 no. 435 'Swastika sign (or edinnu) on the butt-end of a cylinder, d. 30 mm. U. 14125. SIS 4. Pl. 55.': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 72 no. 100 'U14705. BM 1930.12.13.455. UE 3:440. UET 2:325. Probably SIS4. H >1.4, L >3.4. One rolling and one stamp impression. Symbols: ? Sealing 5.8 x 4.8 x 2.6. Reverse broken. Functional type: ?' Matthews (1993) p. 72 no. 100a 'U14705. Di. 2.8, eke. 8.8. ?seven-pointed rosette with border.': 1
Matthews (1993) p. 73 no. 119 'U14170. BM 1930.12.13.461. UE 3:441. UET 2:324. SIS4. H >4.4, L >4.8. One rolling. Symbols in boxes in at least two registers. ?NUN (?Eridu). Sealing 5.2 x 6.8 x 1.2. Flat tongue of clay with no markings. Functional type: test strip.' UE 3 p. 41 no. 441 'Fragment of inscription. The signs are in cases and in two registers: gud : 1
Matthews (1993) p. 73 no. 122 'U13903. BM 1930.12.13.462. UE 3:439. UET 2:331. SIS4. H >3.1, L >5.7. Two rollings and one stamp impression. Symbols. Sealing 5.2 x 4.8 x 2.7. Smooth peg, with string traces. Level base. Functional type: door peg.' Matthews (1993) p. 73 no. 122a 'U13903. Di 3.3, circ. 10.4. Three points of a seven or eight-pointed rosette with border' UE 3 p. 41 no. 439 'Fragment of inscription. Eight-petalled rosette on the butt-end of the cylinder, d. 20 mm. U. 13903. SIS 4.' Merlin: 'Description Fragment of a clay sealing impressed with archaic writing signs on slightly concave exterior surface; abraded; worn; gouged; white deposit. Inscriptions Inscription Type: inscription Dimensions Length: 2 inches Width: 1.75 inches': 1
Merlin: 'Circular stone counter or gaming-piece with seven spots of inlaid shell.' UE 2 p. 534: 'Gaming-pieces. Six squares of shell, 0-017 m. sq., 4 plain, 1 engraved (Pl. 221); 9 roundels of black shale, d. 0.021 m., 1 plain, the rest inlaid each with 7 white dots, 6 round the U. edge and 1 in the centre (Pl. 221); a bone rod, square in section, with engraved lines, l. 0.06 m. v. U. 8454. PG/261.' UE 2 p. p. 149: 'Lying under and round a pair of copper razors (U. 8508, cf. Pl. 23I) were fifteen counters, U. 8509, nine of them circular, made of black shale and inlaid with seven white dots (except for one of them, which was plain) and six square and made of shell, one engraved with a cross; they were arranged alternately in a half-circle, with the odd black pieces at the ends, and'at each end of the curve was a slender bone rod engraved with linear patterns; beneath the counters were the remains of wood. There can be little doubt that there was here a gaming-board of normal type but entirely of wood, the squares and marks being merely engraved (cf. Shub-ad's board, Pl. 95, which is only lightly inlaid), and as usual the board was in the form of a box in which the counters were kept. The arrangement of the pieces would imply that in the bottom of the box there were depressions into which the counters fitted; actually some of them were found face downwards, a sign of carelessness, so that the apparently elaborate arrangement must have been imposed by the nature of the box made to receive them.': 2
Merlin: 'Circular stone counter or gaming-piece with seven spots of inlaid shell; three of the inlays are missing.' UE 2 p. 534: 'Gaming-pieces. Six squares of shell, 0-017 m. sq., 4 plain, 1 engraved (Pl. 221); 9 roundels of black shale, d. 0.021 m., 1 plain, the rest inlaid each with 7 white dots, 6 round the U. edge and 1 in the centre (Pl. 221); a bone rod, square in section, with engraved lines, l. 0.06 m. v. U. 8454. PG/261.' UE 2 p. p. 149: 'Lying under and round a pair of copper razors (U. 8508, cf. Pl. 23I) were fifteen counters, U. 8509, nine of them circular, made of black shale and inlaid with seven white dots (except for one of them, which was plain) and six square and made of shell, one engraved with a cross; they were arranged alternately in a half-circle, with the odd black pieces at the ends, and'at each end of the curve was a slender bone rod engraved with linear