Description (Media Properties): Field photograph number confirmed     
Title: Field Photographs     


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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
481A (none) 1923,1110.138 (none) Bronze bowl. Plain. U.475 and U.476 are lying in this and fastened to it by corrosion.[drawing]
480 (none) (none) (none) Bronze bowl. Very thin metal, complete. [drawing] When found, U.473 and U.474 were inside it, lying on their sides and corroded onto it.
2870 (none) 1927,1003.111 (none) Bronze dagger. Thin metal : half piece pierced for fixing handle in the material good condition, hand broken but all complete [drawing 1:5]
2867 (none) (none) (none) Bronze dog figurine. Good condition except for tail blistered. [drawing 1:1]
2853 (none) (none) (none) Bronze dog. Seated. [drawing 1:1]
2866 (none) 1927,1003.97 (none) Bronze inlay. Fragment of thin metal plate, engraved: stream of water from figure of Ea or Gilgamesh [drawing 1:1]
2854 (none) (none) (none) Bronze statuette. Standing bearded figure with long hair and bottle in hand. [drawing 1:1]
482 (none) (none) B15290 Bronze [crossed out] Silver bowl. Much corroded and one side broken.[drawing]
8269 (none) (none) B16685 Bull pendant. Gold. Reclining bull. Body in profile - bearded head turned to the left originally there were 4 small gold beads tied to right side of body for attachment to a chain; only two of these now remain.
6926 (none) (none) B16350 Bull pendant. Mottled greenish marble. Flat base. E. [drawing 1:1]
6478 (none) (none) B16349 Bull pendant. White shell, resting on flat base, one side only shaped, other side flat. Body in profile, head full face. See photograph 555 [unclear if this is photo or reference]. E. [drawing]
6970 (none) (none) (none) Bur-Sin Stelae. Inscribed: to Nin-Gal (same as on door-socket)
6971 (none) (none) (none) Bur-Sin Stelae. Inscribed: to Nin-Gal (same as on door-socket)
6972 (none) (none) (none) Bur-Sin Stelae. Inscribed: to Nin-Gal (same as on door-socket)
2670 (none) (none) (none) Carved relief. Limestone, with figures of Ea and attendant gods. 3rd Dynasty period.
469 (none) 1923,1110.174 (none) Chain of beads. Long beads [drawing] thus, alternately of carnelian and lapis lazuli, uniform in size. 24 lapis and 23 carneliean, and 1 larger lapis, 1 large carnelian and 2 large agate beads: all had golden cap at each end of very thin gold (3 caps are missing) Found loose and strung together: but all were found close together and probably formed a single string. Photo no 45.
1430 (none) 1924,0920.116 (none) Chair or bedstead. Fragment. Drab clay. Moulded decoration, on upright, of 2 crescents on poles with tree (?) between.
6039 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Light drab. Face decorated with thick black with shaped painted strips. Fragmentary. Part of rim missing. Not to scale [reference to drawing] Type 274 = 1L.35 [drawing]
1119 (none) 1935,0113.821 (none) Clay Box-lid.. About 1/3 broken off. Adorned with snakes in relief: snake-headed and boss handle. Reddish clay. [drawing 1:5]
6721 (none) (none) (none) Clay bulla with seal impression. Neo-Babylonian cone seal printed 5 times. Represents, the Persian lance bearer standing up - About BC 450.
779 (none) 1923,1110.9 (none) Clay Cone, base of larger. Inscription of Arad-Sin. Recording the king's building of a temple to the war-god Ilbaba, in gratitude for victory over his enemies.
701 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone, nearly complete. Inscription of Ur-Engur concerning building of E-temen-ni-il. See U.201
752 (none) 1923,1110.12 (none) Clay cone. 2 col inscription on base, damaged at bottom. Single column on shaft, nearly complete. Rim-Sin. Recording the king's building of a temple called E-eshbar-zida for the god Ninsianna.
333 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Base of. Broken. Inscription of Endur-Mabug. Duplicate of U.188. Placed in IN/No. 3
369 (none) 1923,1110.11 (none) Clay cone. Fragment of base. Inscription records the building of a temple for NIN-E-GAL for the life of Rim-Sin "and his own life." Shaft cut away. Partial duplicate c.f. SAKI p.218 Steintafel B. Placed in IN/No.3


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