| 14188 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Seal impression. Inscription. HC.223. UET II: 322). |
 | 3338 | (none) | 1927,1003.43 | (none) | Clay cone of Warad-Sin. Fragment 2nd column. Restoration of E-temen-ni-gur. Cf. SAKI. P.212. c) H.C. |
 | 19 | (none) | 1935,0113.628 | (none) | Clay truncated cone. (broken). Inscribed on base and barrel.
[Annotation] Building inscription of Warad-Sin SAKI-212c.
Duplicates:U.334; U.753; U.700; U.878; U.751
[Annotation] Recording the king's building of E-temen-ni-gur-ru, for his life and that of his father Kudur-Mabug. (restores and completes a previously known insription) Placed in IN/No.3. Ur Texts I:R.I.131 |
 | 10104 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay Cone. Sumuilum - U.6955 - U.7777 (10 lines, second line ends in Su-Du -another |
 | 2919 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay label with Aramaic name. H.C. [drawing] |
 | 984B | (none) | (none) | (none) | Fragment of shaft of large cone. Parts of 21 lines. Unidentified. |
 | 7709 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Mace head. Fragment. Chalcedony? Quartzite? HC.11. |
 | 7708 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Brick. Of a Patesi of Lagash. Fragment. Handwritten. HC.9. |
 | 7712A | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet.
(A) contract. Long date of Ibi-Sin (new ??)
(B) Partial impression of seal of U(r-nigin-gur) (?) (cf. U.6342) many times repeated. HC.13. |
 | 7711 | (none) | (none) | B17225, B17225 | Clay cone. Ibi-Sin. Fragmentary. Prob = (the fragmentary) U.2576 but contains fuller text. HC.12. |
 | 7836B | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-U] Tablets. Principally contracts. [lettered on card in lower case Greek, transliterated in order written from a-s, skipping j]
(A) contract dated to 36th year of Rim-Sin. NB envelope marked alpha goes with this)
(B) multiplication table: 4 times.
(C) (fragment of envelope in lot U.7837 goes with this?)
(D) date: Rim-Sin 55.
(E) date apparently (a variety?) of Hammurabi (mu H)a-am-mu-ra-bi; (nu-u)h-ush-ni-shu- mu-un-ba-a(l)
(F) _
(G) contract beginning with 18 or more nom. prop. of witnesses. date = ?...
(H) Rim-Sin 36.
(I) _
[J] [Not assigned]
(K) _
(L) _
(M) _
(N) _
(O) _
(P) _
(Q) _
(R) same date as s.
(S) same date as r.
(T) Rim-Sin 12.
(U) others. with omega cf. U.7827p.p.p. HC.59 (seal impressions) (the copies restored from many impressions. When from cover, verification from inner tablet required) |
 | 526 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cone. Broken. Enscription of Ur-Engur concerning the canal of Ur. Duplicate of U.169.
Placed in IN/No 4 |
 | 7138 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Dated from Rim-Sin. Note of monthy borrowing to be returned ippa-al. Semitic. Seal: Dim-tab-ba, me- [drawing] su-il, su-ella ki-ag. |
 | 3031 | (none) | 1927,1003.4 | (none) | Door-socket of Bur-Sin. Blue stone. Same inscription U.295 (Photo 24) To Nin-gal, his lady Bur-Sin mighty hero king of Ur, king of the 4 regions of the world has built her beloved house, Gi(g)-par azag for his life he has dedicated. |
 | 250 | (none) | 1923,1110.14 | (none) | Fragment of alabaser vase or mace head. Inscribed with a dedication recording the fact that it was dedicated in E-Gis-Sir-Gal.
[Annotated] Joined to U.247. |
 | 74 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cone. Inscribed. Upper part. Lower part broken off in antiquity. [Annotated] Duplicate of U.4.
[Annotated] Ur Texts I: R.1.106
[Annotated] Placed in IN/No.5. |
 | 3109 | (none) | 1927,1003.38 | (none) | Cone of Libit-Ishtar. Fragment. Same inscription: U.4, U.74. SAKI p.204. |
 | 3191 | (none) | (none) | B16546 | Brick of Libit-Ishtar Fragment. Same inscription as on Cone (Cf. SAKI. P.204) probably shorter. Libit-Ishtar, the humble shephard of Nippur, the just husbandman of Ur, who takes an unceasing care for Eridu, the high priest of uruk? H.C. |
 | 3115 | (none) | 1927,1003.271 | (none) | Sinidinnam Brick (18 lines). Has mark [reference double crescent drawing] The mighty hero who takes care of Ur king of Larsa, who restores the rites of Ur of Eridu. Ga-nun-mah from ancient days the previous kings had restored . On the [word erased] of Nannar the sublime king the sanctuary ( ) For the life of... and for my life I did build. [drawing] |
 | 188 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cone.Fr of. Inscription: [Annotated] Probably of Kudur-Mabug, as it mentions buildings in honor of Nannar built "for his own life and for the life of Arad-Sin King of Larsa."
[Annotated] Records K-M's building of Ga-nun-mah in gratitude for victory granted by Nammar over the cities of Mashgan-Sabra and Kar-Shamash, and dedicated on behalf of K-M himself and his son Warad-Sin, King of Larsa.
[Annotated] Duplicated U.212, U.217, U.325, U.333, U.861-70, U.919
[Annotated] Placed in IN/No.3 |
 | 2617A | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cone. Arad-Sin. Fragment. Column I, 7-25. Restoration of E-temen-ni-il. |
 | 752 | (none) | 1923,1110.12 | (none) | Clay cone. 2 col inscription on base, damaged at bottom. Single column on shaft, nearly complete. Rim-Sin. Recording the king's building of a temple called E-eshbar-zida for the god Ninsianna. |
 | 1208 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Massive brick diorite gate-socket, with 8 lines, inscription of Kurigalzu. |
 | 1367 | (none) | (none) | B15322, B15322 | Sandstone gate socket of Kurigalzu, with inscription similar to that of U.1208, 9 lines. |
 | 3327 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Mud statuette. Broken. Standing figurine with clasped hands, long shawl of robe. Upper part above hands broken off off actually 12 1/2 by 7 cm.. Inscription on back: --Mu-ir-ru-um --mu-kin par-si The commandment? the keeper of the ordnances H.C. |