patterns; beneath the counters were the remains of wood. There can be little doubt that there was here a gaming-board of normal type but entirely of wood, the squares and marks being merely engraved (cf. Shub-ad's board, Pl. 95, which is only lightly inlaid), and as usual the board was in the form of a box in which the counters were kept. The arrangement of the pieces would imply that in the bottom of the box there were depressions into which the counters fitted; actually some of them were found face downwards, a sign of carelessness, so that the apparently elaborate arrangement must have been imposed by the nature of the box made to receive them.': 1
Merlin: 'Circular stone counter or gaming-piece.' UE 2 p. 534: 'Gaming-pieces. Six squares of shell, 0-017 m. sq., 4 plain, 1 engraved (Pl. 221); 9 roundels of black shale, d. 0.021 m., 1 plain, the rest inlaid each with 7 white dots, 6 round the U. edge and 1 in the centre (Pl. 221); a bone rod, square in section, with engraved lines, l. 0.06 m. v. U. 8454. PG/261.' UE 2 p. p. 149: 'Lying under and round a pair of copper razors (U. 8508, cf. Pl. 23I) were fifteen counters, U. 8509, nine of them circular, made of black shale and inlaid with seven white dots (except for one of them, which was plain) and six square and made of shell, one engraved with a cross; they were arranged alternately in a half-circle, with the odd black pieces at the ends, and'at each end of the curve was a slender bone rod engraved with linear patterns; beneath the counters were the remains of wood. There can be little doubt that there was here a gaming-board of normal type but entirely of wood, the squares and marks being merely engraved (cf. Shub-ad's board, Pl. 95, which is only lightly inlaid), and as usual the board was in the form of a box in which the counters were kept. The arrangement of the pieces would imply that in the bottom of the box there were depressions into which the counters fitted; actually some of them were found face downwards, a sign of carelessness, so that the apparently elaborate arrangement must have been imposed by the nature of the box made to receive them.': 1
Merlin: 'Square shell counter or tessera; once with incised pattern now obliterated.' UE 2 p. 534: 'Gaming-pieces. Six squares of shell, 0-017 m. sq., 4 plain, 1 engraved (Pl. 221); 9 roundels of black shale, d. 0.021 m., 1 plain, the rest inlaid each with 7 white dots, 6 round the U. edge and 1 in the centre (Pl. 221); a bone rod, square in section, with engraved lines, l. 0.06 m. v. U. 8454. PG/261.' UE 2 p. p. 149: 'Lying under and round a pair of copper razors (U. 8508, cf. Pl. 23I) were fifteen counters, U. 8509, nine of them circular, made of black shale and inlaid with seven white dots (except for one of them, which was plain) and six square and made of shell, one engraved with a cross; they were arranged alternately in a half-circle, with the odd black pieces at the ends, and'at each end of the curve was a slender bone rod engraved with linear patterns; beneath the counters were the remains of wood. There can be little doubt that there was here a gaming-board of normal type but entirely of wood, the squares and marks being merely engraved (cf. Shub-ad's board, Pl. 95, which is only lightly inlaid), and as usual the board was in the form of a box in which the counters were kept. The arrangement of the pieces would imply that in the bottom of the box there were depressions into which the counters fitted; actually some of them were found face downwards, a sign of carelessness, so that the apparently elaborate arrangement must have been imposed by the nature of the box made to receive them.': 1
Metal Bangles: 2
metal bracelet, line indent running along outsice: 1
metal eye-shaped bracelet: 1
Metal Spiral: 4
miniature jar CBS Register: miniature clay vase. decorated with incised lines. height 60 mm: 1
Miniature Jar CBS Register: miniature clay vase. height. 35 mm. : 1
Miniature Vessel CBS Register: copper small vase. broken. with sketch.: 1
