Description (Media Properties): Ur Excavation photo negatives Provisional     
Title: British Museum Photo Negatives     
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Objects: British Museum Photo Negatives | British Museum Photo Negatives Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
264 (none) (none) (none) Body and base of large white stone jar, top broken, Inscribed "Rimush, king of the world."
2641 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. Drab clay: female with flounced costume: seated: weapon about head. [drawing 1:1]
2666 (none) (none) (none) Flint arrowhead. Finely chipped. [drawing 1:1]
2670 (none) (none) (none) Carved relief. Limestone, with figures of Ea and attendant gods. 3rd Dynasty period.
2673 (none) (none) (none) Door-socket of dGimil-dSin, beloved of Enlil, the king whom Enlil has chosen as the delight of his heart, the mighty king, king of Ur, king of the 4 regions of the world, his god, Lugal-ma-gur-gur-ri, the commandment of the fortress, patesi of Ur, his servant has built his beloved temple. (Another example in Berlin VA.3302)
2674 (none) 1927,1003.60 (none) Door-socket of Sin-balatsu-iqbi (time of Ashurbanapal) shakkanak (vice regent) of Ur son of Ningal-iddinna. Restoration of Elemen-ni-gur. In particular of the gate-way to Esag-dili (the Ziggurat). The gate was built in the middle of the terrace of the temenos, on the procession way (! e hal-la-ta du-a). The door was of boxwood, fixed with bronze pegs in massive walls, had a gold USH, a silverlock, silver plated bronze binding (?). See notes. H.C.
2677 (none) (none) (none) Ivory pyxis. Fragmentary: Egyptian, presumably of earlier date than level where found. Carved in relief with figures of dancing-girls. Fitted with hatched lid on a pin (?). Copper wire (rivets?) let in to sides and twisted outside.
2685 33-35-252 (none) (none) Grotesque mask. Drab clay, with pierced eyes. [drawing 1:1]
2744 (none) 1927,1003.263 (none) Flint arrowhead. Leafshaped with fine teeth. [drawing 1:1]
2745 (none) (none) (none) Flint arrowhead. Blue flint: barbed and finely worked. [drawing 1:1]
2792 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta. God and goddess fully dressed: goddess' right arm around the god, and vice versa: dress flounced. Sketch: rough 1:2. [drawing 1:2]
2802 (none) 1927,1003.174 (none) Terracotta figurine. Drab: female, nude, suckling child. Lower part of legs missing. [drawing 1:1]
2830 (none) (none) (none) Copper arrowhead. Triangular pattern. [drawing 1:1]
2853 (none) (none) (none) Bronze dog. Seated. [drawing 1:1]
2854 (none) (none) (none) Bronze statuette. Standing bearded figure with long hair and bottle in hand. [drawing 1:1]
2865A (none) 1927,1003.164 (none) Terracotta figurine. Nude Ishtar standing upon lion. Broken in two, much defaced. [drawing 1:1]
2865B (none) 1927,1003.179 (none) Terracotta Figurine. Nude Ishtar standing upon lion. Broken in lion, much defaced. [Drawing 1:1]
2866 (none) 1927,1003.97 (none) Bronze inlay. Fragment of thin metal plate, engraved: stream of water from figure of Ea or Gilgamesh [drawing 1:1]
2867 (none) (none) (none) Bronze dog figurine. Good condition except for tail blistered. [drawing 1:1]
2868 (none) 1927,1003.162 (none) Terracotta figurine. Clothed woman in profile and suckling child. [drawing 1:1]
2869 (none) 1927,1003.172 (none) Clay figurine. Fragment of right lower arm and leg below knees missing. Curiously negroid type of face. [drawing 1:1]
2870 (none) 1927,1003.111 (none) Bronze dagger. Thin metal : half piece pierced for fixing handle in the material good condition, hand broken but all complete [drawing 1:5]
2887 29-174-16 (none) (none) Pottery vase. Drab ware with pointed base and ribbed rim. Lip broken. Type CXLIII.
2888 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of inlay. Arogonite, oblong: pierced behind for suspension: honey-colored.
2904 (none) 1927,1003.157 (none) Terracotta figurine. Drab: seated female with flounced dress. Horned headdress; two sunflowers and moon overhead. [drawing 1:1]


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