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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
(none) 31-17-404 (none) (none) [U number not assigned in field]
6277J (none) (none) (none) [Identifying numbers changed from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals. Divided into one-up letter sequence by individual vessel A-AK] Group of baked clay pots (1)[A-H] 8 light drab colour. Type L1.TEO (2) [I-J] 2 drab, Type XCIII variant (has ring base) (3)[K-O] 5 drab reddish, Type VIII (4)[P-S] 4 drab, Type L1. TEO (5)[T-U] 2 drab, Type VII (6)[V-W] 2 drab, Type LXX TEO (7)[X] 1 red, Type XXVI [8 skipped] (9)[Y-AA] 3 drab, [Type] CCII (10)[AB] drab bowl incised markings round rim [type] CCXXXV (11)[AC] Red vase, protruding rim [Type] CXCVII (12)[AD] Miniature drab vase (13)[AE] Drab, [Type] XCIII, variant (14)[AF] Red [Type] CXCV (15)[AG] drab flat vase narrow neck (16)[AH] Neck broken off incised wavy lines round upper portion (17)[AI] Drab, neck broken. Variant of Type CLXXX (18)[AJ] Drab bowl, base missing (19)[AK] broken glazed vase, light drab B Photo 551
6277P (none) (none) (none) [Identifying numbers changed from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals. Divided into one-up letter sequence by individual vessel A-AK] Group of baked clay pots (1)[A-H] 8 light drab colour. Type L1.TEO (2) [I-J] 2 drab, Type XCIII variant (has ring base) (3)[K-O] 5 drab reddish, Type VIII (4)[P-S] 4 drab, Type L1. TEO (5)[T-U] 2 drab, Type VII (6)[V-W] 2 drab, Type LXX TEO (7)[X] 1 red, Type XXVI [8 skipped] (9)[Y-AA] 3 drab, [Type] CCII (10)[AB] drab bowl incised markings round rim [type] CCXXXV (11)[AC] Red vase, protruding rim [Type] CXCVII (12)[AD] Miniature drab vase (13)[AE] Drab, [Type] XCIII, variant (14)[AF] Red [Type] CXCV (15)[AG] drab flat vase narrow neck (16)[AH] Neck broken off incised wavy lines round upper portion (17)[AI] Drab, neck broken. Variant of Type CLXXX (18)[AJ] Drab bowl, base missing (19)[AK] broken glazed vase, light drab B Photo 551
12004A 30-12-36 (none) (none) [A] Cylinder Seal Black Steatite with this a [B] copper pin, plain tang head. Type II.
18111B 32-40-332 (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian rings: amethyst double conoids, agate date-shaped and flat oval; blue paste date shaped; agate cylindrical; oval domical agate, large shell cylinder with roughly engraved winged gryphon? And minute carnelian balls, also [B] cylinder seal, glazed frit; a scorpion and a winged gryphon. Also fragments of a [C] copper fibula, bow type.
6357A (none) (none) B16568 [A-M] Diorite door-socket of Bur-Sin. To Nin-gal, his lady. Bur-Sin, the mighty, king of Ur, king of the 4 regions of the world her Gig-par-azag has built, for his life he has presented. Cf. U.3031, 6334. And a fragment of a second door-socket. 7 to B. [Baghdad] 6 to E. [Expedition]
2759A (none) 1927,1003.11 (none) [A-K] 11 cones of Warad-Sin. Numbered A to K. Found in position. Text (cf. Thur-Dang ISA. Arad(-Sin c)) in text: Zigg in Larsa period (8)
6353A (none) 1927,0527.4 (none) [A-G] Door Socket of Ur-nammu. Diorite. To Ningal his lady Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, king of Ur, King of Sumer and Akkad her Gig-par-azag-ga, has built. 4 to E [UPM and BM] 3 to B [Baghdad]
12767A 31-16-747 (none) (none) [A-G] Clay figurines of animals.
12767C 31-16-751 (none) (none) [A-G] Clay figurines of animals.
12767D 31-16-750 (none) (none) [A-G] Clay figurines of animals.
12767E 31-16-745 (none) (none) [A-G] Clay figurines of animals.
449A (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
449B (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
449C (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
449D (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
449E (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
449F (none) (none) B14963 [A-F] Marble vase. In coarse white marble. Five [Crossed out] Six [Written above] fragments of, showing remains of a frieze of waterpots with water pouring out symmetrically from them. Drawing photo 65.
6337A (none) (none) (none) [A-E] 5 clay hollow pipes of Shulgi Measures(?) 2 sizes: 12-18qa(?) Common stamp of ^d.Shulgi cf. U.2881. (a) B (b) E (c) B (d) E (e) E Text: Dim-tab-ba Temple (2)
6337B (none) (none) B16525 [A-E] 5 clay hollow pipes of Shulgi Measures(?) 2 sizes: 12-18qa(?) Common stamp of ^d.Shulgi cf. U.2881. (a) B (b) E (c) B (d) E (e) E Text: Dim-tab-ba Temple (2)
6337C (none) (none) (none) [A-E] 5 clay hollow pipes of Shulgi Measures(?) 2 sizes: 12-18qa(?) Common stamp of ^d.Shulgi cf. U.2881. (a) B (b) E (c) B (d) E (e) E Text: Dim-tab-ba Temple (2)
7818A (none) (none) B17244 [A-D] Gate sockets (four). Inscription of Marduk-nadin-ahi. c. 1116-1101. HC.40
458A (none) (none) B15244 [A-D] Four gold pendants of thin gold on a core. Ring for suspension above: body arch-shaped with embossed ornament similar on both sides but that on one side the center of the rosette is inlaid with reddish paste. Below, 6 rings for suspension. Phil. A only [only one was sent to UPM] [drawing 1:1]
459A (none) (none) B15243 [A-D] Four brooches of gold and stone. Hollow circular setting of thin gold, the back plain except for a beaded edging, the front with a beading between 2 plain lines: inset in front, a large cat's eye. A ring for suspension above and two below, let into rim: projecting from the rim and fixed into it by gold-capped bronze pins, carnelians, six on each side. (two of these are in position: the remaining ones found loose, one of the cat's eyes was found in position: the others had fallen out). [drawing 1:1] 1 only A Phil. 2 sent to Baghdad (C and D)
459B (none) (none) (none) [A-D] Four brooches of gold and stone. Hollow circular setting of thin gold, the back plain except for a beaded edging, the front with a beading between 2 plain lines: inset in front, a large cat's eye. A ring for suspension above and two below, let into rim: projecting from the rim and fixed into it by gold-capped bronze pins, carnelians, six on each side. (two of these are in position: the remaining ones found loose, one of the cat's eyes was found in position: the others had fallen out). [Drawing 1:1] 1 only A Phil. 2 sent to Baghdad (B and D)
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