Model bed / chair: 1
Model bed, 2 legs missing, ducks & cockerels: 1
Model boat: 1
Model boat fragment: 1
Model chair back fragment, 2 dogs. Type 229 according to UE VII.: 1
Model stool, incomplete: 1
Model wheel, incisions decoration around edge: 1
Multiple: 12
multiple pieces if dark gray/brown stone --NOTE: KB, 2014. This is clearly a set of metal fragments, still covered in soil, and wax. One is more of a vessel rim, and might be silver over copper alloy, and I believe there is bone attached to most of these flattened pieces. This number is on the box, but its unclear if the description is merely incorrect or the wrong number is on this box.: 1
Neckalce. Ladder like pattern: Lapis and Carnelian: 1
Neckalce. 25 Lapis, 12 Gold, 12 Carnelian: 1
Neckalce. 25 Lapis, 12 Gold, 12 Carnelian/Necklace. Gold and Carnelian with Lapis: 1
Neckalce. Lapis, Gold Carnelian: 1
Neckalce. Red and White Agate. Six Strings of graded beads.: 6
Neckalce. Six Strings of Carnelian: 6
Necklace. One string of carnelian and Lapis: 1
Necklace. Three strings of Carnelian long with conoids between: 4
Necklace. Two strings of Carnelian: 3
Necklace. 21 Carnelian, 2 gold, 3 lapis, 27 gold.: 1
Necklace. 3 strings of Carnelian, gold, Lapis: 3
Necklace. 32 gold, Lapis and Carnelian. 2 strings: 2
Necklace. Carnelian: 1
Necklace. Five Strings of Gold and Lapis: 16
Necklace. Gold and Lapis: 2
Necklace. Gold with Lapis and Carnelian: 1
Necklace. Gold, Lapis, Carnelian and Carnelian Pendant: 1
Necklace. Gold, Lapis, Carnelian and Carnelian Pendant/Necklace. Nine strings of gold, Lapis, Carnelian: 1
Necklace. Gold, Lapis, Carnelian.: 1
Necklace. Lapis, Gold, in Gold 4 strings: 4
Necklace. Nine strings of gold, lapis, Carnelian: 9
Necklace. One string of Lapis: 1
No head. (Shawl pin): 6
Nude female figure, seated, wearing necklace and long curls; "Snowman" technique: 1
Nude goddess or votary standing with clasped hands.: 1
Objects B17038 - B17040. 12 soft water shells: 1
Oblong: 1
oblong, splotches of bright green: 1
Obsidian. Conical head.: 1
Obsidian. Flat head (broken).: 1
Of En(lil...). Broken, partly plastered. Partial, inscription complete. Stamp inscribed. Walker Number: E5 no. 311<br />Behrens: Siniddinam 4 (Walker Brick Inscriptions Nr. 40): 1
Of Sinidinnam? Complete. Stamp inscription. Walker Number: C4 no. 194<br />Behrens: Siniddinam 1 (Walker Brick Inscriptions Nr. 37): 1
On copper ring mounting. standing hero (with wings?) UE X: worshipper before an offering table. chalcedony stamp seal.: 1
One clay dog, head turned, eyes are pellets of clay: 1
One end and half flattened. One pointed and square in cross section.: 1
One of two protomoi of rams in grey gypsum; the heads and fore parts of the bodies are carved in the round, the back part is left rough; probably the supports of a throne. found in a cache with U.6410 (Baghdad 1178), 6795, etc, under the Kassite houses SE of the Gi-par-ku: 1
one of three. silver coil.: 1
One of two unbaked clay figurines of a demon with a lion's head: 1
oval shape with a circular edge chipped off: 1
oval, hollow on both ends, wider at the ends than in the middle: 1
P.G.X. 1842. Type CCCXLI. : 1
Painted pottery. With foot. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.23, painted: 2
Painted pottery. With foot. Last Al'Ubaid period. Type CCCXLV UE IV: clay cup, type aU.26, painted: 1
Painted pottery. With foot. Type CCCXLV UE IV: clay cup, type aU.25, painted: 2
Painted pottery. With foot. Type CCCXLV. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.24, painted; drab clay with decoration in black paint; incomplete: 1
paper included: "J.N. 60-61?": 1
paper included: "Neo-Bab. [171 (?)]" CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. with sketch. : 1
paper included: "Neo.Bab.-Persian? _ cf. vol.IX types 4-13" paper included: "U.3074 - from SF solitary _ grave, type CXC - Dosken - (SF=Persian)": 1
