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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
463B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Gold earrings Pair of: Plain. Photo 45. [drawing]
464 (none) (none) (none) Gold earring (companion not found). Plain. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1]
465 (none) (none) (none) Gold frame setting. For a stone, au jour: oval. Back plain: front has triangular holds bent over to hold stone: these and the rim decorated with granouillee work. Rings above and below for suspension. Photo no 45 [drawing 1:1]
34B (none) (none) B15246 Beads in gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian: found loose and restrung as follows (A) Gold ram: small figurine in thin metal, hollow, pierced for threading. Fine work. Photo no. 39 length 0.016 (B) String of lapis and gold beads thus [refers to drawing], graded in size, 43 gold and 45 lapis, and a circular rosette pendant of open work gold. [drawing] Photo no. _ length 085 (C) String of carnelian beads, 40 in all, 2 gold ring terminals, 4 gold pear pendants, 2 carnelian pear pendants on gold, one plate pendant of carnelian with white design on gold. Photo no. 39 length 008 (D) String of 10 gold and 20 lapis nasturtium-seed beads with six lapis pear pendants on gold and one lapis fly amulet. photo no. _ length 0155 (E) String of small lapis beads strung in 2 rows with lapis spacers at ends of 8 gold mulberry(?)-leaf pendants, a triangular gold spacer, one lapis beads bound with gold wire and a triple gold beads (these 2 as a pendant) Photo. No. 39. length 0.165
34D (none) (none) B15246 Beads in gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian: found loose and restrung as follows (A) Gold ram: small figurine in thin metal, hollow, pierced for threading. Fine work. Photo no. 39 length 0.016 (B) String of lapis and gold beads thus [refers to drawing], graded in size, 43 gold and 45 lapis, and a circular rosette pendant of open work gold. [drawing] Photo no. _ length 085 (C) String of carnelian beads, 40 in all, 2 gold ring terminals, 4 gold pear pendants, 2 carnelian pear pendants on gold, one plate pendant of carnelian with white design on gold. Photo no. 39 length 008 (D) String of 10 gold and 20 lapis nasturtium-seed beads with six lapis pear pendants on gold and one lapis fly amulet. photo no. _ length 0155 (E) String of small lapis beads strung in 2 rows with lapis spacers at ends of 8 gold mulberry(?)-leaf pendants, a triangular gold spacer, one lapis beads bound with gold wire and a triple gold beads (these 2 as a pendant) Photo. No. 39. length 0.165
51 (none) (none) (none) Necklace. Consisting of agate lunar pendant, 13 gold beads (some decayed), 12 carnelian and 18 lapis beads (including one barrel 0.047 long) = from this beads through the center 13 are restrung in the original order. and 7 gold beads unstrung.
473 (none) (none) (none) Silver pot. Plain cylinder.
474 (none) (none) B15289 Silver pot. Plain cylinder. (This has been partially cleaned. Upper part broken in one place and roughly mended.) Phil. Photo no. 55
480 (none) (none) (none) Bronze bowl. Very thin metal, complete. [drawing] When found, U.473 and U.474 were inside it, lying on their sides and corroded onto it.
482 (none) (none) B15290 Bronze [crossed out] Silver bowl. Much corroded and one side broken.[drawing]
35 (none) (none) (none) Bowl. Alabaster, veined. [drawing 1:2]
36 (none) (none) (none) Bowl. Alabaster, coarse, broken and mended but imperfect. Coarse-grained stone, stained yellow inside. Type 20 new. [drawing]
37 (none) (none) (none) Axe, bronze. Broken. [drawing 1:2]
38 (none) (none) (none) Shell. Cut to form a drip-spoon or ladle. [drawing]
305 (none) (none) B15326 Limestone relief. Fragment of Showing a wall against which the top of the scaling ladder, and above the feet of a man: part of a siege subject. Found with U. 304
423 (none) (none) (none) Basalt hinge-socket of UR-ENGUR.
39 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. [drawing 1:1]
121 (none) (none) (none) Clay relief. Moulded: much weathered. [drawing 1:1] [Annotated] Photo 69
129 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. Rudely moulded. [drawing 1:1]
407 (none) (none) B15000 Terracotta figurine. Snowman technique. Upper part of female figure body board-like bird head. [drawing 1:1]
608 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. Lower part only of flat wide-hipped Astarte figure. [below] Photo 69. [drawing 1:2]
644 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. Snow-man technique. Male figure with long beard + pointed tall cap inclined forwards: arms and + missing. [drawing 1:2]
518 (none) (none) B15184 Terracotta relief - Complete: greenish pottery. 2 male fig. advancing front. Each has tall feather(?) head-dress, long hair curled over ears, Semitic nose, long beard arranged in 3 rows of short curls and +long straight hair to a point: the right arm by the side, l. across body with in hand the litnus: drapery to knees, crossing legs diagonally. Behind, two legs to make the relief stand upright.
611 (none) (none) B15198 Clay figurine of a bear. Forepart only. Reddish clay with creamy drab surface. [drawing]
645 (none) (none) B15191 Terracotta figurine (fr. of) moulded. Seated on a chair, a female figure wearing a dress from neck to ankles + with full sleeves. The bodice treated in narrow pleats, the skirt in 5 flounces of close pleating, border of smocking (?) round neck. Hands clasped in front of body, head missing. The chair +drapery make a solid front: behind project two stumps to make the relief stand up. [drawing]


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