BM Volume: 28     
BM Page Number: 255     
Media Title: Woolley's Catalog Cards     
Description: U2761     
Label: Card -- BM ID:194 Box:28 Page:255     
BM Archive Number: 194     

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Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
2761A (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
2761B (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
2761C (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
2761D (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
2761E (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
2761F (none) (none) B16676 Ur-Nammu Stela. Stone stele fragments. Fine limestone: six fragments, [following text is struck through] giving horizontal division of stele. Upper two bear lower part of skirt & two finely modelled feet & conventional river of Ea, seated on throne. Lower register divine headdress, spear (?) & tree. Whole of fine workmanship. Upper register fragg. A. & C.: lower B. [end strike-through] For details see following page. In text: Ur-Nammu Stela and Kassite period 4. (A) Division between registers, one foot of top register figure and top of tree in lower register. (B) do. With part of throne top register & god's headdress in lower. (C) 2nd foot & part of skirt & throne of top register fig. (D) part of throne top register. (E) Lower part of headdress of god (2nd reg.) & hair. (F) Rest of god from 2nd reg. seated on throne before conventional tree in pot into which king is pouring libation (this connects with U.3264A) 3rd reg. upper parts of 3 figg: minor deity introducing king who bears mason's tools supported behind by priest or slave.
  • 6 Objects