paper included: "U.3182 from Ur TB 34 (1923-24)" paper included: "field notes say "type CVII" but cf. vol. I, pl.LIX, type LXXX _ runs throughout "prehist." period" paper included from museum display with provenience information! Light red ware. Type CVII. Flat base; oval, flightly carinated, body; spout on shoulder; rim damaged.: 1
paper included: "U.6201 from Sakheira according to cat. (Dosker)" CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. Small vase. with sketch 2014 Description: Ovoid bodied vessel with a flat base and a short neck and rounded rim. The ceramic is buff colored.: 1
paper included: "U.6916 is from Digdiggeh - Ur III "type CXI'' paper included: "U.1713 is from Digdiggeh" CBS Register: pottery. vase. double curve, neck broken. with sketch.: 1
Passing animal?: 1
Pendant. Silver disc with twelve silver cones surrouned by two strands of twisted wire on face; 4 loops of twisted wire at top for suspension.: 1
Period: ED III CBS Register: U. pottery bead. cylinder. incised. UE X: net or reed wattle. pottery bead. no field number: 1
PG.1847 paper included: "U.15159 PG.1847 (2nd Dyn.) E.D.-type 212(?) _ cf. Ur II (text pg.482) _ 1929-30": 1
Pin, Straight tanghead, perforated. CBS Register: copper needle. length 156 mm: 1
Pin? Circular. Tapering to Point.: 1
Plain: 1
Plain buff ware. Neck inscribed with NIG. GA -- SIN makkur. Globular body, long wide neck, ridge on neck, collared rim; flat base.: 1
Plain pottery footed dish. Type CCCXLV11: 1
Plaque - 'The Twin Gods' in relief CBS Register: terracotta. moulded plaque. twin gods with club and scimitar. 2 posts to serve as base UE VII: The Twin Gods, two bearded gods wearing the feather crown and carrying weapons and small buckets, advance side by side. Legrain suggests that they represent the infernal gods Nergal and Mes-lam-ta-e-a.: 1
Plaque, upper part of a god club & scimitar: 1
Poker form. Square section. Point broken.: 1
Poker form. Square section. Point broken. Type L. B.: 1
Poker form. Square section. Type I B: 1
Poker form. Square section. Type I-A: 1
Poker form; square section, with tang.: 1
Pottery, pointed. Two examples CBS Register: Pottery. Pointed vase. 2 examples. : 2
powdered copper with some smaller chunks: 1
Prophylactic figurines, Type 3.: 1
R.C. 50a["sargonid'] but note handle frag: 1
R.C.12 CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. tumbler. with sketch. No field number.: 1
R.C.75 CBS Register: 4th Expedition. 1925-1926. Pottery. vase. with sketch.: 1
Rattle (?) pig-shaped: 1
rectangular and tapers down to one end, other end has an oval on top: 1
rectangular body that tapers down to one end, reddish brown color: 1
rectangular, light green: 1
rectangular, tapered round at one end, flat at other: 1
Red ware, traces of cream slip, covered with green (from copper?). Flat base, straight expanding sides. CBS Register: no field number. clay cup. with sketch.: 1
Reg. only as leg on BM card: 1
Relief plaque / figurine fragment: 1
Relief plaque fragment, lower part, skirt & leg: 1
Relief plaque fragment, woman nursing child: 1
Relief plaque head only, bearded male: 1
Relief plaque of a lion: 1
Relief plaque, bearded male with sceptre: 1
Relief plaque, divine couple: 1
Relief plaque, female holding circular object: 1
Relief plaque, head missing: 1
Relief plaque, head missing, female?: 1
Relief plaque, head missing, nude female?: 1
Relief plaque, lower part, female suckling child: 1
Relief plaque, lower part, flounced dress: 1
Relief plaque, lower part, flounced skirt: 2
Relief plaque, lower part, seated female: 1
Relief plaque, lower part, seated figure: 1
Relief plaque, mask, pierced: 1
Relief plaque, seated couple: 1
Relief plaque, seated female: 1
Relief plaque, upper part of goddess with bird: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, bearded male & animal: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, female : 1
Relief plaque, upper part, female? Figure: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, figure with arm raised: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, male: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, man riding horse ?: 1
