Title: Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscriptions Part II     
Date: 1965     
Author: Sollberger, E.     
Publisher: British Museum Publications     
Publication place: London     
Volume: 1     


Objects: Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscriptions Part II | Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscrip Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7776B (none) (none) B17226 Clay cone Sumuilum Fragment Inscription nearly complete = variants of U.7772 (U.2634, etc.) (in last 3 lines) Another fragment of this type. With text on head complete. And a fragment of stem which may belong with preceding. HC 22
6337B (none) (none) B16525 [A-E] 5 clay hollow pipes of Shulgi Measures(?) 2 sizes: 12-18qa(?) Common stamp of ^d.Shulgi cf. U.2881. (a) B (b) E (c) B (d) E (e) E Text: Dim-tab-ba Temple (2)
13632 (none) (none) (none) Cone. Fragment. Unidentified. HC.5
11692 (none) (none) (none) Cone. Fragment. Inscribed on head. Has beginning of 3 lines of a King of Larsa.
15653 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. List of objects of wood: & totals. HC1050.
7701A (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay cone. Ur Nammu = U169 etc. (canal of Ur) (good specimen) Another fragment of same (B) Another fragment.
16539 (none) (none) (none) Bowl fragment, white calcite. Dungi. H.C. 30/I, 10
16003 31-43-247 (none) (none) Clay cone. Ur-gigir. The building of E-ses-(e-)-gar(-ra), temple of ... HC.30/ I.1 UET 8/2 (Hand Copied by Legrain) [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
10143 (none) (none) (none) Clay Cone Dedication to Nina by Gudea new? ll. 1-7 = SAK. p. 114 H l 8 edengur ka-lum: cf. SAK 30 a. 4.3.;32 f. 15; 36 m.1.2 NB variant L 9 ki-ka (-ni), app. corruption of gi-ka-na i-ka: cf. SAK. 32 top 25, 32 f. 17 This cone is bored lengthwise from the flat end to a depth of 6.5cm HC. 5
10107 (none) (none) (none) Clay Cone Unidentified
15684 (none) (none) (none) Cone. Fragment. RIU.115: Sumuilum.
16528 31-43-249, 31-43-249 (none) (none) Limestone Foundation-tablet. Ur^d(...); dedication to Nin-shaggi-(pad)da. H.C. 30/III,1. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
16533 31-43-253, 31-43-253 (none) (none) White calcite bowl, small fragment. Ur-(Nammu). H.C. 30/III, 5.
16530 (none) (none) (none) Vase-stem of grey and white marble. Ur-Nammu: dedication to Gilgamesh. H.C. 30/IV,1
10101 (none) (none) (none) Clay Cone Ur-Nammu Fragment cf. duplicate of the new Ur-Nammu Cone found last year, with variant. Inscription 85 x 100mm fragment. HC.2
10102A (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102B (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102C (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102D (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102E (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102F (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10102G (none) (none) (none) [A] Clay Cone. Ur-Nammu SAK p. 188 A. [B] -another fragment [C] -another, nearly complete [D] -another fragment [E] -another fragment [F] -another nearly complete [G-H] -two more fragments. [I]-another
10615 (none) (none) (none) Stone Fragment Diorite? Beginning of a dedication by Dungi (found at same time as U.10,613; U.10, 614)
10613 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of Door-socket. Inscription Equivalent to last 5 lines of Bur Sin, U.295, U.1727 Found at same time as fragmentary diorite statue) Later; Another fragment, joining, giving end of lines 2-5.
11659 (none) (none) (none) Cone. Fragment (inscript. 0065 bron. U) completes much of the second column of RIU 291(Ibi-sin) cf. U.11672.
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