| 978 | (none) | (none) | B15187 | Terracotta relief. Broken. Upper part of figure of Astarti? Holding a goose or swan. The background bears a crescent moon and stars. |
| 94 | (none) | 1923,1110.47 | (none) | Frgs of alabaster vase. Decorated with winged ram in high relief. [drawing] |
| 918 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Small clay cone, base and side slightly damaged. Inscription of Ur-Engur recording his digging of a canal called ID-UN. Placed in IN/No. 4. |
| 915 | (none) | 1923,1110.97 | (none) | Clay relief. Goddess seated on a chair: flounced skirt, horned headdress, 2 pegs behind to make it stand up. [drawing] |
| 872 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Small complete clay cone. Inscription of Ur-Engur, recording the building of a canal. C.f. 169 [presumably U.169] |
| 8713 | (none) | (none) | B16862 | Cylinder seal
Shell, highly polished
Geometric design. Triangles, short straight lines running parallel to one another and designs resembling a coiling serpent [drawing of serpent shape] |
| 8615 | (none) | (none) | B16828 | Cylinder seal. Lapis. 2 registers: above: three seated deities(?) with a worshipper in front of each. Below: door: 3 seated and 3 standing figures. Archaic style. |
| 8513 | (none) | (none) | B16869 | Cylinder seal
White shell, much decayed, but preserving an inscription in the upper register
[drawing of inscription] |
| 8472 | (none) | (none) | B17197 | Head of priest.
Shaven? and shorn
White. Face entirely lost - ears and back of head alone remain
Hole pierced through bottom of neck to admit a pole. |
| 843 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay figurine of red clay, snowman technique. A goddess with elaborate headdress seated on chair; hands clasped below breasts. New Babylonian style. [drawing 1:1:] |
| 8424 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Flat seal
Rectangular in section
Rounded perforated handle on horizontal face.
[drawing] |
| 842 | (none) | (none) | B15197 | Clay vase of drab clay. In form of a grotesque pig with lifted snout. New Babylonian period. |
| 837 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay figurine. In snowman technique, parrot face, rider on horseback; only man's figure left and of it the arms are gone. |
| 8313 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Shell duck
The body is made of a large shell cut open : the head is a pink limestone & was fixed on with a peg through a hole in the top end of the shell : round the top end of the shell, imitating the bird's breast colours, is incrustation, diamonds and triangles of lapis lazuli and shell set in bitumen.
Some of the tesserae are loose and are preserved.
[drawing] |
| 8292 | (none) | (none) | B17196 | Head of male. Unbaked clay. Not made in a mould. Traces of black paint under the eyes. Hole pierced through bottom of head vertically to hold a pole. |
| 8290 | (none) | (none) | B16863 | Cylinder seal.
Pinkish. Slightly blackened by fire. Two registers. Subject indistinct.
Above: A spread eagle.
Below: A kneeling? man, and a snake? occupying the full length of the seal 2 winged dragons, crossed, and a rampant bull. |
| 8269 | (none) | (none) | B16685 | Bull pendant. Gold. Reclining bull. Body in profile - bearded head turned to the left originally there were 4 small gold beads tied to right side of body for attachment to a chain; only two of these now remain. |
| 8198 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Shell.
Cut for use as a ladle, with a bird's head carved at the top of the mouth; the eye was originally inlaid with lapis but this is lost.
[drawing] |
| 8191 | (none) | (none) | B17194 | Shell. Cut as a ladle: a piece is left across the opening and this is carved into a bird's head, the eye inlaid with lapis. [drawing] |
| 8190 | (none) | (none) | B17036 | Stone bowl.
Type XII, but with rounded base.
Photo 841 |
| 8120B | (none) | (none) | (none) | 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times.
[A & B] |
| 8120A | (none) | (none) | (none) | 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times.
[A & B] |
| 8115 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Axe head. Copper. Heavy type. Raised band round top of shaft. [drawing] not to scale.
[type XIX] |
| 8092 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Copper pin.
Round shaft thickening upwards and ending with a straight tang.
[type] I. |
| 809 | (none) | 1923,1110.107 | (none) | Terracotta relief. Moulded Woman suckling a child. In whitish drab clay. Poor work, proportions bad: surface weathered. [drawing 1:1] |