Relief plaque, upper part, nude female: 3
Relief plaque, upper part, replica of U.1012: 1
Relief plaque? feet missing, nude female: 1
Relief plaque? Fragment, duck head & shoulders: 1
Relief plaque? head missing, female: 1
Relief plaque? upper part, bearded male : 1
Relief plaque?, upper part, male: 1
Rider Only; no horse. Roughly hand modelled. Pellet eyes.: 1
ring broken in 2 pieces CBS Register: three silver coil rings. PG 789 database had the field number as 10829: 1
Rings and Leaves (6); Mounted with lapis beads CBS Register: no field number. silver. six rings (sketched) and leaves mounted with lapis beads. necklace?: 1
Rolled thin end. note in box says #38: 1
Rolled, Flat Top CBS Register: copper nail with rolled flat top. length 84 mm: 1
rough metal ring: 1
S shaped sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 317: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 104 Type II. CBS Register: copper needle. length 145 mm: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 116 CBS Register: no field number. copper needle. pin. length 170 mm: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 118 CBS Register: copper needle. length 190 mm: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 123 CBS Register: copper spearhead. square section, poker type. length 178 mm: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 126 CBS Register: copper spade. handle broken in three. length 210 mm: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 132 CBS Register: Tomb group from PG 906. With objects B16937 - B16940. Pair of heavy copper rings: Bangles.: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 152 CBS Register: Tomb group from PG 607. With objects B16941 - B16945. a copper pin.: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 160 CBS Register: part of a grave group from a Child's Grave, PG 662. Objects B16951 - B16955. copper pin.: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 164 CBS Register: Part of group from PG 681. Objects B17021 - B17028. copper pin (Minus head): 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 168: 1
Sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 527: 1
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 530: 1
Sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 534: 2
sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 95 CBS Register: copper needle. length 193 mm: 1
scored flat metal blade: 1
semi-cirlce with a piece hooked across the ends: 1
Several notes on object. "Room II Northeast Wall" The rest illegible, looks like: "P.B ?? loc. ??? /NO".: 1
Shaft Bent and Pierced; lapis head CBS Register. Silver. pin. crooked.: 1
Sherds or vessels. Vessel fragment, painted design, circles. : 1
Silver and copper. 1-1/2 spiral coils.: 1
Silver coil CBS Register: three silver coil rings. PG 789: 1
Silver coil: 1
Silver coil (pair): 1
silver coil.: 10
Silver filigree- 6 strands of fine wire welded together into ring.: 1
Silver finger ring, spiral coil.: 1
Silver finger ring.: 2
Silver glaze. Oval body, tapered base, long neck, expanding rim.: 1
Silver pin with lapis head. Type VI B. CBS Register: silver pin, with lapis head. length 140 mm: 1
Silver Ring Attached CBS Register: 10164 has the 4 crossed out for a 3 in pencil. copper bowl. round. diam. 107: 1
Silver vessel with etched bulls leg. CBS Register: no field number. silver, boat shaped bowl. no handles. database has U.10457?: 1
Silver with Lapis Head. Type VI B.: 1
Silver with three inlaid flowers.: 1
Silver, coil toe ring.: 1
Silver, gold, and gold plated CBS Register: no field number. silver, gold, and gold plated beads and chain.: 1
Silver, lapis head, broken.: 1
Silver, lapis head, Broken. Fluted lapis Head. Type V B; .: 1
Silver, lapis head, broken. Type VI B.: 1
Silver, lapis Head; Broken. Type V B.: 1
Silver, unusual type.: 1
Silver, with three inlaid flowers with petals of blue, red, and white.: 1
