This category is used for materials that Woolley lists. May or may not be the same as modern-day materials listed.

Object Properties



1948,0423.222: 1
50x35: 1
60mm: 1
Agate: 213
Alabaster: 164
Amazonite: 2
Amber: 3
Amethyst: 42
Amethystine Quartz: 1
Aniimal: 1
Animal: 86
Animal Bone: 3
Animal figurine with tail and hind legs broken, horns? Broken. Reddish brown clay. : 1
Apatite: 11
Aragonite: 3
Baked Clay: 1
Basalt: 23
Bitumen: 61
Black Stone : 1
Bone: 26
Breccia: 10
Bronze: 74
Brown stone: 1
Calcite : 1
Calcite: 650
Carnelian: 1012
Chalcedony: 55
Chert: 7
Chlorite: 6
Chrysoberyl: 14
Chrysoprase: 2
Clay: 9429
Cloth: 3
Copper: 240
Copper Alloy: 3081
Crystal: 67
Diorite: 603
Dolerite: 4
Egg Shell: 1
Egyptian blue: 1
Electrum: 7
Faience: 48
Feldspar: 1
Flint: 177
Frit: 237
Glass: 61
Glass Paste: 5
Gold: 1897
Gold; Lapis: 1
Granite: 31
Green stone: 1
Gypsum: 4
Haematite: 206
Hematite: 36
Hematite?: 1
Horn: 3
Human Bone: 9
Iron: 116
Iron Pyrite: 1
Ivory: 39
Jadeite: 18
Jadite: 1
Jasper: 64
L 0225 grtst w 0035: 1
L. 013 ht. 004: 1
Lapis: 3
Lapis lazuli: 1676
Lead: 33
Leather: 1
Lime: 5
Limestone: 820
Magnesite: 1
Malachite: 5
Marble: 146
Metal: 9
Mother-of-pearl: 34
Mud: 25
Mudbrick: 109
Obsidian: 35
Ochre: 1
Onyx: 5
Oolite: 4
Organic: 1
Ostrich Shell: 4
Paste: 195
Pigment: 143
Plaster: 3
Porphyry: 1
pottery: 29
Pottery/Ceramic: 26
Quartz: 36
Quartzite: 31
Red Stone: 2
Reed: 2
Rock crystal: 50
Sandstone: 7
Sard: 38
Sardonyx: 3
Schist: 12
Serpentine: 4
Shale: 26
Shell: 932
Silver: 1295
Silver, Lapis: 2
Slate: 6
Soapstone: 28
Steatite: 885
Stone: 771
Stone (pebble): 17
terra cotta: 3
Terracotta: 128
Travertine: 9
Turquoise: 2
Unknown: 231
Unknown/N/A: 2
White Stone: 1
Wood: 68
[L.86mm, W.18mm, H.10mm based on 1:1 drawing]: 1
[Rock] Crystal: 1