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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
6683A 98-9-66 (none) (none) [A-B] 2 fibulae. Bronze. Neo-Babylonian. [drawing 1:1]
7111 47-29-159 (none) B16266 Terracotta plaque. Fragmentary. Bearded god? Seated on a bull left arm bent at elbow and holding an object right hand held against breast. E. [drawing 1:1]
3034 47-29-140, 47-29-140 (none) (none) Clay tablet. Comptability gold and silver. Ibi-Sin (?) 3 2/3 shekel gold. 3 maneh 6 5/6 shekel 15 grain silver. Balance of revenue brought in.
18925 35-1-8 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Very dark steatite. Hero fighting heraldically crossed lions and bulls.
19075 35-1-7 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. Two registers: in each, a row of animals, the rows inverted.
18946 35-1-4 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Dark steatite. Animals fighting; two lions heraldically crossed and two gazelles.
19230 35-1-3 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Shell. Fightling animals and a spread eagle over a tree.
19265 35-1-203 (none) (none) Stone tumbler. Basic diorite. Type...
19513 35-1-202 (none) (none) Stone tumbler. Diorite. Type JN 34
18923 35-1-2 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Shell. A hero, and fighting animals. Archaic: very much worn and defaced.
19015 35-1-199 (none) (none) Stone vase. White calcite. In poor condition. Type 5.
19486 35-1-19 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. White shell. Design of men ovals horizontally placed
19974 35-1-18 (none) (none) Stamp seal. [drawing 1:1]
18924 35-1-17 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Brown steatite. Two heroes fighting animals.
18922 35-1-16 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Black steatite. A god driving a chariot drawn by a winged gryphon(?); between the wings rises a goddess armed with a bow, in front of it is another god. One column of inscription. Inscription: Ur-gis-me-e (C.J.G.)
18994 35-1-14 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. Two hunters fighting a lion.
18854 35-1-127 (none) (none) Leg and foot of a statue. Clay painted red. Preserved from below the calf downwards. The foot seems to be wearing a shoe of coarsely knitted woo(?) The leg has been broken at the ankle in antiquity and mended with bitumen.
18870 35-1-12 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Dark steatite. Seated goddess and two standing figures.
20055 35-1-114 (none) (none) Glazed figurine. Man on horseback. Thin blue glaze bleached almost to white. One leg of the horse missing. Persian?
18787 35-1-111 (none) (none) Lion head. Terracotta. modeled in the round. Good style. [drawing 1:1]
18947 35-1-11 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Black steatite. A spread eagle grasping two wild goats.
18966 35-1-108 (none) (none) Terracotta relief. Seated figure of a woman wearing flounced skirt and suckling a child.
18775 35-1-105 (none) (none) Terracotta relief, fragment of. From the breasts upwards, a nude female figure in high relief: common features of 'Kassite' type.
18783 35-1-104 (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Nude female figure standing full face. The hair dressed in 5 outstanding curls, hands clasped over breasts: heavy multiple necklace and girdle and a shawl(?) which passes over the upper arms. Common type.
18927 35-1-10 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Grey steatite. Seated deity and 2 worshippers and goat.
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