Silver.: 10
Silver. Coil.: 1
Silver. Ram's Head Finial. Fragment.: 1
Silver; fluted (badly damaged). (exactly like U 10892) CBS Register: silver tumbler. fragments.: 1
Silver; head broken.: 1
single coil; worn extremely thin or repaired, area is bright green: 1
slightly curved: 1
slightly curved triangular piece: 1
Small -from a toiletry kit?: 1
small brown fragment, white specs: 1
Small, delicate, hollow ball. Fragmentary.: 1
small, round beads. Silver head of a pin. Pair of silver coil toe rings. Silver beads. Cockle shell. Fragments of glass? Cylinder seal.: 1
snapped in two, tapers off at each end: 1
spiral coil earring. silver.: 1
Spiral. (pair): 1
spiral. (pair) See 31-17-259.1-.2: 2
Spouted jar of yellow buff ware; ring base, carinated shoulder, type JNG. sj.8 (but without line of ornamentation round shoulder).) A distorted lead bowl has been used as a lid and completely covers the neck of the jar.: 2
Square section. In 2 pieces. Type Ia. CBS Register: copper spearhead. square section, still hafted. poker type. length 690 mm. spear above halfting, length 340 mm See 30-12-345.1-.2: 1
Square section. In 2 pieces. Type Ia. CBS Register: copper spearhead. square section, still hafted. poker type. length 690 mm. spear above halfting, length 340 mm See 30-12-345.1-.2: 1
Square section. Type I. CBS Register: copper spearhead. square section, poker type. length 240 mm: 1
Square Stem, Top Bead Missing, One Hole.: 1
Standing god wearing horned hat, long pleated dress and elaborate curls, carrying club and lituus: 1
Standing woman with clasped hands. Dressed in long plain robe. Broken head. Moulded. Terra cotta.: 1
straight cyclindrical piece of metal with one curve, purple tint: 1
Straight Pin; Lapis Ball: 2
Straight Pin; Lapis Disk: 1
straight rectangular with a triangle on top KB: bottom part of a hair comb; not a perfect join to 30-12-437, but the discoloration appears consistent: 1
String of Beads; 137 Beads: 1
String of Beads; 731 Beads: 1
Tabletss: 1
Terra cotta. Nude woman. Moulded. Standing. Hands clasped. On a small base.: 1
Terra cotta. Standing facing worshipper. Hair on shoulders, beard. Holds vase. Bell. Long robe. Moulded.: 1
Terra cotta. CBS Register: No U. number. terracotta. standing. profile, bearded god. left raised. horned cap. broken below waist. moulded. -Indent on back created by finger; finger pressed behind head.: 1
Terracotta moulded plaque. naked goddess. broken. : 1
Terracotta. Nude Female Nursing Child; Broken Feet and Head. Moulded.: 1
Terracotta. Nude woman with clasped hands. Large pubes. Broken feet and head. Moulded.: 1
Terracotta. Of Ur-engur . . .e-temen-ni-il.: 3
Terracotta. Of Ur-engur . . .e-temen-ni-il. is broken. [-152 is broken]: 1
Terracotta. of Ur-engur. . id-nun.: 1
Terracotta. Uninscribed.: 1
Terracotta. fig. of a bearded man holding an ampulla (?) nude. belt of four lines. long hair and beard. broken. 80 mm high.: 1
Terracotta. head of a bird.: 1
Terracotta. hogs head in the round. broken.: 1
Terracotta. lion's head. boss relief. : 1
Terracotta. moulded plaque. head of a god with beard and horned mitre. broken.: 1
Terracotta. moulded plaque. naked woman.: 1
Terracotta. moulded plaque. naked woman. (Ishtar?) No U. number: 1
Terracotta. moulded plaque. naked woman. rough pastillage: 1
Terracotta. moulded plaque.seated goddess. hands clasped. Base. broken.: 1
Terracotta. moulded relief fragment. head of bearded god with horned mitre.: 1
Terracotta. moulded relief. standing bearded god holding whip.: 1
Terracotta. seated figure. nude votary. arms broken. curled hair. necklace. 74 mm high,: 1
Terracotta. Standing woman in pleated and flounced skirt; Holding Object; Broken above arms. Moulded.: 1
Terracotta; head of goddess with horned mitre and heavy locks.: 1
the following numbers are written in the margin of the CBS Register: 3241? 3140? 3303? CBS Register: no field number in the traditional spot. copper staple with sketch. 120 x 65 mm broken.: 1
