| 6739 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Weight of 20 manehs (8.08 kil) ? Material Its weigh, 20 ma-na, property (? Sa-al) of Tutu, son of Sa-ma-an-ni. Type V. H.C. B [drawing] |
 | 1262 | (none) | 1924,0920.250 | (none) | Baked clay cone, the apex missing, but inscription intact. 14 lines in one column inscription of: Sin-balatsu-ikbi, governor of Ur, recording his restoration of E-temen-ni-gur, in honor of the god Sin. R1 No. 183 |
 | 806 | (none) | 1923,1110.2 | (none) | Basalt hinge-stone. Inscribed with name, etc., of NABONIDUS. The fragments of the iron shoe of the door-post are still fixed in the stone. |
 | 6399 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: mu-lu-am-gal an-na endninni ba-hun (Ibi-Sin). H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 6369 | 47-29-258 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: Ibi-Sin king of Ur, has made for nannar, the throne of (his) divinity (H.C. Text: 9H.2) |
 | 6370 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Account of gold, silver, copper, bronze. Dated: Year after Ibi-sin king of Urp made for Nannar, the throne of his divinity. H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 6373 | 47-29-237 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: Ibi Sin king of Ur, for Nannar has made (the statue?): the divine leader of heaven H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 6368 | (none) | 1948,0423.107 | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt dated: for Ibisin king of Ur, Nannar the beloved of his heart has let the Euphrates rise. H.C. |
 | 6375 | 47-29-60 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated- Ibi-Sin king of Ur, (En)lil (king-) of the countries?. H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 6374 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: (Ibi-Sin) His splendor covers the land. H.C. Text: 9.h(2) |
 | 6372 | (none) | 1948,0423.133 | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: Unto Ibi-Sin, king of Ur, the Amorite tribes from the south in the ancient days unknown in the city, have submitted. H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 6700 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: When Ibi-Sin, the king, built the great walls of Niffer and Ur. Text 9H(2) |
 | 6701 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Year (of Ibi-Sin) after the great wall was built. The next after. H.C. text: 9H(2) |
 | 6377 | 47-29-199 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt. Dated: (Ibi-Sin) - Year when Susa? H.C. text: 9H(2) |
 | 6378 | 47-29-177 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Receipt: Ibi-Sin king of Ur, made for Innina (?) the harp (called) Ninigi-zidbarra. H.C. Text: 9H(2) |
 | 394 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Frag of tablet. Dated. 1st year of Sin-idi(nnam), king of Larsa. |
 | 566 | (none) | (none) | (none) | 67 Fragments of tablets found in various parts of TTB. Sumerian account class. (Below) Sumerian account class. |
 | 6322 | 52-30-56 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Dated: Tashrit, 22nd of Nergal-ushezib king of Babylon (BC 693) Decision of the scribe Suma in a question of debts - 3,1,1,1 maneh are attributed to four persons- 9 witnesses. |
 | 7144B | (none) | (none) | (none) | No catalog card exists for this object:
U.7070-U.7145 were duplicated with the duplicates assigned to tablets from Season 4 found in areas KP, EH, and possibly HT (Jacobsen AJA 57:128). The duplicates have been given the subletter A in this database while the original object from the catalog card retains the number without subletter (unless the original catalog card held multiple objects, in which case those are given appropriate subletters and the tablet takes the next in the sequence). |
 | 2736 | (none) | 1927,1003.3 | (none) | Door-socket of Ur-Engur. Text: To Innina, the great lady, his lady, Ur dEngur, the mighty heero, king of Ur, king of Sumer and Akkad, Es-bur her beloved house he has built. Es = shrine, house. Bur = pot, vase H.C. |
 | 286 | (none) | 1923,1110.16 | (none) | Fragment of limestone pot, from rim. Traces of long inscription showing long line on right-hand side. Placed in IN/No. 1. |
 | 918 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Small clay cone, base and side slightly damaged. Inscription of Ur-Engur recording his digging of a canal called ID-UN. Placed in IN/No. 4. |
 | 1634 | (none) | 1924,0920.247 | (none) | Baked clay cone(point broken) of Ur-Nammu, recording his digging of the canal called Nun, in honor of the Moon-god. Duplicate of U.918. |
 | 2521A | (none) | 1927,1003.22 | (none) | Clay cone. Canal inscription of UR-ENGUR. Yellow reddish clay, slightly baked. One complete and two fragments : For Nannar - his king - Ur-Engur - the valiant hero - king of Ur - king of Sumer and Akkad - the ID - NUN (grand canal) - his beloved canal - he has dug out. 11 lines. Ink drawing. |
 | 722 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Fragment of clay cone, badly broken. Ends of lines. Duplicate of U.169? Placed in IN/No. 2. Thrown out. |