Description (Media Properties): Ur Excavation photo negatives Provisional     
Title: British Museum Photo Negatives     
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Objects: British Museum Photo Negatives | British Museum Photo Negatives Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
457B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Gold bracelets. A pair, very heavy, of solid gold: plain, but with heads. [drawing]
458B (none) 1923,1110.165 (none) [A-D] 4 gold pendants. Thin gold on a core. Ring for suspension above: body arch-shaped with embossed ornament similar on both sides but that on one side the center of the rosette is inlaid with reddish paste. Below, 6 rings for suspension. Phil. A only [only one was sent to UPM] [drawing 1:1]
458C (none) (none) (none) [A-D] 4 gold pendants. Thin gold on a core. Ring for suspension above: body arch-shaped with embossed ornament similar on both sides but that on one side the center of the rosette is inlaid with reddish paste. Below, 6 rings for suspension. Phil. A only [only one was sent to UPM] [drawing 1:1]
458D (none) (none) (none) [A-D] 4 gold pendants. Thin gold on a core. Ring for suspension above: body arch-shaped with embossed ornament similar on both sides but that on one side the center of the rosette is inlaid with reddish paste. Below, 6 rings for suspension. Phil. A only [only one was sent to UPM] [drawing 1:1]
459B (none) (none) (none) [A-D] Four brooches of gold and stone. Hollow circular setting of thin gold, the back plain except for a beaded edging, the front with a beading between 2 plain lines: inset in front, a large cat's eye. A ring for suspension above and two below, let into rim: projecting from the rim and fixed into it by gold-capped bronze pins, carnelians, six on each side. (two of these are in position: the remaining ones found loose, one of the cat's eyes was found in position: the others had fallen out). [Drawing 1:1] 1 only A Phil. 2 sent to Baghdad (B and D)
459C (none) 1923,1110.164 (none) [A-D] Four brooches of gold and stone. Hollow circular setting of thin gold, the back plain except for a beaded edging, the front with a beading between 2 plain lines: inset in front, a large cat's eye. A ring for suspension above and two below, let into rim: projecting from the rim and fixed into it by gold-capped bronze pins, carnelians, six on each side. (two of these are in position: the remaining ones found loose, one of the cat's eyes was found in position: the others had fallen out).
459D (none) (none) (none) [A-D] Four brooches of gold and stone. Hollow circular setting of thin gold, the back plain except for a beaded edging, the front with a beading between 2 plain lines: inset in front, a large cat's eye. A ring for suspension above and two below, let into rim: projecting from the rim and fixed into it by gold-capped bronze pins, carnelians, six on each side. (two of these are in position: the remaining ones found loose, one of the cat's eyes was found in position: the others had fallen out). [Drawing 1:1] 1 only A Phil. 2 Sent to Baghdad (B and D)
466 (none) (none) (none) Gold finger ring. The hoop flat of filigrane openwork and granouillee: the bezel a solid circular plate attached by 2 triangles of pellets: on it a rosette with fine granouillee triangles and raised center. [drawing]
468 (none) 1923,1110.169 (none) Gold finger ring. Flat hoop with raised rims and band of vertical hachures between plain bezel setting for a stone (missing).
460B (none) 1923,1110.166 (none) [A-B] Gold earrings, a pair of: boat shaped originally inlaid with lapis lazuli between raised bands of granouillee work silver wires projecting from the base probably supported beads. . A only Phil. [drawing 1:1]
461 (none) (none) (none) Gold earring. (Companion not found) Boat shaped with twisted ends and bands of granouillee work on body. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1]
462 (none) (none) (none) Gold earring. (Companion not found) Boat shaped with coils round ends and triangles of granouillee work on the body. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1]
463A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Gold earrings, Pair of: plain. Photo 45. [drawing]
463B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Gold earrings Pair of: Plain. Photo 45. [drawing]
464 (none) (none) (none) Gold earring (companion not found). Plain. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1]
465 (none) (none) (none) Gold frame setting. For a stone, au jour: oval. Back plain: front has triangular holds bent over to hold stone: these and the rim decorated with granouillee work. Rings above and below for suspension. Photo no 45 [drawing 1:1]
469 (none) 1923,1110.174 (none) Chain of beads. Long beads [drawing] thus, alternately of carnelian and lapis lazuli, uniform in size. 24 lapis and 23 carneliean, and 1 larger lapis, 1 large carnelian and 2 large agate beads: all had golden cap at each end of very thin gold (3 caps are missing) Found loose and strung together: but all were found close together and probably formed a single string. Photo no 45.
51 (none) (none) (none) Necklace. Consisting of agate lunar pendant, 13 gold beads (some decayed), 12 carnelian and 18 lapis beads (including one barrel 0.047 long) = from this beads through the center 13 are restrung in the original order. and 7 gold beads unstrung.
52 (none) 1923,1110.168 (none) Gold coil ring. The ends flattened and leaf shaped. [drawing 1:1]
53 (none) 1923,1110.170 (none) Gold mouth piece. Formed of thin gold plate cut to shape as below: [references drawing] The ends of the band pierced for stringing. [drawing]
54 (none) 1923,1110.190 (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. Engraved with scene of worshipper being introduced to a god standing in front of a gate.
55 (none) 1923,1110.191 (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. Broken in half and chipped down one side. Scene: 3 figures in a row advancing l[eft]. Found with beads round neck of body in larnax burial.
473 (none) (none) (none) Silver pot. Plain cylinder.
477 (none) 1923,1110.139 (none) Pair of silver saucers (?) plain shallow concave disks (possibly small cymbals?) Corroded together and onto nos. U.478, U.479, U.483. [drawing]
478 (none) 1923,1110.139 (none) Silver bracelet. Very small, as if for a child: plain rim of stout silver wire, ending in birds [crossed out] rams(?) heads. Fastened by corrosion on to U.477.


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