Thickened above short tang; Without head CBS Register: copper pin without head. lapis seal stuck on by oxyd. length 248 mm: 1
Thickened above short tang; Without head CBS Register: copper pin without head. lapis seal stuck on by oxyd. length 248 mm: 1
thin, flaky, dark brown: 1
Three rivets, still fixed in lower hilt. Type V: 1
Three rivets. No hilt. Type II.E.: 1
Toilet set, 3 points on a ring. Pin - 2 pieces. Top of pin, corroded. CBS Register: U.12705. copper. toilet set. (3 points on a ring). length 75 mm U.12705b in database: 1
Triangular CBS Register: copper needle. 133 mm: 1
Triangular: 1
triangular head with a rectangular tail: 1
Triangular Lapis, Gold: 1
triangular, Copper Alloy colored, thin: 1
Triangular, with socket.: 1
Two birds on either side of a plant?: 1
Two prong.: 1
Type CCC IV. Red ware. Globular body, long neck. broken parts, but can be reassembled: 1
Type CCCLXV. Painted pottery. Black band inside. Nets and bird. Two holes in rim. Round bottom. UE IV: clay platter, type aU.3, painted: 1
Type CCCLXVI. Black band inside; S line on flat rim; net lozenges inside. Round bottom. Deformed. UE IV: clay platter, type aU.4, painted: 1
Type CCCLXVI. Painted pottery. Black band inside. Net and bird? Round bottom. Deformed. UE IV: clay platter, type aU.4, painted: 1
Type CCCLXXVI. Painted pottery. No foot.: 1
Type CCCXLV. Buff pottery. With foot. 2014 Description: globular closed mouthed bowl with a trimmed foot. There is a dark resinous material on the foot, possibly bitumen (?): 1
Type CCCXLV. Greyish buff ware. Carinated body, ring base, four black painted horizontal bands on shoulder and rim, one on carination. Groups of fine vertical painted lines below rim. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.23, painted: 1
Type CCCXLV. Greyish buff ware. Globular carinated body, ring base. 3 black painted horizontal bands below rim, one on carination. Alternating zig-zags and cross hatchings on shoulder. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.23, painted: 1
Type CCCXLV. Painted pottery. With foot UE IV: clay cup, type aU.25, painted: 1
Type CCCXLV. Painted pottery. With foot. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.23, painted: 2
Type CCCXLV. Painted pottery. With foot. UE IV: clay cup, type aU.25, painted: 1
Type CCCXVI. Painted pottery. Black band inside. Three on rim. Round bottom.: 1
Type II: 1
Type II F. CBS Register: copper dagger (with sketch) 2 rivets. length 195 mm: 1
Type II. CBS Register: copper, dagger blade. 3 rivets. length 225 mm: 1
Type IV B: 1
Type IV-A: 1
Type IV. A: 1
Type VI-A: 1
Type VIA. CBS Register: copper spear. broken in three. 433 mm. PG 1237 #25 - Ur field notes- Gilstein 5- III- 82.: 1
Type XI Bowls-Lamps, with spout. Soldered by Oxyd. CBS Register: copper. four bowls (lamps) with spouts. with sketch. soldered by oxyd. diam. 130, height 85 mm: 1
Type XIX CBS Register: copper axe. 138 x 66 mm: 1
Type XVI CBS Register: copper razor. 2 pieces. length 84 mm: 1
Type XVII CBS Register: copper blade (with sketch). length 195 mm: 1
Type XVIII CBS Register: copper axe (with sketch). 130 x 70 mm: 1
Type XX. CBS Register: copper axe. 151 x 84 mm: 1
Type XX. (Copper Alloy). CBS Register: copper axe. 140 x 80 mm: 1
UE 2 p. 539-540: 'Gold fillet, a plain ribbon, 0.007 m. wide, of thin gold leaf; with holes at the ends for attachment. Found on the skull. PG/495. (L.BM. 120686.)': 1
UE 4 p. 209 'Stonebowl, basic diorite, Type JN.31, ht. 0.145m., diam. 0.135 m. JNG/221. (L.)': 1
UE 4 p. 216 'Stone bowl, diorite, Type JN.15, ht. 0.05m., diam. 0.12m. JNG/300. (L.)': 1
UE 4 p. 217 'Stone bowl, diorite, Type JN.20, ht. 0.04m., diam. 0.12m. JNG/309. (L.)': 1
UE 7 p. 216 'Inscribed clay cone. U.E.T. I, No. 131. From Well No. 1.': 1
UE IV: clay platter, type aU.7, painted: 1
UE IV: clay pot, of red-painted burnished ware, variant of Type JN.150: 1
UE IV: copper arrow-head, leaf-shaped with flat hammered blade and square-section tang: 1
