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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
1247 (none) (none) B15698 Portion terracotta model probably the head (or foot) of a bed, of which 2 legs remain. The head is decorated inside, quarterly with low reliefs of geese or ducks, and cocks. P. [drawing]
2749A (none) (none) (none) (A) Diorite Door-socket.; (B) Copper pole shoe} Both same inscription: Ur Engur, king of Ur, who has bult the house of Nannar. in text: 3rd Dynasty Terrace (13)
2749B (none) (none) (none) (A) Diorite Door-socket.; (B) Copper pole shoe} Both same inscription: Ur Engur, king of Ur, who has bult the house of Nannar. in text: 3rd Dynasty Terrace (13)
8120A (none) (none) (none) 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times. [A & B]
8120B (none) (none) (none) 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times. [A & B]
17695A (none) (none) (none) 3 Cylinder seals glazed frit. (A) Man hunting gazelle; tree. (B) Man hunting gazelle; tree, and star above. (C) Apparently the same motif. -- All bordered with same triangle pattern motif.
6678A (none) (none) (none) 3 Necklaces (A) Agate beads 45 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (B) Amethyst and gold beads 66 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (C) Carnelian beads 27 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B.
6678B (none) (none) (none) 3 Necklaces (A) Agate beads 45 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (B) Amethyst and gold beads 66 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (C) Carnelian beads 27 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B.
6678C (none) (none) (none) 3 Necklaces (A) Agate beads 45 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (B) Amethyst and gold beads 66 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B. (C) Carnelian beads 27 in number. Arbitrarily re-strung. B.
310 (none) (none) (none) Agate bowl. Intact. Lathe-turned, the center lathe-hole filled up with a strong peg. Plain rib moulding on outside. Very beautiful stone.
237 (none) (none) B14965 Alabaster Bull's head. Being the front part of a rectangular trough-shaped vase. The stone is in very bad condition and the head has been put together from fragments. The eyes were inlaid and the ears and horns attached. Fine spirited work.
6410 (none) (none) (none) Alabaster fragment. Figurine in low relief on one side of man holding an object against his chest in left hand. Next to him a pig beneath an ark. On the other side a peacock also beneath the ark. Borrom of ark represented by plain band 1mm in thickness rising upwards at the end in a curve. B. [drawing 1:2]
6612 (none) (none) B16665 Alabaster stela. Fragment: broken but complete. Lunar disk. Religious? Scene. Three figures only remain in relief on the left - shaven male figure, right arm extended, upper arm only remains. Lower part of body fragmentary. Figure is apparently in profile. Middle figure head lost: left arm mutilated and lower portion of dress lost: arms and apparently head in profile but body full face. Figure is clothed in flounced kaunakas skirt, 6 tiers of flounces showing. Dress covered upper arm but left forearm exposed. Left hand rests on chest, right arm held upright and hand lost. Behind, a clean shaven bald-headed male figure, 3/4 face, left arm held below breast; right arm bent at elbow and held upright carrying an object which may be a torch. Left hand holds a sword which runs diagonally across left side. Figure is apparently draped in a thin waist cloth, mutilated below waist. Typical Sumerian head. At back fragment of an inscription.
7807 (none) (none) (none) Alabaster vase fragment Rimus: ded. to Sin (from booty of Elam?) Lines 1-9 of an inscription identical with that of vase C, SAK p. 162 except line 2 which is ^dEN-ZU: NB.2 or 3 signs scratched on the base. HC 76
6358 (none) (none) B16206, B16206 Alabaster vase of Ishme-Dagan. To Nannar - eldest son of Enlil, his king Ishme Dagan -- (rest is same text as the brick U.2566)-- beloved husband of Innana, for his life, he has presented it. E. H.C.
6356 (none) (none) (none) Alabaster vase. Property of Ningal Type II. Type RC.5. B. [drawing 1:4]
16190 31-43-8 (none) (none) Amulet. Shell. Flattened double conoid. Engraved with design of snaked(?)
18341 33-35-164 (none) (none) Animal's body. Grey steatite. Body of couchant animal, the hind quarters complete, in fairly high relief: the front leg only sketched: the stone is rounded off at the shoulder so that there never was a head. The body is flat and bears two engraved signs thus. [drawing]
18423 33-35-57 (none) (none) Animals head in dark clay. Hand modelled. The eyes incised, mouth and nostrils carefully rendered: good work.
8115 (none) (none) (none) Axe head. Copper. Heavy type. Raised band round top of shaft. [drawing] not to scale. [type XIX]
37 (none) (none) (none) Axe, bronze. Broken. [drawing 1:2]
6170 (none) (none) (none) Baked clay boar. B.
18417 33-35-17 (none) (none) Baked clay figurine. Crudely hand-modelled. Nude female, to the hips only: the breasts attached in snowman technique (one missing), the nose pinched to a beak, the hair attached by a clay ribbon, the arms wing-like.
6169A (none) 1927,0527.229 (none) Baked clay figurine. Nude female standing on a lion. Left arm bent at elbow. E. [drawing 1:1]
421 (none) (none) (none) Basalt hinge-socket of GIMIL ILISHU.
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