| 461 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Gold earring. (Companion not found) Boat shaped with twisted ends and bands of granouillee work on body. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1] |
| 462 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Gold earring. (Companion not found) Boat shaped with coils round ends and triangles of granouillee work on the body. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1] |
| 464 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Gold earring (companion not found). Plain. Photo 45. [drawing 1:1] |
| 465 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Gold frame setting. For a stone, au jour: oval. Back plain: front has triangular holds bent over to hold stone: these and the rim decorated with granouillee work. Rings above and below for suspension. Photo no 45 [drawing 1:1] |
| 469 | (none) | 1923,1110.174 | (none) | Chain of beads. Long beads [drawing] thus, alternately of carnelian and lapis lazuli, uniform in size. 24 lapis and 23 carneliean, and 1 larger lapis, 1 large carnelian and 2 large agate beads: all had golden cap at each end of very thin gold (3 caps are missing) Found loose and strung together: but all were found close together and probably formed a single string. Photo no 45. |