Title: Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscriptions Part II     
Date: 1965     
Author: Sollberger, E.     
Publisher: British Museum Publications     
Publication place: London     
Volume: 1     


Objects: Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscriptions Part II | Ur Excavations Texts VIII.1: Royal Inscrip Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
13601 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragmentary inscription. New. Authorship unknown. Probably Larsa period. HC.1929/30-2
13682 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragment of large cone of unidentfied Larsa King. New inscription. HC..7
15071 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragment. A Larsa king, unidentified or new. HC.18
16527B (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
16527D (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
16527F (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
16527G (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
16527H (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
16527I (none) (none) (none) [A-I] 9 Clay tablets. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card] (A) Babylonian letter to: Su-mu-um-li-ib-si and UD.KA.BAR-... From: E-a-na-sir & Ilu-su-ellat-su. H.C. 30/X,1. (B)... UET/V:689; (C)....; (D)..., UET/V:65; (E)...; (F)...; (G)...; (H)...; (I)... (O)...,UET/V:72
12973 (none) (none) (none) Hollow clay cylinder fragment. Author unknown. HC 119.
7748 (none) (none) (none) Tablet.
12974 (none) (none) (none) Clay cylinder. Fragment. 1st sign only of ten lines.
16543 31-43-274 (none) (none) Mace head, diorite (see U.16544) Dedicated to Pa-sag HC.30/III,7.
16544 (none) (none) (none) Mace head, diorite (see U.16543) Dedicated to Pa-sag HC..
10149A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Bricks (2). Inscription on side. Kurigalzu dedication to Ningal. New. (- f. U. 3202.) HC..6
15026 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Ibi-Sin (fragment) =RIU 291, etc. (=U.13661)
988 (none) (none) (none) Stone fragment. Portions of 3 line inscription.
15040 (none) (none) (none) Vase fragment. Steatite? inscribed Ibur. HC.150.
15035 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. RIU 297. Enannatum. Giving the whole of the second column(new) dedication of e-AB-ME-degal-la e-gi-na-ab-tum-kug.
15066A (none) (none) (none) Group (A) Brick =RIU 119 + 12570 (HC. 1928/9 - 115) lines 1-15 slightly completing lines 14 & 15 (B) Also another fragment of same (not preserved). (C) Another small frgment (not preserved) (D) Another fragment slightly completing 12570 line 17-19 & 24. HC.13 [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
15066B (none) (none) (none) Group (A) Brick =RIU 119 + 12570 (HC. 1928/9 - 115) lines 1-15 slightly completing lines 14 & 15 (B) Also another fragment of same (not preserved). (C) Another small frgment (not preserved) (D) Another fragment slightly completing 12570 line 17-19 & 24. HC.13 [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
15066C (none) (none) (none) Group (A) Brick =RIU 119 + 12570 (HC. 1928/9 - 115) lines 1-15 slightly completing lines 14 & 15 (B) Also another fragment of same (not preserved). (C) Another small frgment (not preserved) (D) Another fragment slightly completing 12570 line 17-19 & 24. HC.13 [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
15066D (none) (none) (none) Group (A) Brick =RIU 119 + 12570 (HC. 1928/9 - 115) lines 1-15 slightly completing lines 14 & 15 (B) Also another fragment of same (not preserved). (C) Another small frgment (not preserved) (D) Another fragment slightly completing 12570 line 17-19 & 24. HC.13 [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
15068 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragment. Prob. Rim-Sin or Warad-Sin. HC.19
15067 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Broken. new insc. Prob. Warad-Sin. HC.14


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