UE IV: copper pin, upper part of, with head in the form of a horned head of god or demon. Found with U.19101 (B.20380) sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. No Sample Number: 1
UE VII: Copper head of a female (?), solid casting. NOTE: Cf. U.E. VIII, P1. 28, p. 43, where the excavation number is not recorded and the provenance is given as Gipar-ku, Room 77.: 1
Unbaked clay figurine of a nude bearded man holding... against his breast: 1
University of Pennsylvania Museum cast B15890: 1
UPM: CBS Register: copper bolt (?) sketched. butt end of spear (?) length 28 mm: 1
UPM: Copper chisel?: 1
UPM: Form made to resemble shell pouring vessels. CBS Register: copper lamp. side spout. length 140mm: 1
UPM: Pectoral (?) in glazed frit, now bleached withe; holes for attachement to necklace at each end CBS Register: terracotta, necklace, pendant. With sketch.: 1
UPM: Terra cotta. Bird's head. Pierced; In the Round UE IV: clay object of uncertain use: 1
UPM: Vessel Stand Greyish buff ware. Open base with concave sides, bulging rounded shoulders. Constricted neck and outside grooved rim. Rim damaged. Crude incised design on shoulder.: 1
various sized curved fragments -NOTE: KB 2014, the note in the box says these are silver fragments. they are heavily coated in wax, in some cases have impressions and cotton stuck to the wax. There are small pieces wood throughout these pieces, just like all his restorations used. There are also bone fragments (?): 1
various sizes and shapes of copper objects: 1
various small fragments of Copper Alloy and bone. someof the metal has textile imprints The textile imprint physically joins one fragment in 98-9-96: 1
Vessel fragment, traces of paint.: 1
w/ Lapis Whorl CBS Register: silver spindle with lapis whorl. length 175 mm: 1
White Copper Alloy. Crescent shape: 1
white stone, tapered at one end, cut off at one end 2016: the object is a fragment from a silver object, possibly a pin.: 1
Willow leaf form. Point broken: 1
Willow leaf form. Type VI. A: 1
Winged bull?: 1
wire fragment, curved brown piece with a pointed end: 1
With center groove.: 1
With hilt and rivets in position. Traces of cloth on hilt.: 1
with lapis Head. Type V.A. Note in box reads: ED [Early PreDyn]. pin-type V-a. UR II: 474-5 sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 32: 1
with rolled socket. Broken. Type I sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 525: 1
With socket (one copper ear-ring): 1
With socket. sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 91: 1
With socket.: 1
With socket. Blade broken; socket with wood inside.: 1
With socket. Socket broken. Type XIX: 1
With socket. Socket half broken.: 1
with socket. Type I sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 73: 1
With socket. Type I: 2
With socket. Type VII. B: 1
With socket. Type XIX sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 547: 1
With socket. Type XIX: 2
With socket. Wood in socket.: 2
With socket. Wood in socket. Socket broken. Type I.: 1
With socket. Wood in socket. Socket broken. Type XIX sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 74: 1
With socket. Wood in socket. Type I: 2
With socket. Wood in socket. Type XIX: 4
With socket. Wood in socket. Type XIX.: 1
without Head CBS Register: copper pin without head. length 288 mm sample found in Sam Nash's Metallurgy cabinets. Sample Number Ur 53: 1
Without head (lapis) CBS Register: copper needle without head. length 226 mm MMP: Ur #142 [note in bag]: 1
Without heads. (Shawl pins): 1
Without heads. (Shawl pins).: 4
Without heads.(Shawl Pins): 1
Wooden handle and ridge.: 2
Worshipping a plant of life? Crescent on pole. UE X: worshippers on either side of a tripod (?). crescent on pole.: 1
Written on tag found inside: " R.C. 14a (?) (L.Agade +) (Delougaz Pl.153) - B 246.200a L.Larsa - but same drawing used for J.N.28 - UE IV": 1
Written on tag found inside: "R.C. 14a - B.246.200a LARSA" Buff ware, cream slip. Type C C I. Offset flat base, low body bulge, sides slightly contracting to rolled rim.: 1