Rev. Burrows was the epigraphist at Ur from 1926-1930. He was a Jesuit priest who is said to have dressed on the dig very much as he did back in England, though photos of Woolley and others show that it was typical to wear jacket and tie even in the field. Contrary to his predecessor, Leon Legrain, Burrows is said to have had few social graces and Woolley commented that he was "a man of very little stamina." This was in reference to an illness Burrows suffered in his first year at Ur, eventually diagnosed as "dysentery and malaria." He had a high fever and had to be removed to hospital at Basra. He recovered and returned to Ur for every season up to 1930, so perhaps he had stamina after all.
Burrows studied Assyriology at Felstead and Keble College in Oxford and specialized in cuneiform epigraphy. He assisted with the official publications of many of the cuneiform tablets from Ur, including the archaic texts. He died relatively young, in a car accident in 1938.